SMAS Facelift Recovery Photos

The first days after the SMAS Facelift, patients often experience weakness, severe pains are extremely rare. From 1 to 3 days a patient is in the clinic, under the supervision of a doctor.

The first days after surgery, the patient may have a fever, these days swelling and possible unpleasant sensations, most often in the area of postoperative sutures. Also, a normal phenomenon after a SMAS facelift is a temporary decrease in the sensitivity of the skin of the face and neck. This sensation may persist for several weeks after surgery.

The patient is recommended to comply with bed rest during the first 1-2 days, and in the following days to maintain minimal physical activity. In the event of severe pain, the patient needs to urgently consult his plastic surgeon.

SMAS Post-operative Recovery

Strictly forbidden to take any measures independently. Upon discharge from the clinic, the patient receives all necessary information about further visits of his doctor. As a rule, the first dressing is performed a day after the intervention.

The sutures are removed after 1-2 days in the fold in front of the ear, all other sutures are removed 10-14 days after SMAS facelift. The pressure bandage should be worn for a week after SMAS facelift surgery, it can cause discomfort, but you need to accept it.

After removing the bandage, you need to be prepared for the fact that the face will be swollen and bruises will be visible. In different patients, the severity of swelling and bruising is also different, because of the individual characteristics of the reaction of the skin and soft tissues of the face is different.

SMAS Facelift Recovery Is Substantially Longer

Swelling and bruising have no effect on the result of the facelift, it is only temporary postoperative phenomena. After 2-3 weeks, the appearance of the face is significantly improved, more often after 3 weeks patients are already at work.
You should take care of your face and hair very carefully, because your skin after a facelift will be susceptible to various injuries on one side, and on the other hand it is less sensitive.

Your plastic surgeon will give you recommendations that should be followed in the postoperative period. After SMAS facelift to avoid serious physical activities (including sex) during the first 2 weeks. Under the prohibition of alcohol intake in large doses, and it is desirable to minimize the number of cigarettes, if you smoke. It is forbidden to visit baths and saunas for several months after the operation.

Here you can see a gallery of photos of how the recovery after SMAS facelift.