Facelift Price Range

The cost of a facelift depends on the geographic location, the type of facelift needed, your surgeon’s credentials, his revision rate, and your surgeon’s experience and reputation.

Facelifts can range from $5500-$25000. Not all facelifts are the same and every person has a different facial anatomy and the approach for a facelift has to be individualized.

Many surgeons refer to a Facelift as only the lower part of the face, others include the brow and eyelids as part of their facelift. For example, we specialize in Natural Facial Plastic Procedures such as our Natural Facelift and Natural Necklift to provide patients with a natural appearance to their face after surgery.

Though our facelift costs are similar to others in our area, we provide and offer different types of lifts than they do.

Asking to look at before and after photos may give you an idea of the surgeon’s aesthetic judgement and how natural his or her facelift results are.

Average Cost Of A Facelift Is $7,048

Average Cost Of A Facelift Is $7,048

It’s a good idea to find 3 plastic surgeons who specialize in facial procedures and visit all three to see who connects with you the most. Picking the right surgeon the first time around is worth the cost of a well performed facelift. (Mike Majmundar, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The cost is dependent on the specific type of facelift procedure that is done, as well as other associated aesthetic procedures that are often done at the same time.

Some procedures can be done under mild sedation, while others are better performed under general anesthesia. This will affect the cost. The cost of a facelift also varies greatly between geographic areas. A reasonable price range would probably be between $7000 and $13,000.

If you have several consultations and you’re comparing prices, I recommend that you ensure that you are comparing apples to apples.

As a last word of advice, go with the plastic surgeon who you’re most comfortable with and not necessarily the lowest price. (Erik Miles, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Before Nad After Lower Facelift (1)

Before and After Lower Facelift (1)

Expect to hear a range from $7500-$15000

It will all depend on severity of your facial changes. No two facelifts are alike. Quality will always cost. Beware of cheap price. Cost also varies from region to region. I am giving you a range of cost in Dallas.

I will expect Seatle to be comparable. (Vasdev Rai, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Facial surgery costs

The term facelift can be tied to a very specific type or procedure or can represent a catch-all term for facial surgeries. Different facial surgery procedures can be done in isolation or as a combination of procedures and each procedure can help to address individualized concerns with the face.

The total cost of a facial surgery can vary immensely depending on what combination of procedures are considered. The range can be anywhere from 8,000 to 25,000 dollars. For example, a lower facelift can be combined with a neck lift, eyelid lifts (upper and lower), brow lift, mid face lift and fat grafting procedures.

Before Nad After Lower Facelift (2)

Before and After Lower Facelift (2)

Each of these can add time and costs to the procedure. Staying a night or two in the hospital will also contribute to the cost. Further there are some great non-surgical procedures such as laser resurfacing that can help further optimize your results and be added to your procedure in a staged fashion or at the time of surgery.

More important than the cost, however, is finding the right surgeon for you and help you assess your concerns and develop an appropriate surgical plan of care for you. (Young R. Cho, MD, PhD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Costs of a facelift

I often tell my clients that a full facelift or even a “lower facelift” can be life changing. The part that I play as the surgeon is only the tip of the iceberg. The postoperative facelift patient has a lighter bounce in their step and a more confident demeanor and attitude.

It is truly the only procedure that has this effect so predictably. Please don’t search out the cheapest or most expensive surgeon. You should go on at least 3 consultations and meet the actual surgeon and look at before and after photos.

Facelift Cost And Financing

You can even ask to speak to a previous patient if you’d like. The costs should run between $8000-$15000 dollars depending on what procedures you will need. (Nicolette Picerno, MD, Denver Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Cost of a Facelift in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I figured I’d update this question as it is very popular. Obviously there is a wide range of costs depending where you are in the world. In my City, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, a facelift can cost anywhere between 6000-12,000 depending on where you do it.

This is a typical cost in this area. I’ve also included an article discussing facelifts that I wrote and what to expect here in Ottawa. Dr James P. Bonaparte, MD, MSc, FRCSCOtolaryngology – Head and Neck SurgeryFacial Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryOttawa, Ontario, Canada. (James Bonaparte, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Ottawa Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Cost Picture

Price range can vary greatly by geographical location and whether it is done under GA and whether you stay in the surgical facility overnight. With a general anaesthetic and overnight stay, it can easily cost between 12k-18k in Toronto. Some practices charge upwards of 25K. (Asif Pirani, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Ultherapy procedure vs. facelift in Los Angeles

Not all facelifts are the same; and vary depending on the depth of surgery and pull. An alternative to a full facelift is the non surgical Ultherapy procedure. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

The Average Surgeon Fee for a Facelift is $6,607.00

If you are considering facelift surgery it is very important that you consult with plastic surgeons comprehensively trained in all types of facial cosmetic procedures. As you explore prices across the country you will find that the cost for different types of cosmetic procedures varies from one geographic location to the next.

Facelift Price Is Based On The Extent Of Treatment, The Geographic Location Of The Practice, And Many Other Factors

You will also find that it will vary from doctor to doctor. Additionally, there are several different types of facelift procedures. Some procedures are more invasive than others and take more time to perform. These procedures will cost more than a less invasive procedure that requires less time to perform.

Recent statistics published by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery report that the average surgeon fee for facelift is $6,607. This does not include a charge for using the facility nor does it include any associated anesthesia charges.

In general, you should expect to hear ranges between $6,000 and possibly upward to $20,000. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

For example if a 60 year old woman goes to an experienced face lift surgeon she may receive a shocking face lift estimate of $25-30k but this will include:

Facelift Surgeon’s Fee May Vary Based On Experience

  1. Brow lift
  2. Eyelid lift
  3. Facial fat grafting to multiple regions
  4. Deep plane face lift
  5. Neck lift with platysmaplasty

The same woman may go to one of the face lift Mills that advertise on TV and may get a price quote for $5k for a ‘face lift’.

This may seem like a great deal but when you break it down:

  1. Brow lift – not performed
  2. Eyelid lift – not performed
  3. Facial fat grafting – not performed
  4. Deep plane face lift – not performed (a mini lift performed instead)
  5. Neck lift with platysmaplasty – not performed.

(Sam Naficy, MD, FACS, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Facelifts can be less expensive at a University Medical Center

I practice in Manhattan, and Face lifts here can be extremely expensive. Since we do not have the overhead expenses as our colleagues do up on Park Avenue, we are able to offer face lifts at a much more affordable price.

How Much Lifestyle Lift Costs

Don’t be afraid to get 2nd and 3rd opinions, and I would not allow cost to be the only issue guiding your decision. After all, it’s your face and you should only trust it to an expert. (W. Matthew White, MD, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It’s very important to make sure everyone is speaking the same language. A facelift is a general term that might include a face lift, neck lift, browlift etc. Prices vary significantly depending on the geographic area and what exactly is meant by a facelift. (Joshua Korman, MD, Mountain View Plastic Surgeon)

Full face lift in NYC

The fees around the country vary and certainly in each region, doctors individual fees vary. Figure in NYC anywhere from 8-25K depending upon who you see. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Before And After Lower Facelift With Neck Lift (1)

Price of a Facelift

I always go to my patient consultations and try to give them alternatives that they can choose from in order to improve their looks.

The more you desire to look good, them the more options we need to add in order to meet your goal. Nevertheless, the most important thing to ask is how much experience the surgeon has and this will be the ultimate decision making part that you should do in order to achieve your goal.

Remember to ask for before and after pictures from your surgeon, how many complications they have had, how many years they have been doing facelifts, what is his average Facelift numbers per year. Have always your consultation with a board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon. (Gustavo A. Diaz, MD, Charlotte Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Before And After Lower Facelift With Neck Lift (2)

Cost of a lower facelift and full facelift

A lower facelift is a powerful and effective procedure to recontour the lower face, the jaw, and neck. During this procedure, the deep tissue of the neck is identified, the excess fat is treated, and this tissue is resuspended to be stronger tissue around the ear and skull.

When choosing a lower facelift, it is important to consider the experience of the surgeon and to only work with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has great deal of experience and facelift procedures, fat grafting techniques, and facial rejuvenation.

Such an expert will be able to describe a treatment plan that will best help meet your aesthetic needs.

The cost of a lower facelift package will include the surgeon’s fee, the facility fee, and the amount of time that it will take to complete your procedure.

Before And After Lower Facelift With Neck Lift (3)

Depending on the amount of work that is necessary, this may be done as an outpatient surgery. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift fees

When considering facial rejuvenation procedures, the doctors credentials and experience should be a paramount concern, followed by your rapport with the surgeon. Select a surgeon that explains answers to your questions thoroughly and with adequate explanations.

Fees should only be compared for like procedures, and between surgeons with the same experience level. Most patients who see me after a facelift who are disappointed shopped for price instead of an experienced surgeon, and they all regret it. (Patti A. Flint, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift cost in Beverly Hills vs New York City

The cost depends on your anatomy and your goals. The cost can vary widely. I can tell you that when I do Facelifts in NYC the cost is higher to the patient by several thousand dollars when compared to Beverly Hills simply because the NYC anesthesiologists that I use charge about double what the Beverly Hills Anesthesiologist charge and the operating rooms that I have used charge about 25-30% more in NYC. (Jason B. Diamond, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Cosmetic Surgery Should Be Viewed As An Investment In Yourself

Cost of Face Lift varies by region and definition of Face Lift

The first step is to determine what about your appearance you wish to change. Then see one or two surgeons and compare notes on the recommended procedures. I try to provide accurate quotes to my patients in a menu format and allow them to select the procedure(s) they wish to address their most dreaded problem areas.

However, it is common for a patient to say, “well since the lower lids are only $2,500, I’ll go ahead and do that, too.”, for example. Lower eyelid surgery is not included in our definition of “face lift”, but knowing the menu allows for educated selecting.

In the surgeon’s terms, “face lift” really indicates the jowels along the jaw line. My fee for this is less than a “Full Face / Neck Lift”, which I use to indicate to my office and OR staff and the patient that I will be making a longer incision into the hair line and working in the neck as well.

Rhytidectomy Costs Can Vary Widely

I use another term, “Submentoplasty” to tell the OR staff that we will be making a separate incision under the chin and utilitzing liposuction, etc. to contour the “submental” region. A patient might easily think that “face lift” includes all of these, when in reality, they have separate charges, which I frequently discount if being performed together, etc.

So in the end, it’s like shopping for a car; you simply need to figure out what you want, what you’re willing to spend, then find someone who can deliver the desired procedures for your price range.

Realize that the anesthesiologist and surgical facility also charge fees that factor into the total patient cost as well. Unfortunately, these are out of your surgeon’s control in many cases, but nonetheless must be passed on to the consumer–you.

You Don’t Necessarily Have To Pay A Colossal Sum

As long as you are satisfied with the results, you won’t regret spending the money, and the key to satisfaction is realistic expectations. Don’t bargain hunt for something of this magnitude. (David M. Mills, MD, FACS, Pensacola Oculoplastic Surgeon)

It depends on exactly what you want.

For most plastic surgeons, it depends on how much work they have to do. How much of a lift-a mini lift or a full lift. Will the cords in the neck be removed? Will you need a cheek lift as well? See what I mean.

See an experienced plastic or facial plastic surgeon and get a few opinions. It will be well worth the investment. Don’t be misled by infomercials with catchy names. It is your face. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Go for a few consultations: price of a facelift

There are many factors that go into this and it would be difficult to give you any ranges. It would kind of be similar to asking how much does a house cost? Most people think a face lift includes the forehead, upper and lower eyelids, cheeks, chin, ears, and neck as well as the skin.

In reality, these are all different and not necessarily included in the cost of a facelift. Some procedures may take as little as one and a half hours while others may take as long as 8 hours.

Depending on some of these factors, surgeons fees (excluding operating room, anesthesia, implants, meds, etc) would begin at 3000 but proceed up to 25000. This is not a very exact range and it is probably not very useful to you.

I would suggest you begin by going for a few consultations. You will learn alot. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Cost of a full face/ necklift

The cost of a full face and neck lift is determined by 3 components: these are surgeons fee, anesthesia physicians fee, and operating room fee. It is important to shop quality, not price since this is your face.

Look for a board-certified surgeon who performs lots of Natural appearing facelift procedures, board certifications, ratings reviews, testimonials, and most importantly their before and after photo gallery. For many examples and our Price list, please see the link below to our facelift Photo Gallery. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)