The procedure or technique required to “fix” 40 year old jowls is less involved than for 70.
Therefore minimally invasive techniques may suffice or delay, at least for some time, the need for a traditional facelift.
Minimally invasive techniques such as trans dermal skin tightening or laser liposuction or minilifts may provide adequate results. (James Wire, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)
Is 40 too young for a facelift?
The answer really depends on your physical exam. In cosmetic medicine, age is simply a number. What matters is a patients overall health and physical exam/skin quality.
If you have significant skin and muscle laxity, a facelift may be your best solution.
If you have loss of volume, fat grafting or filler may be your best bet. Regardless, when it comes to the incision, it is about quality, not quantity. A well placed full facelift incision can rejuvenate the face from eyebrow to bottom of the neck.

Before And After Jowls Surgery
Whereas, a poorly placed short scar lift, can rejuvenate the midcheek only and stand out like a soar thumb. Please ask to review your plastic surgeons before and after photos to see the quality of his work.
In plastic surgery, it is not the length of the incision that matters, but the placement of the incision that determines the final result.(Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
40 years old is the younger patient age limit that I would consider offering facelift surgery to. While in some patients around that age, this may still be the most appropriate surgery to consider, some of the simpler procedures that you might consider as an interim step might include chin augmentation or recontouring, or Sciton SkinTyte BBL treatments. (Michael R. Macdonald, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Is 40 too young for a face lift for sagging jowls?
No, 40’s not too ypoung for a Face Lift to lift sagging Jowls. Any face Lift must have these components to be effective im 20 plus year history of performing face Lifts: The underlying SMAS muscle layer must be dissected (not folded or lifted with sutures or threads as these become loose over time), trimmed and resutured back together in the lifted position.

How To Fix Sagging Jowls Without Surgery
Incisions must be placed around the contours of the ear so excess skin can be removed The cheeks must be properly shaped to give the face a natural, more youthful appearance.
There are minimal incision versions of Face Lifts that we perform that meet these criterea which is what’s most often selected by patients these days.
Shorter surgery time, quicker recovery with patients flying back all over the world at 3 days. The best of everything, IMHO. (Francis R. Palmer, III, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift surgery can be done at any age, but as is true for any desired surgery there should be a very good indication for the need for the surgery before you as a patient should decide to move forward with this decision.
This decision should be based on a frank and informative discussion with your physician. (Francis (Frank) William Rieger, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Men and women pursue facelift often for issues that they have no control over, like heredity. A lower facelift would help address jowling. Incision would be inconspicuous, hidden around the ear, and the effects are refreshing, rejuvenating, but not different.

Jowls And Double Chin
Thread lifts have not stood the test of time, unlike gold standard face lifting techniques, so this needs to be considered to choose the smartest solution. (Michele A. Shermak, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
While it is certainly possible to have a facelift or mini-facelift at the age of 40, without seeing a picture or feeling your face, it is hard to determine if surgery is even necessary. There are many answers to your question offering various short incision, minimal dissection facelifts.
Another possibility might simply be limited jowl liposuction and pre-jowl fat grafting to fill out the hollows around the jowls that make the jowl stick out visually.
I would recommend that you go see a board-certified Plastic Surgeon or Facial Plastic Surgeon to discuss your concerns about keeping in theme with minimal scarring.
Jowls At 40
All facelifting leaves a scar that depending on your ethnicity may not be as desirable as one might hope. (Manish H. Shah, MD, FACS, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
I have seen several patients in their 40’s that the jowls and neck become saggy in a way that a facelift could be of benefit. With that said, it is only a few. Most patients at 40 require midfacial procedures, laser skin resurfacing, botx and fillers as first line treatments for aging.
So the answer is to see a board certified plastic surgeon who can look at you and make some assesments that make sense. (Jay Calvert, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Best facelift for saggy jowls
I definitely believe that a limited incision lift, which has been given many different names and descriptions, would be highly effective in improving saggy jowls at the same time as keeping the incision practically indiscernible.
Jowls Cheeks
No, I do not think 40 is too young to have this procedure so long as the incision is individually designed to address your areas of concern. (Lawrence Kass, MD, Saint Petersburg Oculoplastic Surgeon)
You’ve hit the big 40 and your racing for the facelift! Yes, facelifts can be tailored these days to fit your needs and, yes, it may be the answer for you. On the other hand, it’s 2011 and there are so many other options out there for you.
I agree, the first step is accurate diagnosis. What’s different about your face that is leading to the severity of your jowls?
Find a provider who is adept at all aspects of rejuvenation and have a frank discussion on what each procedure will do for you exactly. (Hannah Vargas, MD, Kansas City Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Jowls Correction
From a chronologic age, 40 is on the younger side of patients seeking a Facelift. However, some patients do have the anatomic changes at this point which will be addressed by a Facelift. That having been said, a less invasive alternative known as Ulthera will provide some soft tissue tightening for patients who have mild or marginal changes.
It is not as comprehensive nor as effective as a Facelift, but a reasonable alternative due to the lack of downtime associated with the treatment. I would encourage any patient to evaluate all of the options, because it also reasonable to save your money and wait until the changes become more pronounced. (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Some patients would benefit from a facelift at 40, some not for many decades more
Jowls Face
There are a number of criteria that should be used to determine at what age you are a good candidate for a Facelift. Simply place your hands on the corners of your jaw and pull back.
If you like the results and are willing to put up with the healing, downtime and expense you ready. I place the incisions in natural creases and in front of the ear behind the rectangular cartilage called the tragus.
The type of Facelift ranges from simple SMAS (muscle) suspension to SMASectomy to a Deep Plane Facelift. The choice of Facelift depends on your anatomy and facial laxity. That would best be discussed with your doctor.
A well performed Facelift should look natural and incisions barely visible to the non trained eye. (Steven J. Pearlman, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Usually we use physical characteristics of aging as the criteria for facelift procedures and not age. There are plenty of 40 y/o that look 60 and vica versa. If you notice sagging of the jowls and or the neck, then you’re probably a facelift candidate.
Every facelift starts with an incision. The healing of the incision has to do with the way its closed by the surgeon and your healing. Even in the best circumstance, you will have some visible scar for at least one year but as time goes on this will fade and be almost unnoticeable. (Oleh Slupchynskyj, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
A sagging jawline (ie. jowls) can be improved by a variety of treatments including injectable fillers, noninvasive skin tightening treatments, mini facelift, and facelift.
Options For Correcting Loose Jowls
Injectable fillers and noninvasive skin tightening treatments may be appropriate if you have lesser signs of aging, desire minimal downtime, and are willing to accept much more modest improvement. If you have more advanced signs of aging and/or desire dramatic improvement, a mini facelift or facelift is suitable.
A modern facelift performed by a skilled surgeon typically heals very well with well concealed scars. Having a facelift at the age of forty can be appropriate for some. In summary, there are several options for rejuvenating the aging face.
Which option(s) is best for you depends on your individual goals, expectations, and condition. I would see an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for an evaluation. Warmest wishes, Larry Fan, MD. (Larry Fan, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Several Varying Jowl Lift Procedures
The best facelift at 40
A well designed facelift at 40 can level the aging curve, and produce a minimal scar. We favor a mini or vertical lift to smooth and reposition the jowl rather than suction the tissue, as the face thins with age and will look more youthful with the fullness repositioning allows. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Options for removal of Jowling include Facelift, Liposuction, or non-surgical
Jowls result from descent of the cheek fat. This fat hangs below the jawline and produced jowling, one of the earliest signs of facial aging. For severe jowling, only a facelift can restore the jawline and eliminate jowls.
This can be done with a short-scar technique that limits the visible scarring. In some cases, direct liposuction (or laser lipiosuction) of the jowls can be done to remove them. This can be done under local anesthesia with no scars.
The Jowl Lift You Can Do In Your Lunch Hour
For mild or early jowling, non-surgical treatments such as fillers to the cheeks and radiofrequency skin tightening may be an option. Speak to your board certified plastic surgeon about your jowl options. (Matthew Schulman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Best Facelift for Sagging Jowls
I don’t think that 40 years of age is too young for a facelift, but it depends on the “age” of your face and skin. Most patients at your age will opt for non-surgical treatment, but if you have loose skin, sun damage, smoking damage, and simply have a fair amount of skin laxity, then a facelift may be your best option.
In general, your best choice need to be highly individualized for your face. This would probably mean some kind of SMAS and skin tightening to tighten the jowl and jawline areas.
In general, scars from a facelift are very hidden, and can be individualized to be hidden behind your sideburns and hairline. (Roy Kim, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Short Scar Facelift
In patients with limited jowls or skin laxity, short scar Facelift can easily correct the problem. the scar is placed just at the ear lobe and continues on to the crease of the back of the ear.
The scar is very hard to see when performed correctly. In fact most face lift scars are hard to see when performed correctly so don’t worry so much about the length of the scar if it gets you the results you desire.
Because you are 40, I would think a short scar would be appropriate, Of course a full exam and discussion is needed before any decision is made. (Sheila Bond, MD, Montclair Plastic Surgeon)