Here you will find a list of prices for MACS facelift, performed by various surgeons. The prices are collected from the patients’ reviews from the realself website (
The facial rejuvenation technique MACS facelift was developed by the plastic surgeon Patrick Tonnard (Ghent, Belgium) and has been successfully used for more than 10 years by plastic surgeons around the world.
Plastic surgeons specializing in face rejuvenation have a number of facial lifting techniques, the combination of which allows to solve all the patient’s problems, taking into account his or her features, age and wishes. Possibility of using different techniques allows to achieve the best possible result in each particular case.
MACS facelift involves natural face rejuvenation, without major changes in the appearance of the patient and does not affect its facial features. The MACS facelift results are similar to the results of a classic SMAS facelift: with less trauma to soft tissues, minimizing cutaneous incisions and masking them in natural folds, the following results are achieved

A Smaller Incision And Thus A Quicker Recovery Process
- The middle and lower zones of the face are pulled up, the volume appears in the cheekbones, the nasolabial folds are smoothed out;
- The oval of the face improves, the “second chin” disappears;
- The contours of the neck improves (without additional neck plasty);
MACS facelift technique
MACS facelift is a worthy alternative to the traditional circular face lift, Smas plastic.
The peculiarity of this type of lifting lies in the fact that unlike the popular circular face plastics, during the MACS facelift not only the skin but also the muscles are pulled.
With MACS facelift, the facial musculature is affected, but not to a lesser extent than, for example, with Smas-lifting.
Procedure MACS facelift is carried out through a small incision along the tragus of the auricle. Further, the soft tissue of the face is separated and the aponeurosis is lifted. The muscular framework is supported by special seams applied there. The result of the operation appears immediately, however, swelling and bruising can persist for 7-14 days.

Mini Scars And Mini Recovery Period
Recovery period
The number of complications with MACS facelift is reduced in several times due to minor trauma of soft tissues. The recovery period after this procedure is short: after 2 weeks the patient can return to the usual way of life. It is recommended to avoid physical exertion during the first month.
MACS facelift cost:

The Macs Facelift Is Less Drastic Than The Classic SMAS Facelift