Botox Face Lift
The term “Botox” in recent years has become common among the category of people who are accustomed to pay attention to their own appearance.
Botox is a drug, manufactured by the American corporation Allergan. Since the late 80’s, this preparation is used to combat diseases that are characterized by muscle spasms.
Application of botulinum toxin in cosmetology
Mimic wrinkles are folds that appear as a result of movements of facial facial muscles, when the muscles are straining. After a while, the folds during relaxation of the muscles simply do not straighten. And wrinkles appear. The most frequent places of their formation are the forehead, the corners of the eyes, the area between the eyebrows.
The active compound of Botox injections is the weakened, as well as the purified botulinum toxin.

Botox Crow’s Feet Injection Technique Before And After
Botox facelift means the introduction of the drug intramuscularly into the facial muscles. Therefore, the susceptibility of the muscles to the impulses of nerves stops temporarily. As a result, the muscle relaxes, it does not shrink anymore. As a result, the wrinkles created by it disappear. At the same time, the skill of a cosmetologist is to not immobilize the face during the procedure, i.e. not fully to make immovable muscles that affect the appearance of wrinkles.
The purpose of the Botox facelift is to remove the increased muscle tone without disturbing the natural facial expressions.
The botulinum toxin present in the composition can block neuromuscular ligaments for a time without compromising nerve and muscle fibers. In this case, the effect of the drug is characterized by reversibility. At the end of 4-6 months, there is a restoration of blocked neuromuscular connections.

Botox Face Pictures
Indication and preparation for the procedure
When a patient comes to a consultation, the cosmetologist gives an assessment of the level of expression, as well as the nature of the wrinkles.
In addition, the specialist draws attention to the role of facial muscles in the occurrence of these wrinkles, the state of the facial tissues.
Also, the doctor will determine the point of injection, as well as the necessary volumes. The preparatory period is very short and not complicated. For three days before the intervention should stop taking antibiotics, as well as drugs that prevent blood clotting.
These include Fenindion, Aspirin, Heparin, etc. In addition, the day before the procedure should not take alcohol. On the day of the Botox facelift, you do not need to exercise hard physical exercises and sports exercises.

Botox For Brow Lift
As in the situation with traditional injections, the skin is lubricated with a disinfectant. To insert Botox into the forehead or the area near the eyes, a very thin (0.3 mm) needle with a small length is required. The solution is injected into muscles, the activity of which must be reduced. The whole procedure lasts no more than five minutes. After the introduction of the drug, the skin is lubricated with an antiseptic, and also often cooled. In this case, the patient’s card is recorded information about the lot number of the Botox, its shelf life.
As for the painfulness of the procedure, it is low. You can carry out the operation without anesthetics. But still, most of the cosmetologists use local anesthesia by treating the skin with a special cream with an anesthetic. But even if you inject Botox around your eyes or on your forehead without anesthesia, then the sensations will be very similar to mosquito bites.

Botox For Cheek Lines
Cost of Botox facelift
It should be noted that the price of botox facelift is directly related to the amount of the product that is required to be administered to the patient. At the inspection stage, the doctor determines it and notifies the patient. Botox volume in a vessel is measured not as usual in grams, but in units of action.
Such widely accepted standards are the following amounts of drug administration:
Wrinkles of the upper lip area – 2-4 units;
Skin folds on the forehead in the horizontal plane – 4-15 units;
Lift the corners of the mouth with Botox – 4-6 units;
Fold between the eyebrows – 8-25 units;
The so-called “crow’s feet” – 8-16 units.
Visible results and contraindications
The period of relaxation of facial muscles is from 5 to 7 days. The greatest effectiveness of the funds is possible after a two-week period. But, as in other cases, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual organism. The current connection in some situations shows effect on the second day, and in other cases – only a month later. It should be noted that there is a percentage of people who are insensitive to the botulinum toxin. But this rare phenomenon occurs less than 1% of people. This is typical only for those people who tolerated botulism, and, in addition, underwent a course of treatment with substantial doses of Botox for medications.

Botox For Cheek Wrinkles Pic
It should be noted that after the first session botox facelift last up to 4-6 months. After this period, neuromuscular endings are restored after blocking with Botox. Therefore, as a result of contraction of muscle fibers, wrinkles appear again.
Therefore, to continue the effect, you should repeat the procedure in six months. After 3-5 sessions, the folds disappear for 10-12 months. And due to the weaning from the constant scowling of the eyes and eyebrows, wrinkles can disappear forever.
It is forbidden to correct wrinkles of mimic origin by botox:
- With inflammation in the points of injections;
- Before the onset of a 3-month period after surgical or plastic surgery on the face;
- In the presence of pronounced hernias in the eyelids, as well as gravitational ptosis of facial tissues;
- With infectious diseases and high temperature;
- In the case of a large degree of myopia;
- With allergy or high sensitivity to the drug;
- During pregnancy or breast-feeding;
- When taking antibiotics;
- After the intervention.

Botox For Crow’s Feet Pictures Before And After
It is forbidden after Botox facelift:
- Lie down or sleep until 4 o’clock;
- Day do not use drugs that affect blood clotting and do not take alcohol;
- 2 days do not tilt your head down for an extended period;
- 2 days do not touch the injection site;
- Do not exercise for 2 days;
- Do not visit saunas and baths, and do not allow the body to overheat in other ways.
Mary, 35 years old: During a visit to the cosmetologist, they talked to the doctor about wrinkles around the eyes and forehead. She said that you can try to introduce Botox, arguing it is painless and simple procedure.
The next time I decided on it. Indeed, after treatment with some kind of cream, I did not feel pain of injections. And the procedure lasted no more than 5-7 minutes. I was satisfied with the result. When the effect decreases, I’ll go again.
Sarah, 42 years old: I have a genetically high predisposition to wrinkles of mimic origin. Because I decided to go to a cosmetologist. The doctor gave me injections of Botox around the eyes and on the forehead.
The procedure lasted five minutes. The result surprised me. The face became completely different. I will definitely repeat Botox facelift.
Botox facelift or non-surgical facelift
Today, facial rejuvenation without surgery is one of the most popular beauty treatments in the United States and Europe. It is performed with the help of Botox injections, the effect of which makes this drug almost universal.
The procedure for facelift is called Botox facelift. Statistics show that only in 2005 Botox injections, which were done to rejuvenate the face, were introduced to about 3.3 million patients. Of course, Botox facelift gives only a temporary result, but its effectiveness as a drug for face rejuvenation makes it very popular.
Not the least role is played, the fact that Botox, the consequences of introducing it for the body are minimized, is a gentle preparation, that is, after Botox facelift, the recovery period is absent as such. Currently, facial rejuvenation without surgery, using Botox injections, can be put on a par with such a procedure as laser rejuvenation. Botulinum toxin is one of the most effective drugs used for express rejuvenation.

Botox For Neck Lift
The process of aging face
The tissues of the middle facial area, the periglacial zone, the eyebrows and forehead have the property of descending, which is an invariable component of the aging process of the skin, which is reflected in two thirds of the face.
The aging of the skin is reflected in the vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, the shift of the skin of the eyebrows closer to the upper eyelid, the downward shift of the external parts of the eyebrows, the formation of “crow’s feet” (wrinkles of the outer corner of the eyes), the skin of the upper part of the cheek and so on. All this is reflected in the appearance of a person who looks tired and sad.
No less characteristic are skin changes, as the amount of collagen and elastic fibers decreases over time. The aging process affects not only soft tissues that have the property of sagging.
The skin itself is aging. In particular, the subcutaneous fat of the zone of cheekbones, located under the skin, becomes thinner. And in the area of neck fat becomes larger. The face changes the volume. In youth, the face is like an egg, the narrow part of which is below. As you grow older, the “egg” turns over, resulting in a narrow part of it at the top.

Botox Injections Treatment Face Pictures
The effect of Botox facelift
Non-surgical facelift (Botox facelift), uses to achieve this goal, the primary mechanism of the drug, which consists in the temporary chemical local denervation of the necessary muscle. This leads to the fact that the muscle gets temporary paralysis, as a result of which there is a smoothing of the skin area located directly above the muscle. This effect also ensures smoothing of facial wrinkles.
If Botox is injected into those muscles that are responsible for lowering certain areas of the face, then the antagonistic muscles begin to activate. In other words, when suppressing the lowering muscles, the muscles that lift up are activated.
This provides a lifting or tightening tissues, due ptosis from the age-related changes. For example, if you correctly inject Botox into the muscles responsible for lowering the eyebrows, then the muscle responsible for raising the eyebrows is activated, which guarantees the raising of the eyebrow and forehead tissues that have fallen with age.

Botox Treatment Images
From all of the above, we conclude that Botox facelift allows you to achieve two effects at once: raise the facial tissues that have been sagged with age, and also smooth wrinkles.
Botox facelift is a procedure whose effectiveness is determined by age. The maximum effectiveness will be observed in people aged 30-45 years, that is, in those patients who have weak or moderate changes in skin condition.
Botox facelift takes from ten to fifteen minutes. During the procedure, the patient may be half-lying or sitting in a chair, depending on the procedure. Preliminary it is necessary to clean the skin, and also to treat it with the help of certain disinfectants.
After this, the doctor begins to mark the points, which are intended for injection. Botox will be injected into these points. The procedure is performed using an insulin disposable syringe.
After the procedure is completed, the place of injections is treated with an antiseptic. Botox facelift, as well as the procedure for introducing Botox into the lips is absolutely painless procedure, since the specialist uses microneedles, administering small amounts of Botox.
As we have already said, Botox facelift does not imply the presence of a recovery period. But experts recommend the patient to be in an upright position for three to four hours. It is advisable not to lift the gravity, not to bend down, not to strain the muscles subjected to the procedure. Massaging the injection site is prohibited within 24 hours!
In addition, the first two weeks are recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol, as well as visiting saunas, baths, solarium, applying hot compresses. That is, the patient should refrain from exposing the treated area to high temperatures, as this may reduce the effect.
As soon as these dates have passed, the restrictions are canceled. The effect of the Botox facelift can not be manifested immediately. But after one or two weeks you can already see a full-fledged result.
The effect of Botox facelift will be noticed not only by the patient, but also by the surrounding ones. The patient’s face acquires freshness and youth.
It has a correct shape (an inverted egg), and is characterized by an almost complete absence of wrinkles. A repeat procedure can be done one year after the first procedure, when the effect begins to weaken.