Facelift Numbness Time

Numbness after a facelift is almost always temporary, as your nerves regenerate to accommodate the recent surgery. This time maybe anywhere from 3 to 6 months, occasionally longer.

Usually these changes however improve within the first few months.

In terms of swelling, your lymphatics and soft tissues need to reduce edema, and this may take several months.

Depending on what type of procedure you had, the swelling may last longer that a less invasive procedure.

I tell all my patients not to prejudge their result for 3-6 months to allow changes to resolve. this can be easier said than done.
(Kailash Narasimhan, MD, Sherman Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling, bruising and numbness are all typical post-operative symptoms for facelift surgery. Bruising can be quite severe and, in some cases, extend into the neck and chest. The best option for avoiding extensive bruising is good pre-operative care – avoiding blood thinners, eating and drinking well at home and perhaps even taking Arnica tablets for a few weeks prior to your procedure.

Cheek Numbness After Facelift Image

Cheek Numbness After Facelift Image

Once bruising has occurred, it typically resolves within 10 to 14 days after facelift surgery. Swelling, on the other hand, will take around 12 months in most patients to fully resolve; in most cases, however, patients can return to work within two to three weeks.

You will continue to see drastic improvements over the course of the first two to three months, moderate improvement between three and six months and more subtle changes in the months following.

Numbness is an unpleasant but common symptom after a facelift procedure due to nerves that have been severed during the rearrangement of the deeper structures.

Not every patient will experience numbness but, in those who do, it may take between three and 12 months to fully resolve. (Thomas Buonassisi, MD, Vancouver Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Numbness Recovery Photo

Facelift Numbness Recovery Photo

Numbness After Facelift Can Last For Months

Typically the swelling goes down significantly in 3 weeks . Numbness can take up to six months to resolve. If a certain nerve is bruised in surgery that it can take up even longer. Rarely the nerve going to the ear can get injured and numbness can be permanent. (Tanveer Janjua, MD, Bedminster Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Depending on how extensive your facelift was, swelling time can vary from 7 days to 6 weeks.

The numbness time can go on for up to a year but usually starts to resolve at 3 months postop. Adding fat injections can extend your swelling for up to 3 to 4 months. (Oleh Slupchynskyj, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

This is a difficult question to answer without knowing exactly what was done surgically. What levels were entered, what was sutured to what, which sutures were used, how far the flap was taken towards the lips etc.

I would say you should see significant improvement over the next few weeks from a swelling standpoint. See your surgeon for a more detailed plan to help reduce swelling. I often have patients eat a low sodium diet (less than 15oomg) as that has been shown to help.

Image Of Lower Facelift Numbness

Image Of Lower Facelift Numbness

Numbness can vary. It again depends on the depth of the lift. It is not uncommon for there to be skin and ear numbness for up to 3-4 months though. (Benjamin Caughlin, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Typically, a facelift recovery time is 6-8 weeks. During the initial period of healing expect some light pain, swelling, and minor bruising. Keeping your head elevated helps to reduce swelling. Be sure to communicate with your surgeon your concerns at your next follow up. (Henry Mentz, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling & Numbness After Facelift

Residual swelling and numbness is completely normal at 6 weeks. Swelling – major swelling should be gone within 6-8 weeks, with small areas remaining. At 3 months, the swelling should mostly be resolved, although you may have specific areas that remain swollen longer.

Numbness Around Ears After Facelift

Numbness Around Ears After Facelift

Note that areas that are lower (the jaw and around the mouth) take longer to resolve because of gravity. Numbness – numbness around the ear and face is normal after facelift and recovery varies. Most patients will be back to normal within 3-6 months, however for some patients it takes up to a year for all sensation to return.

This is related to the regrowth of small sensory nerves into the skin. (Jonathan Cabin, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It is not uncommon for patients to have numbness particularly right front of the ear for weeks if not a few months. Usually it starts to come back gradually. It’s not a total numbness but it’s definitely not a normal sensation. I just reassured my patients that it will all come back to normal and it always does. (Joseph M. Perlman, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Photo Of Facelift Surgery Numbness

How long after a facelift will I be swollen and numb

The numbness can last 6-12 months, and will gradually come back, starting at the cheek and working its way towards your ear. This is because the skin is lifted off the underlying nerve endings, which then need to grow back.

The swelling will last variably depending on the extent of your procedure. From what you describe, having some swelling at 6-weeks is within normal limits.

Most of the swelling should have settled down by now, but there will inevitably be some remaining swelling that will gradually disappear over the next few months.

If you have concerns, the best person to discuss it with is your plastic surgeon (Marc Pacifico, MD, FRCS(Plast), London Plastic Surgeon)

Picture Of Permanent Numbness After Facelift

FaceLift Post Op Recovery Expectations…

The post-operative period following a face and neck lift with fat grafting lasts several months. It can be divided into three stages. The initial phase is about two weeks and during this time swelling is at its maximum and will subside rapidly as sutures are removed.

Any bruising will resolve in this time as well. Following this a period of internal healing takes place which lasts two to three months. During this time, collagen forms and deep sutures reabsorb. Numbness caused by swollen nerves resolves during this time too.

The final stage of healing can last from three months to a year. During this time, scars remodel and turn from pink to white and contract. There may be some reabsorption of the fat grafts.

Scalp Numbness After Facelift

Swelling under the chin, which is usually the last to resolve, does so. The final contours become more clearly defined and the face is without swelling and looks natural. I’ve found that patients with thinner faces go through these stages more rapidly.

While you look great at two months, you will look even better as the weeks go by. Simple measures such as sleeping with your head elevated on two pillows and avoiding salty foods will help the swelling resolve more quickly. (David J. Lange, MD, Morristown Plastic Surgeon)

Duration of Swelling and numbness post facelift

It is normal to have numbness around the ears after a facelift. In most cases, normal sensation will return within 3 months. In some cases, it may take longer. Consult with your surgeon as he or she knows the scope of the procedure and the specifics about you. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Severe Pain, Numbness Or Immediate Swelling

How long for swelling and numbness afterward a facelift

Swelling and numbness are a normal postoperative sequel after facial surgery and will resolve over time. The majority of this should resolve within about three months postoperative ,but it can take up to 12 months for the numbness to improve. (Michael H. Wojtanowski, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Healing

On average most patients are presentable on one to two weeks.subtle swelling and residual numbness can last six to twelve months. (Greg Chernoff, MD, Indianapolis Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling, numbness time after a facelift

The swelling after a facelift is directly proportional primarily to the extent of the procedure, amongst other factors. Considering that you have had a lower facelift, neck lift with fat injections you could expect the swelling & the bruising to stay on for 2-3 weeks, even more.

The Skin Of The Face May Feel Numb And It Is Quite Usual After The Facelift

The swelling over the lower face persists for longer as it gravitates there over a period of time when the patient is ambulatory. The numbness on the other hand can last for 3-4 months following the surgery before the sensations returning to normal. (Sameer Karkhanis, MS, DNB, India Plastic Surgeon)

Post Op Numbness and swelling in facelift

Most of the healing including swelling, numbness will go away at 6 weeks and 90% around 6 months. But every thing depends on individual healing. Sometimes numbness can take more time and it is still normal. (Luis Pavajeau, MD, Colombia Plastic Surgeon)

Numbness Can Remain for 1 Year

Most patients are fine to get back into their usual activities by 2 weeks. The majority of the swelling and bruising should be over by that time. Numbness will take longer to improve and might still be present up to a year later.

Still Feel Tightness (numbness) Under Jaw (cheek) Area

Lumps and bumps that can be felt by the patient but usually not seen by others usually have resolved by the 3-month mark. Every patient is different, though, and the aggressiveness of the procedure needs to be taken into account when evaluating postoperative recovery time. (Louis C. Cutolo, Jr., MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from facelift

The recovery from facelift differs from patient to patient. Some patients heal fast, some slow. Patients who have a facelift will usually be “presentable” faster than patients who have multiple procedures with facelift such as eyelids, fat grafting and laser.

Generally, patients are “presentable” by one week and can fly considering no complications and healing normally. (Kevin Sadati, DO, Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Numbness May Last Months

Still Numb In The Neck And Jaw Area

Swelling, bruising, and numbness are the most common side effects following facelift surgery. The swelling and bruising typically peak about 1 week after the procedure and gradually resolve after that. At 2 weeks, most of my patients feel comfortable enough about their appearances to return to work, sometimes camouflaging any residual bruising with makeup.

Numbness that takes longer to dissipate is considered normal. In some cases, numbness can last several months to a year. As the numbness begins to go away, you may notice some itchiness. That also is a short-term side effect and is normal.

If you are concerned about your symptoms, you should feel comfortable contacting your provider for more information. (Thomas McNemar, MD, FACS, Stockton Plastic Surgeon)

Blood Vessels, Sensory Nerves, Lymphatics Need Time to Heal After Facelift

Numbness After Mini Facelift Photo

The face and head are some of the most vascular regions of the body, with extensive networks of blood vessels and other structures. Because of this, a timeline for healing after facelift surgery can be unpredictable.

You also didn’t specify the severity of your symptoms. It’s not uncommon to still experience some residual numbness at this point, especially around your incisions and cheeks. However, any extensive swelling or changes in sensation should be evaluated by your surgeon. (Marc DuPéré, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

It should resolve completely over time

Numbness around the ears is expected to occur after facelift surgery. The skin around the ears is completely elevated, which removes the sensory nerve input to the overlying skin and makes it feel numb.

Numbness Following Facelift Photo

The nerves must regrow, and they do so rather slowly, so be patient.. You will notice the area of numbness getting smaller and smaller until you regain full sensation. The nerve that supplies sensation to the ear, the Great Auricular Nerve, can be injured during a facelift.

Even if injured, you still should regain much of your sensation. It would be very unlikely that your surgeon injured the nerve on both sides. It is much more likely that you have normal numbness just from lifting the skin. Your sensation should be back to normal by 4-6 months. (Theda C. Kontis, MD, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Some numbness is not unusual but completely numbness of the ears is. There is a sensory nerve to the ear that can be injured, temporarily or permanently, when doing a face/neck lift. There can be associated electric type shock when touching or tapping the area of injury below the ear.

This can be annoying but usually not disabling although it depends on the nature of the injury. Most numbness will lessen over time. Discuss this with your surgeon. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)