Facelift Techniques

Let’s look at the techniques of facelift. The most popular for today are:

– endoscopic;
– deep;
– S-shaped;
– on the middle part of the face;
– on the temporal region;
– in the neck area;
– using Aptos threads.

Details of each of the techniques of facelift will be discussed below.

Traditional facelift. Rhytidectomy

It is conducted mainly for patients older than 45 – 50 years old, is aimed at solving significant age changes and allows rejuvenating the appearance for 10 to 20 years. It is performed under general anesthesia or in a combination of local anesthesia and mild intravenous sedation.

The surgeon makes an incision in the zone along the temporal hairline, and then falls down in front of the ear lobe and encloses extends in the hairy part of the occipital region. Further, the skin exfoliates from the surrounding tissues (implication of detachment and muscle tissue), stretches, the excess is cut off, and finally the tissues are fixed in a new position and sewed together. The duration of rhytidectomy is 3-4 hours.

Aptos Thread Facelift Before And After

Aptos Thread Facelift Before And After

After the operation, the patient’s face is wrapped in sterile surgical bandages, which are removed after 1-2 days.
Sutures are usually removed after 10 days, traces of incisions are visible within 2-3 weeks.

Despite the high invasiveness, the location of the incisions in natural folds makes it possible to hide the traces of the operation from prying eyes, after 6-12 months the scars become completely invisible. Rhytidectomy provides long-lasting and simply stunning results! Even in 10-15 years you will look much younger than your peers!

SMAS facelift

Currently SMAS facelift is the most famous and most frequently performed technique. It is indicated by patients under 45 years of age, but can be performed at an older age.

SMAS is a muscular-aponeurotic system, it covers fat tissue and keeps the muscles of the face in a normal position.
The operation affecting the muscular tissue is called “SMAS facelift” and is one of the traditional types.

The development of the muscular complex guarantees a more pronounced and long lasting rejuvenating effect. During the operation, the incisions are performed both in front of the auricle and behind it, spreading in the scalp, then the superficial muscular-aponeurotic system is mobilized and sutured in a new position.

Deep Plane Facelift Photo After

Deep Plane Facelift Photo After

SMAS facelift lasts about 1.5 – 2.5 hours. Sutures inside the ear are removed on the 5th-7th day, behind the ears for 10-12 days. Scars become almost invisible after 2 months. Full recovery comes in 2-3 months. SMAS facelift allows to perform the most complete rejuvenation, practically at all levels! The results will be amazing for 10 – 15 years!

Deep facelift

Studies in the field of anatomy have shown that carrying out an operation on a single layer below SMAS, rather than over it, increases the duration of its results. Deep facelift is a relatively new technique and a kind of traditional technique. In the process of deep surgical intervention, the entire thickness of soft tissues is affected, which ensures natural and long-term results.

The main candidates for deep facelifts are elderly patients aged 55-60 years with gross age changes in the form of deep wrinkles, bags, folds and depressions. The procedure allows to achieve the highest effectiveness of eliminating pronounced age-related changes in the middle and lower parts of the face (cheek area, nasolabial folds, lower jaw, chin, neck).

Deep Plane Facelift Procedure Before Photo

Deep Plane Facelift Procedure Before Photo

This procedure is the best choice for smokers, since the large thickness of the complex of mobilized tissues allows to preserve microcirculation of tissues and promotes faster healing of wounds. Since deep layers are involved in the operation, there is a sufficiently high risk of injury to the motor branches of the facial nerve. The recovery period takes up to 2 months, after which it becomes possible to evaluate the final result of the operation. It is recommended that the course of special physiotherapeutic procedures to shorten the period of recovery. The effect of a deep facelift will please 10-15 years!

Endoscopic facelift

It is a minimally invasive surgical technique. It is performed using a probe with a video camera and special instruments through small incisions (up to 2 cm) in the scalp and oral cavity.

Endoscopic Facelift Images

The use of special equipment allows the surgeon to obtain an enlarged image of the tissues, thereby avoiding damage to the blood vessels and subcutaneous sensory nerves. Preservation of blood flow in the skin and tissues significantly reduces the severity of edema and reduces the likelihood of baldness.

Ideal candidates for endoscopic facelift are: young patients (from 30 to 40 years old) with the first stage of aging and pronounced changes in the upper and middle zone of the face; Men with thinning hair, who find it difficult to hide scars with hair and cosmetics; Patients with the need to re-tighten the upper and middle part of the face; Patients with deep horizontal wrinkles and glabellar line on the forehead; Patients with hanging or drooping eyebrows. Endoscopic facelift is performed under local anesthesia in conjunction with intravenous sedation.

Facelift Using Threads

Its duration is 2.5 – 3 hours. Sutures are removed after 8-10 days. The rehabilitation period is 9 to 14 days. Endoscopic facelift almost leaves scarring. In this case, the procedure helps to remove vertical, horizontal forehead wrinkles and glabellar line, eliminate the “crow’s feet”, and bags under the eyes, lift drooping eyebrows, align the contour and shape of the face.

Endoscopic facelift can be combined with blepharoplasty, lipofilling, neck lift. This is an ideal choice for young patients with problems in the upper and middle third of the face without significant skin excess, which makes it possible to dispense with the operation “with incisions.” This technique is not inferior to the results of an open facelift and allows you to achieve a beautiful and harmonious rejuvenation.

S Lift Facelift Surgery

MACS Facelift Technique Before And After

Technique of short scar is one form of mini facelift and modification SMAS facelift. The incision with this technique is performed in front of the auricle in the shape of “S”, with a rare exception, an additional incision is required in the temporal part of the scalp.

The absence of the incision behind the ear reduces the trauma of surgery, prevents the risk of damage to the facial nerve and reduces the risk of hair loss. Ideal candidates for S-facelift are patients aged 30 to 45 years who do not have severe flabbiness of the neck skin, which requires removal of excess skin. This technique allows to rejuvenate the middle and lower third of the face:

  • eliminate the jawls;
  • Remove the double chin;
  • eliminate the depressions in the cheeks and cheekbones;
  • Midface Lift Technique Photo After 5 Months

  • get rid of pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • remove a slight flabbiness of the skin of the neck.

The recovery period after S-facelift is much shorter than the “traditional”, most patients return to work in 7-10 days.

The patient is discharged from the clinic on the next day after the operation. For 5-7 days, a compression bandage should be worn. Swelling and bruising subside in 4-6 days.

In the first week there may be pain when chewing due to superimposed subcutaneous sutures, so at this time the food should be soft and semi-liquid. Usually, after a week, all the unpleasant sensations disappear. The procedure allows to achieve long-term natural rejuvenation results.

Mini Face Lift

This technique is similar to a rhytidectomy, however it affects only some areas (eg cheeks, neck and chin), and not the entire face. Recommended for patients who see the first signs of aging and want to slightly tighten the skin with minimal incisions.

S Lift Plastic Surgery Before And After

Performed through the s-shaped incision in the temple area in front of the ear, without going into the area behind the ear. This technique refers to modifications of SMAS facelift, but performed under local anesthesia. The operation lasts only 1-2 hours (instead of 3-4 in the classical version).

It provides excellent results, the mini face lift has a short recovery period (only 1 week) and minimizes the risk of swelling, bruises and bleeding. In addition, the price of the procedure is significantly lower than the classical facelift, which is an obvious additional advantage in choosing.

A mini facelift does not imply a serious surgical intervention, which eliminates the fear of appearing subsequently “unnatural”. If your age is 30 to 40 years and you want to remove minor sagging of the area of the cheekbones, middle and lower parts of the face with minimal incisions, this operation is the perfect choice for you.

Smas Facelift Male Photo

MACS Facelift

This is a surgical facelift aimed at eliminating sagging in the middle and lower parts of the face. Suitable for patients aged 40 to 55 years, who want to adjust the oval face, eliminate the “flews”, smooth the nasolabial folds, increase the tone of the tissues of the chin and neck area.

This technique is especially effective in young patients.

MACS is a modified technique of S-facelift and is limited to a minimal scar in front of the auricle. During the operation, a small amount of excess skin is removed and the fallen tissues are fixed in the vertical direction with the help of two or three sutures.

When applying the two purse-string sutures eliminated ptosis cervical area and cheeks. The third suture improves the cheekbones area, the lower eyelid area, the nasolabial fold and the middle face area.

Traditional Facelift Before And After

The duration of the operation is 2.5 hours. The recovery period is 2-3 weeks. Most patients return to work after 10 days. The procedure allows to preserve the natural appearance due to the vertical tension of the skin against the traditional lateral. The absence of incision behind the ear prevents the risk of damage to the facial nerve and reduces the risk of hair loss, which is very large under the classical technique.

A small area of skin detachment allows you to save power and blood circulation, which reduces the risk of swelling and bruising, which is extremely important for patients who smoke. MACS facelift does not lead to the removal of bags under the eyes, wrinkles in the eyes and forehead, therefore it is recommended to combine MACS facelift with blepharoplasty, forehead and eyebrow plastic surgery for obtaining a complex rejuvenation.

Vampire Facelift Technique

Midface lift

Mid facelift provides full rejuvenation in the lower eyelids, cheekbones and cheeks. It improves the area from the cheekbones down to the upper lip and slightly smoothes the nasolabial folds. This operation is suitable for young patients who do not yet need in rhytidectomy.

It is characterized by a short recovery period (after 1 week most patients go to work), weak postoperative edema and bruises and a lower cost of surgery. It is carried out by two different techniques. In traditional technology, access to the cheeks and lower eyelids is achieved by means of the incision under the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid. Sometimes, the surgeon makes an incision in the nasolabial fold. The procedure takes 1,5 – 2 hours and is performed under anesthesia.

Full Face Lift Before And After Photo

This technique is suitable for patients who need to pull up the skin, not horizontally and diagonally. Use of the second technique requires two endoscopic incisions in the hairy part of the temporal region.

Thus the surgeon has an opportunity to lift mimic muscles and a skin both on a vertical, and on a diagonal that allows to improve appearance of eyes, areas of cheekbones and brows. Regardless of the technique used, with the help of a mid-face lift, bags under the eyes, emptiness in the upper cheeks and prominent nasolabial folds can be corrected.

Bruises and swelling will subside in about three to four days. Scars and small edema at the outer corner of the eyebrows can be seen from 3 to 5 weeks, but the final result is usually visible not earlier than a few months after the operation. The guaranteed result is preserved for 7 to 10 years.

Temporal Facelift

Lower Face Neck Lift Surgery Before And After

Designed to eliminate age-related changes in the eyebrows area. It helps to raise the outer corners of the eyebrows, disorder crow’s feet, slightly lift the upper eyelids, malar fat and drooping cheeks tissue. During the eyebrow lift, small incisions are made in the temporal part of the scalp.

Vampire facelift

Vampire facelift is designed to eliminate age-related changes in the cervico-chin area. Vampire facelift is aimed at getting rid of the second chin and wrinkles in the neck area. Complex neck lift, if necessary, can include liposuction, cervicoplasty (removal of excess skin) and vampire facelift.

The procedure is often combined with facelift or supplemented with peeling, dermabrasion or laser skin polishing. It allows to correct the sagging and rejuvenation of the neck and jaw area.

In conjunction with the SMAS facelift is one of the best means to eliminate the serious age-related changes in the lower part of the face. The incisions are placed in the earlobe, behind the ear and in the chin crease. The edges of the superficial neck muscle, after removing excess fatty tissue, are sewn together. Scars under the chin are barely noticeable and completely disappear for 6 months. And the effect of the procedure will please you for many years.