The ONE HOUR Facelift is really a marketing term for a limited skin only lift. Other marketing terms for the same or similar facelift procedures are Liftstyle Lift, QuickLift and S Lift to name a few.
All of these procedures are quick, do not have good longevity for the results and are designed for those individuals that are hoping to get to best for less. You are always best to get a few opinions before deciding upon a surgeon and almost always, if you are truly looking for value, you will chose a surgeon who has a comprehensive approach. (Brian Windle, MD, Kirkland Plastic Surgeon)
A “one-hour-facelift” is a marketing tool, a scam, and a rip-off! You have one face and you present it to the world. Why would anyone want a quick, rushed surgery?
The results will not last, and the patient usually ends up with more problems (scarring, distorted ears, mouth, face, etc.) than they began with. It is imperative that the patient be an educated consumer. Consult with a board certified facial plastic / plastic surgeon. (James Shire, MD, Chattanooga Facial Plastic Surgeon)
A New, Hour-long Procedure Called A Thread Lift
Waste of money
In my opinion an ultra mini face lift, with a skin only pool, does not yield the results you will want. The skin will stretch very fast and the results lost. To avoid a skin only face lift, you will need internal work.
That will also give you a more natural, longest lasting result. (Luis A. Vinas, MD, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
A one hour facelift is touted by some to have equivalent results as a traditional facelift. I disagree. Using sutures which are passed under the skin while undergoing sedation may have some benefit, Adamson et al showed that only a deep plane facelift has a 7 year improvement in facial jowling and midface descent. (Jose E. Barrera, MD, FACS, San Antonio Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift Marketing Can Lose Focus
Marketing a one hour facelift misses the point that the best result is the most important factor to consider. I feel confident saying that a true one hour facelift is not a good facelift. While some facelifts can be performed in a couple of hours, each patient is unique and the proper time and attention should be paid to achieving the best possible result. (John K. Wakelin III, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
A One-hour Alternative To Surgery
A One-hour facelift? A mini procedure is likely to be a mini-result
There are many techniques for facelift. The Skin and Muscle (SMAS) deep facelift is the classic one – Dr. B. Connell’s technique – with great long-lasting results (average 8-12 years). Yet, the downtime is significant.
Any smaller version of technique will have less-lasting results, perhaps also with lesser scar and a lesser cost. The lesser procedure might be the right technique for you, that being said, as many of my patients desire less down-time post-surgery… acknowledging that the results might be lasting closer to 5 years… It is all about good communication and expectations, and having a board-certified plastic surgeon performing your procedure. (Marc DuPéré, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Less is not always more. For a facelift patient to be able to be done in one hour, the surgery would have to be minimal. Minimal surgery tends to mean minimal results and short term gain. (David W. Kim, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift Can Turn The Clock Back
There is advertising driven procedure names (aka gimic surgery) and there are real treatment plans. Please visit with a board certified plastic surgeon to really learn more about your options. (C. Bob Basu, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Marketing terms and a facelift
It used to be that advertising in plastic surgery, or medicine in general, was not the norm.
Now of days, there are so many “cosmetic” surgeons who have approached these procedures without formal plastic surgery training, that they tend to use marketing, advertising and catchy names to try to promote business.
The length of time that a procedure takes is dependent on a frank and honest discussion with your plastic surgeon about your goals and expectations. Don’t get fooled by a fancy ad, but make sure you discuss your complaints with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Jason Brett Lichten, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
Any surgical procedure that has a time constraint attached to it should be viewed with suspicion. When having a facelift, or any rejuvenative procedure the major factor should be that the outcome should be safe, natural-looking, and durable.
Facelift In Just An Hour
Patients are often misled by catchy marketing campaigns that minimize the risks and paint a rosy picture of the results – thse are often very misleading. You should always shop around to find the surgeon that you are most comfortable with, that is board-certified in Plastic Surgery or Otolaryngology, and is able to show you his/ her results. (Wilfred Brown, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Like everything else in life, if something in plastic surgery sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You present your face to the public every day, so beware of quick fixes. Most plastic surgeons address the layer beneath the skin when performing a facelift today.
This leads to greater longjevity of your procedure, and less wide scarring that has been associated with a skin-only facelift. There is essentially no one hour surgery of the face that will prove to be a good long term investment.
Facelift Procedure Can Last 5 To 10 Years And It Only Takes An Hour
Beware of marketing that over-promises and under-delivers. Seek an experienced boarded plastic surgeon. A personal referral is far more valuable than all of the savvy advertising these days. (Jason Hess, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Heavy on the Marketing, Light on the Results
From the day I began my plastic surgery training, I became a student of the facelift technique. I wanted to know every technique, why it worked, and how it worked. I frequently read, studied, and observed the top experts in the field of facelift surgery and was amazed how they perform these procedures with ease.
I have observed some of the busiest and most prominent surgeons in plastic surgery and I can personally tell you none of these top surgeons do a one hour facelift Matter of fact, rarely do they perform a 2 hour facelift.
Most experts take 2.5 – 4 hours to perform this procedure well. This is a delicate visible area of the body that I urge each patient to research their surgeon and their results heavily. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
One hour facelift AKA Minilift
Minilifts are a great option for a select number of patients. Early signs of aging like mild jowling, early deepening of the facial creases. You must also inquire about what is being performed surgically; is the muscle layer (SMAS) being addressed.
Any facelift performed without addressing the SMAS is not a true lift and a waste. Patients must also be aware that the results are going to be more subtle than other lifts. This is because they have not aged much, so if there was relatively little to fix, then there was little to improve.
Facial Filler Before And After Pictures
An often hidden benefit is that this will curb the rate at which these changes redevelop. Incidentally, a minilift can be technically performed in approximately an hour and address the SMAS, but why would you want your surgeon to hurry?. (Edmon Pierre Khoury, MD, Lone Tree Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Simply put, a gimic
As other surgeons have replied, anything that takes such a short period of time will not last long. These types of procedures are not really a “facelift”, and actually devalue the true procedure, as patients who have such limited procedures still think they had the real thing.
Limited / short procedures are short lived, and do not give the same results as a true facelift. Although there are many versions of “true” facelifts – these procedures are all extensive, and will address the individual’s particular aspects of aging.
Hour Lift To Remove Wrinkles
Modern facelifts should last 8 to 12 years, while these mini lifts typically last 1 to 2 years. Be sure to ask how long the procedure results are expected to last before signing up. (Michael A. Bogdan, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
So there are many gimmicks out there for facelift. Some of them honestly do make mild improvements but none will rival the traditional facelift in the sense of results. That being said a traditional facelift has significant downtime and recovery time.
Patients now-a-days are demanding quicker procedures with less downtime. So we are working to meet these needs.
In my hands, someone who wants a quick improvement with minimal downtime I discuss fat transfer. There is significant improvement (still not the same as a facelift), but it is solid.
Look 10 Years Younger In 1 Hour
And the results can be long livedAs for the “one hour facelift” you refer to we would need more information. Could be a suture lift, could be vampire lift, could be skin only incision. Some of these work for the right patients.
I recommend many seeing a few reputable doctors and looking into your options. (Benjamin Caughlin, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The 1 hour facelift
Most “quick fix” facelift offers, such as a facelift that only takes 1 hour, aren’t going to be long lasting. It’s impossible to say what that one hour involves, but my guess is that a little bit of skin is elevated, pulled upward and sutured.
A skin-only facelift will last only about 6 months to a year. That is because skin is very elastic and will stretch. A true facelift involves tightening of the deeper layer, called the “SMAS” layer. This allows for long-lasting results.
One Hour Facelift Before And After Before And After
That procedure typically takes around 4-6 hours. Make sure you talk with your surgeon to be educated on what exactly he/she plans to do for your “facelift.”(Ross Blagg, MD, Austin Physician)
As swith anything in life, If it sounds too good to be true then be skeptical. Seek a consultation with a Board-certified plastic surgeon to get a recommendation for what procedure(s) will yield the best results for you.
There are no quick – fixes . This is a marketing beware. (Michael H. Wojtanowski, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)
There are a tremendous number of trademarked terms out there for minimally-invasive (and minimally effective) procedures that promise to lift the sagging and aging tissues of the face. And many of them promise that they can be done in “1 hour” or during your “lunch hour”
One Hour Facelift Procedure Images
Most plastic surgeons would agree that there are many ways to perform a facelift, but that none of them could possibly be done with an acceptable level of safety or efficacy in just an hour.
Calling it a “one-hour facelift” is misleading and wrong.(Alyson Wells, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
One hour facelift is a marketing term. My adage is Lifestyle Lift, Quick Lift, Wallet Lift. Something that is too good to be true is too good to be true. Minimal procedures will produce minimal results. Avoid trademarked procedures. (Joseph L. Kiener, MD, FACS, Reno Plastic Surgeon)
A “one hour facelift” is purely a marketing term. Usually a “one hour facelift” gives you only a one hour result. Nobody can do a facelift in one hour and do it well and with any degree of accuracy or predictable results! (Michael E. Kelly, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
One Hour Miracle Face Lift Pictures
Minimal invasive one hour facelift
For a facelift to be done in one hour, comparing to the traditional facelift, you are efficiently minimizing certain steps. It is certainly not a one size fits all approach. Depending on the speed of the surgeon, a mini-facelift, or short scar/short flap facelift can be achieved in one hour with good assistant helping.
Thread lifting which utilizes “threads” to lift tissue can also be done expeditiously. Liquid facelift which uses botox and fillers to re-volumize the face and restores youthful facial contour and can be done in an hour.
Energy based modalities such as using Ultrasound or Coolsculpting to reduce fatty tissue in regions of the face and give the appearance of a facelift can be done in an hour. There are many others… My point is: every treatment plan is individualized and it should be. (Johnny Mao, MD, FACS, Orange Facial Plastic Surgeon)
One Hour Non Surgical Facelift Photo
There are as many marketing campaigns for facelift as can be imagined. There is no technique in plastic surgery defined by its operative time. I would be weary of advertising such as this; a facelift is among the most complex operations in cosmetic surgery and the time of the operation should be last among the priorities. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
A one hour facelift will give you a one hour result. There are no shortcuts when it comes to facial surgery. (Andres Bustillo, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)
There are many different techniques and types of facelifts. What areas concern a patient all differ and facial features can decipher the technique or type of facelift that would be chosen. When you are working with a patients face you want to take your time and make sure the results are desirable.
The Hour Lift Before And After
Never choose time over quality. For good quality results you want your surgeon to be comfortable and take their time. Consulting with a board certified plastic surgeon will clear up your concerns. (Timothy Treece, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
Good work takes time, patience, dedication. Without any specific description I am unable to comment on this particular procedure. However a standard facelift takes about 3 hours performed by an expert who is skilled in their craft.
One should not be fooled into thinking they can get a better, more lasting, or more comprehensive treatment in 1/3 the time. It is just not reasonably likely. More than likely it is a minimal rejuvenative technique which may have some limited improvement for a limited duration of time.
It is best to get several opinions from experts in the field and see what procedure is best suited for your needs. (Gilbert Lee, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
The Hour Lift Or Mini-facelift Now Most Popular Cosmetic Procedure
They may be talking about a non-surgical facelift which can be a good thing in the right candidate. If they are talking about surgery….. If it sounds too good to be true (and this does for a surgery), then it probably is. (Sheila S. Nazarian, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
A one hour facelift – please approach with caution
A one hour facelift should not be considered a surgical procedure, or categorised with facelifts. This term simply means that the procedure will be quick and completed in one hour. I would caution you against these types of offers as a genuine facelift usually requires at least double this amount of time.
I would advise you to ask the surgeon exactly what he is offering before you make this decision. Some clinics may use this term as a marketing tool which can be confusing. (Yannis Alexandrides, MD, London Plastic Surgeon)
Sometimes not surgery
A one hour facelift is sometimes marketed as a quick non surgical procedure. Some surgeons can do a good job with a facelift in that period of time. It depends on the surgeon and his experience, and the results can be just as good as a traditional lift.
Its best to seek many opinions and compare results. You want the best job possible for your face. (Brian K. Machida, MD, FACS, Ontario Facial Plastic Surgeon)