The best non invasive facelift option is a combination of skin care, skin tightening with lasres and fillers. Especially a volumizing filler like sculptra would be very helpful.
Liquid facelifts are very common these days and many fillers have been used to achieve that including Restylane, Juvederm Radiesse and Sculptra.
For sagging jowls, and loose neck skin, you could see some significant tightening with a laser that works from beneath the skin – such as smartlipo. For the upper face, fillers or sculptra can replenish some of the lost volume.
These would be smaller procedures than a facelift; but the results would not be as dramatic. (Christopher J. Peers, MD, South Bend Facial Plastic Surgeon)
How Can I Reduce My Jowls
In individuals with significant jowl formation and significant neck skin redundancy, there is NO GOOD alternative to a well performed facelift operation. However, when there is little jowls and mild neck skin redundancy, a few options are available.
- Jowls can be improved with filler injections into the pre-jowl depression, to make the jaw line straight.
- Chin implants can improve the neck line.
- Neck liposuction is a good option in patients with good skin tone.
- Fractional laser treatments can improve skin texture and tone. (Maurice M. Khosh, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
No alternative to lift for significant jawline and neck laxity
Although, when the jawline and neck have significant laxity or “sag”, there is no alternative to a face and neck lift to truly tighten this region. However, there are many things that can be done to help soften and rejuvenate your appearance.
Jowl Fat Reduction
Fat transfer, scultptra or fillers are a great way to fill the hollows of the face which can make a significant improvement in your appearance. Skin resurfacing with a chemical peel or laser peel can help rejuvenate the skin.
Finally, Botox can help soften the line and wrinkles of the upper face. (Amir M. Karam, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)
I’ll give you a handful of options but do not know if these are right for you – ReFirm, IPL, skin fillers, mini-lifts, etc. As you can see, if you are really looking for a solution, then you need to make a commitment to spend the time at a doctors office – maybe more than one so that you can experience true communication which can be the basis for your true happiness. (Michael Kulick, MD, DDS, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Reduce Jowls Without Surgery
Jowls and Loose Neck Skin: You may not want a facelift but it sounds like your best option
I am a big believer in minimally invasive treatments such as Botox, fillers, Intense Pulse light treatment, low energy Plasma Skin Regeneration, etc.
When the indications are correct, great results are obtained and patients are generally very pleased with their outcome.
However, I have to be honest: for jowls and loose neck skin, the only efficacious treatment is a Facelift. Patients who have indications for a Facelift, typically want a Facelift result. This will not be provided by minimally invasive treatments.
There are many reasons for not wanting to have surgery, some for legitimate concerns, others for perceived dangers. This is very understandable, but it doesn’t change the basic fact that a patient ultimately wants a result which is cosmetically acceptable and which appears appropriate for the amount of money spent.
Reducing Jowls On Face
Minimally invasive treatments are not necessarily cheap and will not give a patient the same level of satisfaction when the indications exceed the results possible with that treatment. (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)
If your facial skin is sagging due to age, genetics and possibly a harsh environment……your only option is some degree of facelifting……anything else will be stop-gap in nature and dissappointing…..and inevitably a waste of money.
Whenever someone recommends something as better than or preferrable to a facelift……make sure that they also do excellent face lifts and have the ability to do everything, and are just making a suggestion that is truly in your best interest not theirs. (Richard Galitz, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Reducing Jowls
While laser or chemical skin resurfacing can help superficially tighten and smoothen the skin, it won’t help to relieve jowls or improve lower face and neck.
Fillers are not the answer here either. Submental liposuction and a neck lift might help to better enhance jawline.
“Rosenthal Liquid Facelift”
An evaluation of your face and neck is the first step in the rejuvenation process (consultation). A loss of volume in the mid-face or cheek area, slight jowling, and deep naso-labial folds next the mouth can be effectively lifted and refreshed with Radiesse: a calcium based product in a gel, or Voluma: a cross linked Hyaluronic Acid.
If there is a loss of volume in the mouth resulting in contour alterations of the lips and vertical lines these areas can be sculpted with Juvederm; a Hyaluronic Acid that fills and draws water into the area.
Reducing Sagging Jowls
Upper facial (forehead) lines, wrinkles or imbalance is attended to with the selective placement of Botox. Skin tone and coloration may be improved with IPL; intense pulsed light and superb skin care products maintain a youthful skin glow.
If the neck is sagging do to muscle weakness and skin excess then a facelift is necessary. But if the issue is only excessive neck fat then these areas can be contoured with liposuction. (Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, MD, Fairfield Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift alternatives in a down market
In this time of economic downturn, there are many folks looking for an alternative to traditional facelifting for rejuvenation. Perhaps they can’t take the time off from work, or maybe they just don’t feel comfortable treating themselves to rejuvenation when so many people are in financial troubled waters, but whatever the reason, it is good to know that facelift alternatives exist, and they work! I’d have you consider medical skin care in concert with chemical resurfacing (a deep chemical peel), or laser resurfacing, plus injectables.
Injectables inlude Botox, Dysport, Restylane, Perlane, Radiesse, Sculptra, and especially liposculpture (fat transfer). Liposculpture takes your own fat from one part of your body and puts it back into your face with relatively amazing results that last! Another way to combat jowl formation is with a special chin implant called a prejowl implant, so this is another item to consider.
Submental liposuction and neck muscle tightening also needs to be on you list of facelift alternatives. So, talk to an experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in facial rejuvenation to discuss all these exciting (and effective) options! (Randolph Capone, MD, FACS, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)
If an individual has truly sagging cheeks and jowls and a similar hanging, sagging “turkey gobbler” neck, then a well done face and neck lift is the most effective treatment. One that will last six to ten years. (Fred Suess, MD (retired), San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
What Are Droopy Jowls Photos
A familar situation that recurs in my practice is the confusion over what a facelift actually achieves. From a plastic surgeon perspective, this usually means operating to achieve improvments in the lower face and jawline regions.
From a patient perspective, they tend to believe it treats all aspects of the head & neck. For example they believe a facelift includes a forehead lift, upper eyelids, lower eyelids, cheeks, areas around the mouth, jawline, chin, and neck. many also believe this should include treating the skin.
Of course, each of these areas can be addressed but it inlvolves MUCH more than just a facelift. Depending on what you want treated each of these areas can be treated using different techniques which include a variety of non-surgical modalities.
It would be best to specifically identify which areas concern so that those options can be reviewed in greater detail. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Some lasers will modestly tighten the skin, but there is no real way to correct jowling or a sagging neck without surgery. Botox can be injected to relax platysmal bands (bands in the neck skin).
Fillers can modestly lift the cheeks; For jowls and sagging skin, though, surgery is by far the best. (Jason Hess, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Unfortunately, a face lift is the only way to correct moderate facial skin laxity, jowls, and loose neck skin. Nonsurgical face lift options do exist, but none are as powerful or provide the same results as a face lift.
Jowl Reduction Botox
Younger patients with only the beginnings of jowls and crepe-like neck skin may benefit from dermal fillers, laser treatments, or even facial fat grafting in select patients. I caution you against using a plastic surgeon that offers the latest gimmick or fad; thus, it is important to be evaluated by a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery that is comfortable with both surgical and non surgical face lift options and can evaluate your needs truthfully and realistically.
Alternatives to facelifts are advertised daily with new technologis associated, however, the short answer is that there is no replacement for a facelift. It is also true that a facelift is not the right thing for everyone looking for facial rejuvenation.
For patients looking to address your main concerns, jowls and excess neck skin, a true facelift has no competition as far as ability to correct and achieve desired goals.
If the loose neck skin is not deflated skin and there is abundant healthy fatty tissue beneath it, I am able to achieve nice results using liposuction combined with ultrasonic energy and transcutaneous infrared energy.
At times jowling can be addressed in a similar manner. The most impressive facelift replacement in my hands is structural fat grafting. Using a simple technique I keep the naturally present stem cells and growth factors with the fat and use my aesthetic and craniofacial expertise to rescuplt the face to the shapes and patterns of youth and beauty.
For patients with physical findings that would justify a facelift with excellent skin quality, this intervention can create the impression of a 10+ year rejuvenation.