Longevity of a mini facelift vs. a full facelift
Depending on the technique used, most mini facelifts should last about the same amount of time as a full facelift. Both surgeries are performed in a similar manner.
For a result that lasts, the muscle of the face should be re-suspended in a higher position. This should be done for both “minis” and “fulls.”In general, a mini facelift should last about 7-10 years on average, the same amount of time as a full facelift.The main difference between a “mini” and a “full” is the amount of surgery that needs to be done.
A “full” typically addresses the jowls of the face and sagging skin in the neck. A “mini” typically addresses just the jowl area along the jawline.
A few tips to making your facelift results last as long as possible:

A Facelift’s Longevity Depends On Several Factors, Including The Patient’s Skin And Age
- follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions carefully
- maintain good skin care after your surgery
- use sunscreen on a regular basis
- keep your weight stable (with minimal fluctuations up or down) with your decision. (Kyle T. Yamamoto, MD, Reno Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Longevity of mini facelift
Face lift reposition the structures under the skin to their right position, removs excess skin, repair seperated muscles.
The longivity depend on the technique used, and how fast we age. Each one of us ages differently and in different zones of the face.
In general, mini face lift results should last 8-10 years. in some people much less before they need a toutch up. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Mini Facelift longevity
I always explain to my patients that aging is not a steady process when it comes to skin elasticity and facial volume. Onset of menopause, weight swings and skin damage from sun exposure all are factors that can effect the appearance of your face both before and after a facelift affecting the longevity of your improved appearance.

Can The Mini-lifts Be Done In The Office
I have found that the majority of my patients who have returned for a secondary facelift come back to my office after 11 years (range 8 to 18 years). That certainly doesn’t mean that their facelift lasted for that long, and perhaps the 7 to 10 year average suggested by others is a more accurate estimate.
It’s my feeling that the quicker the procedure and recovery, the shorter lasting one should expect the result to be. Someone with good genetics and stronger bone structure will probably get a longer lasting outcome, someone with poor elasticity and a round face with poor bony structure (cheeks and jawline) will probably obtain a shorter lasting result. (Jon A. Perlman, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Mini facelift addresses the face
A minifacelift addresses the face and only helps the neck a little. A full face can address the temples and the neck in addition to the neck. After a mini you will continue to age and your neck or temple area may need some additional work in the future. The mini tends to last, the rest of the face continues to age. (Keith Denkler, MD, Marin Plastic Surgeon)

Do The Mini-lifts Last As Long As The Full Lift
Longevity depends on the Surgeon, the technique used, and the aging indications of the patient. Although everybody would prefer a “mini” lift, it is not always the appropriate procedure. Sometimes, this terminology is used as an alluring marketing term to play upon patients’ concerns.
When a patient has platysmal bands, skin laxity in the neck, jowls, etc., a mini facelift is clearly the right choice. Modifications can be made to the “lift” technique depending on the severity of the circumstances.
When the aging changes reach a specific point, a mini lift often provides mini results. (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)
SMAS Facelift lasts 7-10 years in general
Everything is relative and variable. All patients are of course different. On average though, I let my potential patients know that a mini facelift will last approximately 7-10 years. This is when the SMAS is treated.
How Long Should We Expect A Mini-lift To Last
As I am sure you have read, lifestyle is a large factor in healing and in the longevity of such a procedure. Returning to smoking (I insist all my facelift patients have quit smoking for 2-6 months before the procedure) will reduce its longevity.
Sun exposure, as I have stated in other answers, will age you. Extreme losses or gains in weight will affect a mini facelift. A patient’s age is also a factor. Lastly, I thoroughly believe that a patient’s attitude and spirit affects his or her health and longevity.
I believe it speeds healing as well as how long a procedure lasts. This is impossible to measure of course and is completely subjective, but a persons spirit and well-being do make a real difference. (Amiya Prasad, MD, New York Oculoplastic Surgeon)
Many Of The Mini Facelifts Can Be Performed In An Office Setting In An Hour Or Less
Well-executed Facelift benefits for life
Patients who have well executed facelifts will benefit from them for life. This does not mean that the features are frozen in time, just that the aging appearace is ratcheded back a decade or so.
Obviously, the initial magnitude of benefit will be dependent upon the surgeon, the technique, the quality of the patient’s skin, and other variables. Most “lesser” lifts are poor substitutes for a well-executed thorough operation. The vast majority of patients who have facelifts do so only once in their lives.
Too many repetitions yield unnatural unanimated faces. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Mini facelift
The definition of a mini facelift varies dramatically from surgeon to surgeon. It’s not a well defined term. Main general, better surgeons will tell you that mini facelifts produce mini results. So you don’t see much of a difference at all.
Mini Rhytidectomy Before And After
Its better to to look for the best before and afters you can find and go with the surgeon who can give you an elegant and substantial improvement while keeping you looking untouched and natural. (Ben Talei, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The technique used for mini facelift is the same as a full face lift. The SMAS should be done as in a full face lift. As for the longevity of a facelift, mini or full would depend on genetic factors and environmental factors.
The difference between a mini and full facelift is in a full facelift the neck is lifted while in a mini facelift it is not. So this would depend on your Plastic Surgeon. Seek a Board certified Plastic Surgeon, American Board of Plastic Surgery. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Patients Younger Than 60 Typically Have Longer-lasting Results
As long as the mini facelift is done with a SMAS flap or smasectomy technique, it should prove just as effective as a normal facelift. In this case there is little difference between a mini and a full facelift, only the fact that the neck is addressed with a separate incision under the chin with a full facelift. (John Michael Thomassen, MD, Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgeon)
As long as your surgeon is familiar with deep plane surgery and modern midface lifting techniques you will have a long lasting natural result. Should they be doing a “short flap” technique which relies on the “SMAS” then you will not have a long lasting result. Search the Internet for an experienced surgeon that does “only faces” and know deep plane techniques. (M. Sean Freeman, MD, Charlotte Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The Mini-lifts Primarily Deal With The Skin Only, And Because Of This, They Will Relax A Bit Sooner Than The Full Facelift, Which Is A Multiple Layer Lift
Facial rejuvenation by mini facelift if one of the most powerful tools we have as plastic surgeons. But there are a lot of factors that first determine the initial result then determine the longevity of the result.
Initially how ptotic and face is, especially the neck, and what the quality of the skin is like plays a significant role in the acute outcome. Often these factors are due to genetics, diet, weight, sun damage and skin care.
So these factors come into play again as you continue to age after the mini facelift.
If you maintain good health and diet as well as a good skin care routine you should not expect to need a revision for 7-10 years. (Christopher L. Hess, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)
Some surgeons say they last a lifetime. If you look at a…
Some surgeons say they last a lifetime. If you look at a patient that had a facelift years out and then were able to look at the same exact patient that didn’t have a facelift years out, the facelift patient would still have signs of improvement 10 or even 20 years out.
I tell my patients that it is difficult to predict how long a facelift will last because there are so many variables ( including: age of the patient, skin quality, technique, smoking and health history), but will most likely give good results for at least 5 -10 years. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Forever younger
A well performed mini facelift will firm muscles, contour fatty deposits, and lift and remove excess skin that is present at a certain point in time. This can take off a few years or many (usually 10-15) years depending on how much laxity and excess you have when it is performed.
Mini Facelift And Necklift
You will continue to age at your rate depending on various factors both intrinsic and extrinsic including genetics and hormone changes, medical conditions and medications, sun exposure, diet and lifestyle choices that affect weight and circulation and skin care.
Because skin is permanently removed, you will always be ahead of where you would have been if you had not done it. As with anything that ages, you will need ongoing maintenance though. (Stephen Fink, DO FAOCO, Newport Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Length of time a facelift lasts
Typically patients should expect a permanent affect from a mini facelift. The clock of aging will be reset and then restarted. Typically I tell my patients they should look good for ten years and may need a secondary lift at that time. (Philip Solomon, MD, FRCS, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Mini Facelift Require Minimal Time Away From Work
Facelifts turn back the clock but do not stop the clock. I typically tell patients that facelifts should last 7-10 years. (Leonard Lu, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
How long does a mini facelift last?
The longevity of the mini facelift depends upon a number of factors including a patients general overall health, genetics, environmental exposures, and the surgical technique utilized by the surgeon. However, with the right technique most people can expect a 10 year duration of improvement following surgery.
There is no procedure that stops aging from occurring, but the facelift patient will look on average 10 years younger than their biologic age. (Jacob Boeckmann, MD, San Clemente Facial Plastic Surgeon)
A well-performed mini facelift can significantly improve the appearance of facial aging. The question of longevity of results is not answered simply — because the results do not expire or wear off. However, the facelift does not stop the natural process of facial aging.
Even many years following a facelift, people look more youthful and rejuvenated than they would have looked had they never underwent a mini facelift. Certainly, the longevity of a well performed facelift is far greater than any improvement resulting from inject-able or energy-based non-surgical techniques.
That being said, certain factors influence the longevity of results. The most important categories of factors include technique employed by the surgeon, and the patient’s genetics, history, and behaviors. Techniques which incorporate the facial muscle layer are typically more long lasting than those that incorporate the facial skin alone.
Patients’ history of excessive sun exposure and/or tobacco use prior to a mini facelift and also subsequent to a facelift also influences the apparent longevity of results. (James M. Pearson, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)
What Is A Mini Facelift Before And After
Face Lift Forever
Typical face lift results last around 10-15 yrs. The factors that determine the longevity include patient specific anatomy, patient sun exposure/protection post op, the depth of the procedure performed, the size and length of the incision used, the type of sutures used and adjunct procedures such as fat transfer.
I add fat transfer to almost all of my facelift patients as it really makes a big difference and adds to the longevity in my experience. It is important to talk about all of this with your surgeon.
Unfortunately face lift is one of those procedures that really is dependent on how much you do. So the more pain the more gain holds true for this procedure in my opinion. (Benjamin Caughlin, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)
What Is A Mini Facelift Preop And Post Op
The best study on this was performed by my colleagues, Barry Jones and Steven Lo, who examined series of photographs before, 1-year and 5-years after mini facelift surgery.
They used photographic computer analysis software to see how key areas that were repositioned and lifted in a facelift stood the test of time. They found that in most facelifts, the 5-year post-surgery results still looked better than the pre-operative pictures of the patients.
From their study, we can therefore be confident that a facelift will last at least 5-years. However, most plastic surgeons would estimate around 7-years. Finally, don’t forget that a facelift resets the ageing clock, but does not stop it, so we continue to age even after a mini facelift. (Marc Pacifico, MD, FRCS(Plast), London Plastic Surgeon)
This is a difficult question to answer because of the many variables involved. For instance, what type of facelift is the patient having? A mini lift will offer a lesser degree of pull and therefore “last” for a shorter amount of time than a short-incision facelift, which in turn will offer a lesser degree of pull and therefore “last” a lesser amount of time than a long-incision facelift.
What Does A Mini Facelift Do Photos
A mini facelift is a great way to offer a fresh start to a patient, but another important factor to consider is that it cannot halt the aging process. From the point of surgery, each patient will continue to age in their own way based on lifestyle, genetics, any stressors they may experience in life – and even how diligently they follow their pre- and post-operative care.
The best way to make your mini facelift last as long as possible is to be kind to your body. Reduce stress. Drink water and eat healthy. You may also want to think about combination therapy to enhance results – i.e., a good skin-care regime, laser resurfacing, neuromodulators (Botox and Dysport) and dermal fillers. Finally, choosing a facial expert to perform your facelift is a must. Research and work with a surgeon who is board certified and an expert in his or her craft, and whose goals align with your objectives. (Thomas Buonassisi, MD, Vancouver Facial Plastic Surgeon)