How To Make A Facelift Last Longer?

A variety of factors effect how long a facelift lasts. These include: the type of procedure performed, the skill of the surgeon, the genetics of the patient, the amount of sun damage, and the patient’s lifestyle decisions such as cigarette smoking.

All of these factors impact the result of facelift procedures and their longevity. It’s important to realize that facelifts turn the clock back, but don’t stop the clock from ticking. Most surgeons will tell you that the procedure will generally last about ten years.

I feel that if a facelift makes you look 15 years younger, you should be back to your original starting point in approximately 15 years. Using this logic, more aggressive procedures will set the clock back further, and hence, tend to last longer.

Enhance With Injectables

Enhance With Injectables

A SMAS procedure is expected to have a greater impact than a mini-facelift and would therefore be expected to last longer. I feel that facial rejuvenation procedures should be tailored to the individual. The exact procedure utilized will depend upon the anatomic findings associated with the patient’s aging phenomena.

Additionally, I feel that the entire face should be evaluated since the face frequently ages as a unit. For these reasons, I feel that many patients benefit from eyelid surgery and endoscopic brow lift at the time of the facelift surgery.

I believe that early intervention impacts the longevity of the result. Younger patients typically have better skin tone than older patients; because of this, they are less prone to recurrent sag.

In other words, falling behind on the facial aging curve makes it more difficult to get caught up.

Facelift Is An Opportunity To Regain A Youthful Appearance That's Diminished Gradually Through The Years

Facelift Is An Opportunity To Regain A Youthful Appearance That’s Diminished Gradually Through The Years

In summary, how long a facelift lasts depends on a variety of factors. In most cases, it will last approximately ten years. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

How to make a facelift last longer?

A good facelift should have a remarkable difference for at least 10 years. Thereafter you will still look better than before but the aging process may once again rear its ugly face. There are three factors that determine how long a facelift lasts.

1) Genetics…..2) Surgical Technique…..3) Lifestyle. Each of these contributes in its own way to all individuals. You can choose a surgeon who has a proven technique for increasing the duration of results and you can alter your lifestyle to help maintain a long lasting result.

However there is not much you can do about the genetic problem. Choose a good surgeon and live right and then you can look great after a facelift for 10-15 years. Quit smoking, easy on the alcohol, and stay out of the sun.

How Can I Make My Facelift Last Longer

How Can I Make My Facelift Last Longer

I tighten the facial muscles and place permanent sutures where appropriate in order to help the result last longer. (Richard Galitz, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The Liftime of a Facelift Varies from Patient to Patient

A facelift is a procedure whereby the skin and sometimes the underlying tissue of the face is released from surrounding and underlying structures so that it can be pulled back and tightened.

It is this tightening that creates a better jaw line and a smoother neck and gives the results people are seeking when they ask for a facelift.

There are several different types of facelifts. A standard facelift that only involves the skin and underlying fat is different than a facelift that also tightens the underlying structures. You may need a facelift that tightens the muscles of the neck or removes excess fat in the neck region as well.

Maintenance And Enhancements During The Post-surgical Period Will Help The Facelift Results Last Even Longer

The length of time the facelift will last before it needs to be redone varies from individual to individual. An older person may require a revisional facelift in five to seven years.

A younger person may not need a revision for a longer period of time.(John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

If a facelift is done with a SMAS lift (and it should include a necklift) the patient will look about 10 years younger than her actual age. This more youthful look will persist and she will always look about 10 years younger than her peers of the same age. (Thomas Guillot, MD, Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon)

Facelifts provide a new “reset” point- their effects should be long lasting

“How long does a facelift last?” is a question I get asked a lot. After a face lift, your appearance can be thought of as having been brought to a new, more rejuvenated “reset” point.

Protect Against Sun Damage

Unfortunately, even after your surgery, gravity and further aging will continue. The effects of your facelift should last forever- as you continue to age you will do so from an improved new baseline and unquestionably look better at a later age than you would have had you had not undergone your facelift surgery. (Adam David Lowenstein, MD, FACS, Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon)

Patients vary in their rate of aging. After a facelift patients still age and depending upon their individual eating habits and physical activity facelifts can last for many years. A true facelift which includes a necklift using a SMAS advancement and plication will last the longest. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

In my opinion, the longest longevity is achieved with facelifts that address not only the skin, but more importantly the SMAS layer of tissue beneath the skin.

Protect The Results Of A Facelift

SMAS stands for superficial musculoaponeurotic system. This layer of tissue is responsible for the age related changes we see in the midface/neck/jaw. By raising this layer and repositioning it, a long-lasting facelift can be achieved.

I would expect the results of such a facelift to last 8-10 years. Of course, everyone is different. Sun-loving smokers may not experience such lasting effects. Gimmicky/fast-fix facelifts won’t last as long, and will likely cost you more in the longterm.

MACS facelifts, for example, don’t address the SMAS adequately. The new Vampire facelifts (injecting plasma) may improve one’s appearance temporarily, but the results are expected to last 2-3 years at most. At $5000-$10000 a session, this technique offers poor longevity at maximal prices.

I suggest you see a well known plastic surgeon in your area, and ask to see pictures of their results. Ask them how long their results last, and ask what kind of facelift they perform. (Asif Pirani, MD, FRCS(C), Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Rhytidectomy Is A Great Way To Rejuvenate Your Appearance

Facelift Should Last 4-20 years- with a lot of “buts” involved.

There are a ton of facelift surgical options, so this is a difficult question to answer. However, the length it lasts is highly variable, and depends on things you can control, and things you can’t control.

Things you can’t control include- your skin type and genetics, how your body responds to surgery, how much scar tissue your body generates, weight loss or gain in the past, your neck muscles and how active they are, and other factors.

Things you CAN control include- what shape your skin is in before surgery, taking care of your facelift right after surgery, taking care of your skin long-term after surgery, making sure you don’t gain or lose a lot of weight right after your facelift, avoiding sun damage after surgery, and even more fun-filled options.

Treat With Laser Resurfacing

So, sorry for the long-winded answer, but it’s difficult to tell any patient with certainty exactly how long a facelift will last. Rest assured that if you work with a great plastic surgeon, you will end up being thrilled with your facial rejuvenation, and great long-term care of your skin and face will help keep your improvement looking good! (Roy Kim, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

A Facelift Lasts Forever

I knew that would catch your attention but in many ways this is a true statement. The short answer is that a facelift turns back the hands of time but the biological aging clock keeps on ticking.

It is forever turned back however to a “younger time”. Say for example that you are an identical twin and you had the surgery but your twin did not – then you would always be the younger ones by so many years.

A Healthy Lifestyle Is Important

How fast the clock ticks is dependent on many factors including environmental such as smoking, and sun exposure, heredity and type or procedure and skill/experience of your surgeon. For the best results I would start with a board certified plastic surgeon with special expertise in face lifting. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Duration of a facelift

The longevity of a face lift depends on many factors including how you age, weight stability and smoke exposure. I think it’s reasonable to assume that you might need a touchup or non-invasive methods in about five years which would extend the lasting effects of the proedure. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

A Facelift lasts 7 to 10 years

Most facelifts these days are treated by tightening the SMAS layer. When they are performed in this manner they should last 7 – 10 years. However, there are instances where the facial skin may have lost elasticity and can result in shorter term results.

Protect Against Further Sun Damage

Facelifting procedures can be performed as neccessary, that is to say there isn’t a “limit” to the number of procedures one can have. These days, we find that patients with healthier skin seem to enjoy the results for a longer period of time. (Jon E. Mendelsohn, MD, Cincinnati Facial Plastic Surgeon)

If you get a good modern Facelift (not a mini or a lifestyle lift) it should last around 8 to 10 years. You will continue to age naturally. Finding a good Board Certified Plastic Surgeon is the key to having a great Facelift.

Look closely to their before and after pictures. This will help you to see what kind of results they can offer you! (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

The results of a well done facelift should last a lifetime, however from the time the facelift is done the aging process continues and therefore the effects of aging on a patients tissues will continue.

Treat Your Skin With Laser Skin Resurfacing

Several other factors also are important to the length of any persons results. Increased patients age, history of sun exposure, smoking history, history of large swings in weight will all decrease the elasticity and strength of a patients skin and shorten the time of results.

For best results be sure your surgery is done by a board certified Plastic Surgeon, one certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery and is done in an accredited facility.

Be sure your facelift would be lifting the deeper tissues (SMAS) and the skin. This gives a improved result. (Jeffrey M. Darrow, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Facelifts can rejuvenate the face for a long time

The length of the correction varies with the procedure and the patient. A Facelift will not have as long a result as a traditional face lift. Some patients depending on the skin type will not have as durable result.

Use Professional Skin-care Products

It is best to inform a patient that a standard Facelift lasts about 10 years. (Robert Mounsey, MD, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

How long to expect a facelift to last

A lot of this will depend on the patient. I tell patients they will always look better than if they didn’t have a facelift but their skin and soft tissue does continue to age.

A patient who has a facelift at a relatively younger skin and tissue age, without alot of excess skin and fat, and not much sun exposure should expect the lift to last at least 10 years.

A patient in their 70’s with a turkey gobbler deformity and lots of extra skin may need a tightening or refreshing lift in several years, especially if they have had a lot of sun exposure.


This is something to dioscuss with your plastic surgeon sop you know what to expect. (Steven Schuster, MD, FACS, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

This is the most common question I get asked by patients in my practice. It depends on the surgeon technique and experience, but it is really determined also by the amount of stress that the patient has in life.

We tend to age in blocks of 7-10 years. If we have added stress in our lives then we age faster (every 3-5 years). My perfect example is to look at the presidents: Look at them in their first term; then look at the poor soul that make it a second term.

They age more than the 8 chronological years that they had served. Smoking, drinking and sun damage aggravated this problem, but the main cause of aging in my experience is stress. I learned this way of seeing how we age from my mentor in Facial Plastic Surgery and is a reality.

Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

As surgeons we only reset the clock back to how our patient looked 10-20 years ago. The aging process continues the next minute after the surgery is done. (Gustavo A. Diaz, MD, Charlotte Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Good facelift will last a decade

Our experience, using the extended SMASplasty technique developed by Dr. Maas, provides patients with a 10 year duration of effect. This technique involves elevating the skin and subsequently the thick connective tissue under the skin and repositioning them in such a way as to restore youthful facial contour.

Variations of this technique have been described by many surgeons and we have found consistent duration and effective natural results using this strategy.

If you want longevity make sure the technique includes strategic management of the SMAS! (Corey S. Maas, MD, San Francisco Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Facelifts last longer with lower aged individuals

Injectable treatments can offer a nonsurgical way to maintain that look without another surgery

In general, a facelift can last seven to ten years. For those who want or need a facelift in their late 40’s the results typically last longer than the average since those individuals have greater elasticity and strength to their skin and supporting structures.

Those results can last 15 to 20 years. Once you reach the 50’s, typically your results will last about ten years. In your 60’s the results are closer to the average of 7 to 10 years. In your 70’s, I would only count on about 5 years.

Other factors that affect the longevity of a lift include rapid weight gains or loss, illness, stress, smoking and sun damage. Minimizing those variables can lead to a greater duration of improvement. Finally, the reason why some patients appear overpulled is to minimize the chance of relaxation and for about three years until the skin sufficiently relaxes, the improvement from a facelift lasts longer.

However, personally I would rather have some relaxation in my patients and avoid the overpulled or wind tunnel effect. (Scott Trimas, MD, Jacksonville Facial Plastic Surgeon)