Facelift is a plastic surgery to lift the soft tissues of the face, allowing you to eliminate the sagging of the skin and its first age changes, improve the contours of the chin and neck, give the face a younger and fresh look.
Can be performed in the upper third of the face, which includes the forehead, eyebrows and temples, in the middle third – to correct cheekbones, cheeks, zone around the nose and lips, in the lower third – to align the oval and eliminate the “second” chin.
Facelift will help you to restore perfectly the right contours of the face and neck, which you can see in photos of your youth. Visually, you will improve the elasticity of the skin and facial muscles, and also it will acquire younger features due to some changes in the lines.
You can see the result in the photo: before and after.Types of facelift.
The following types of facelifting are distinguished depending on the zones where the facelift is performed:
Lower facelift. The operation eliminates the folds of the stretched skin and exess fatty (the second chin) in the lower part of the face, on the cheeks, allows you to tighten the contour of the lower jaw and smooth out wrinkles on the neck.
The SMAS Lift Works Well For Individuals With Mild Laxity
Forehead lift. The result of the procedure is the smoothing of facial wrinkles in the forehead and the base of the nose, correction of the lowered eyebrows (the face takes a more open look).
Eyebrow lift. Allows you to get rid of gloomy eyes, folds of the skin in the upper eyelid, large wrinkles between the eyebrows. Also has a direct and endoscopic variety.
Removal of the sucking pad. The doctor reduces the size of the fat deposits located in the cheek area and returns harmonic proportions to the face. The volume of the operation and the procedure for its implementation are determined depending on the skin condition and the severity of gravitational ptosis, which can occur at any age.The possibilities of surgery allow performing a deep combined SMAS-lift (when the muscular aponeurotic layer of the face is first pulled up, and then the skin), which provides a more stabile and lasting effect. Due to the presence of endoscopic equipment is possible to perform operations and through the micro-incisions (1.5-2 cm) using special cameras, which provides the ability to track every movement of the tool on the monitor under the skin.
Questions and answers about facelift (rhytidectomy):
How is a surgical facelift performed?
The surgeon makes an incision along the temple under the hair and the front edge of the ear, enveloping the earlobe and continuing on the back of the head. Then the skin on the temples, cheeks and neck is exfoliated and redistributed. Its excess is excised, and fat deposits on the chin, neck and cheeks are removed by vacuum.
Will there be scars after a facelift?
The SMAS Lift Differs From A Deep Plane Lift In That No Attachments Underneath The SMAS Are Released
What is the visual result of facelift?
According to the experience of the doctors, after the intervention, the patients look on average 10 years younger. This effect is especially pronounced, if initially a person has thin skin, a thin face with an oblong form and high cheekbones.
Do I need to do a facelift again?
This is determined by your satisfaction with your appearance. There is no compulsory need for additional interventions in this case. Thanks to the professionalism of specialists, the overwhelming majority of patients have only one operation. If you want to repeat it, we recommend to do this no less that after 7-10 years.
Frozen mask-like facial expression after a facelift?
This negative effect is a consequence of the surgeon’s mistakes: overstretch of the facial skin during a facelift or too extensive exfoliation of the skin. This is also observed with frequently repeated interventions. High qualification of doctors reduces the risk of such complications to zero.
Will not the shape of my face change?
No. The skin will become smoother, wrinkles and sagging will disappear, but it is impossible to change the shape of the face with this operation.
What is SMAS-lift?
This tightening of the facial contours, which involved not only the skin but also the underlying tissues, rich in elastin and collagen and mimic muscles, collectively called SMAS-layer. It is attached to the skin, but freely moves relative to the bone base, which allows the mimic to work. On the other hand, this lack of reliable attachment to the bones, which is the cause of age stretch and sagging skin as the amount of collagen decreases in it.SMAS-lift provides more stable (10-15 years minimum) results in comparison with a conventional facelift surgically. It allows you to:
- Remove wrinkles;
- Ensure the clarity of the facial contour;
- Remove nasolabial folds;
- Get rid of sagging cheeks and double chin.
What to prefer: circular facelift or a local lifting?
In the clinics, the correction of certain areas is performed: eyebrows, forehead, lower face, etc. Our doctors recommend doing such operations immediately after the appearance of signs of aging on these areas, preventing their further development.Therefore, the optimal method of facelift is determined by the general condition of the skin and the amount of required changes. Surgeons are always ready to help you with advice – consultation with a specialist will make a reasonable choice.
How is anesthesia used?
Such operations are usually performed under general anesthesia. Local anesthesia can be used during endoscopic facelift or correction of individual zones.
Do facelift combined with other operations?
Yes, you can simultaneously carry out a facelift and neck or combine this intervention with eyelid surgery, as well as other plastic surgery.10 most frequently asked questions about facelift.
1. Do I really need surgery facelift?
If you feel that the skin begins to sag around the jaws, forehead and generally on the entire face. If you look tired and physically exhausted, but, in fact, healthy and not tired, or feel that your face is getting old and looking for a way to restore your appearance, then, facelift is one of the options, that you need. If signs of aging are only present on the forehead or in the eyebrow, endoscopic forehead lift may be the optimal solution for you. Full facelift is more suitable for those who have pronounced signs of aging in all areas of the face.
2. What is a facelift?
Facelift is a plastic surgery, designed to reduce the signs of aging, during which the muscles of the face and neck are tightened, the sagging and flabby skin lifted, fixed and partially removed, the excess fat is removed and the overall appearance of the face improves. It is believed, that patients, who underwent facelift surgery, look 7-10 years younger than their peers.3. Best Age for First Facelift?
There is no specific age for a facelift surgery. This desire can arise from 30 years to 80 years old. Endoscopic lifting of the forehead and eyebrows can also bring good results in younger patients, whose complaints are horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and drooping eyebrows. However, the best results of facelift can only be obtained from the patients with signs of aging. You can discuss your options with your surgeon to determine what is best for your individual case.
4. What is being discussed at the consultation regarding facelift surgery?
SMAS Lift Technique Before After
5. How is facelift performed?
The facelift is most often performed under anesthesia, while patients usually sleep during the operation. This type of anesthesia is most often preferred by patients. The duration of the facelift is usually from 2 to 6 hours and depends on the type of technique chosen and the amount of intervention.
Beautiful Lower Facelift Results
If the lift neck is performed at the same time, a small incision under the chin is possible, through which excess fat is removed and the edges of the sagging superficial muscle of the neck (platisms) are sewn together.
The muscles of the face are tightened upward, the skin is also stretched, excesses are removed, and the edges of the wound are sutured. At the end of the surgery, the surgeon can place a small drainage tube behind your ears to remove excess fluid and drain blood.
6. What should be expected after surgery facelift?
The MACSlift Corrects Jowls & Rejuvenates The Lower Face
This is perfectly normal, and you need to understand that your skin and underlying tissues have been traumatized during the facelift. Swelling begins to disappear within the first two weeks. These symptoms can also be reduced with the help of special rehabilitation procedures, which are performed by a cosmetologist.
7. When Should Facelift Sutures Be Removed?
Drainage tubes, if they were used, will be removed usually the day after the operation. The bandage on the face usually remains for another 4-5 days.
Male MACS-lift Scar
8. Will the scars remain after the facelift? Where will they be located?
Some scars are necessary for facelift, usually they are hidden in the hair, behind the ears or under the jaw line. Plastic surgery is individual to your needs, and your doctor should discuss with you the methods that he uses. Endoscopic procedures leave behind tiny scars, hidden in inconspicuous areas.
9. How long does it take to recover from a facelift?
You can return to your normal life approximately 3 weeks after the facelift. It is very individual, but swelling on the face during this time usually go away. It is not advisable to plan a visit to any responsible activities, where close attention may be focused on you for at least 6 weeks after the facelift.10. When will I be able to evaluate the results of facelift surgery, and how long will they last?
You will notice the tightness of the skin and muscles of the face, as soon as the edema subsides. The primary result of a facelift can be assessed as early as 1-2 months after the operation. The final result is only in 6-12 months, when the body will complete all the processes of tightening the soft tissues of the face.
Each case is individual, but usually the effect of facelift can last about 10-12 years and you will look younger than your peers even after this time. It must be remembered that facelift does not stop aging, but can reduce its external signs and make you much more attractive.More Facelift Questions:
Where will the scars remain?
They will be located in the scalp. The cosmetic scar in front of the ear is invisible to the usual look.
How long does the effect of the operation persist?
Before And After Coolsculpting Mini For The Submental Or Chin Fat
How many times can I do a facelift?
Once made the operation does not entail the need for repetition. Many patients never do a re-facelift. It depends only on the insistence of the patient to their appearance. A facelift can be done 2-3 times in life with an interval of 5-10 years.