Removing Stitches After Facelift

Most of the time, the optimal way to minimize facelift incision appearance is to put the incision in the natural crease lines pre and post auricular area which are in normal areas of concavity to convexity along the ear in post auricular and to place deep stitches and remove the stitches early in 7-10 days or less. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Many doctors will use rapidly dissolving stitches that do not need to be removed.

However if regular stitches are used they are generally removed in about a week.

Some areas on the face may require staples and those are usually removed in about two weeks. (Edward E. Dickerson, IV, MD, Fayetteville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Catgut Sutures

Catgut Sutures

We typically remove stitches in front of the face at 7-10 days, at 5-7 days around the eyes, and 14 days posterior ear and hairline. and good luck with everything. (Vivek Bansal, MD, Danville Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Suture Removal

Each situation is unique and only your surgeon knows the specific details of your procedure and should be the person commenting on post-operative questions such as this – but as a general rule 5 to 7 days. (Sam Naficy, MD, FACS, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift stitches can be removed anytime between 4-7 days depending on the type of suture and type of closure performed by the surgeon. The 3 days difference in the range doesn’t make much difference as we remove stitches for individuals at 4 days if they have to leave town and wait until 7 days if they live out of town to minimize their return visits.

Chromic Catgut Facelift Sutures

Chromic Catgut Facelift Sutures

Follow the instructions of your surgeon and depending on the above factors, he or she will guide you as to the appropriate time for suture removal. (Mike Majmundar, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Suture removal following a Facelift depends on the type of suture used by the plastic surgeon. Many surgeons use nylon or prolene suture for a meticulous closer of the skin in front of the ear.

We typically remove this type of suture within 3-5 following surgery to avoid any marks (railroad tracks) from the suture. For patients who are unable to return within that time frame, we will typically use an absorbable suture underneath the skin that does not require removal.

My personal preference is a fine prolene suture removed within 3-5 days. (Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS, Grand Rapids Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Incisions Are Made In The Hairline

Facelift Incisions Are Made In The Hairline

Facial Cosmetic Suture Removal Principals

For the best cosmetic results, stitches are removed anywhere between 5-10 days. If left in too long, they can leave marks on the skin, but if taken out too skin the incision may not be strong enough to hold itself.

The range is variable based on surgeon’s different preferences and based on the fact that we may use different types of stitches and techniques. In my facelifts, because we are tightening the SMAS underneath the skin, the skin incisions themselves are not left under much tension.

Generally pre/ post auricular stitches are removed 5 – 7 days after surgery. Everybody’s case is unique and you should follow the orders of the surgeon..

(Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
I will use permanent stitches (Nylon or Prolene as opposed to dissolvable) because they are generally less reactive and leave less redness in the skin. For these reasons, I remove stitches 7 days after surgery. Dissolvable stitches are acceptable, but may be taken out sooner or later. (Manu Gujrati, MD, Palo Alto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Sutures To Hold You Together

Facelift Sutures To Hold You Together

Visible skin Facelift stitches removed day 5/6-those in hair 10 days to two weeks

Suture removal after Facelift is dependent on your wound healing and the quality of the skin closure at the time of Facelift. On average visible skin stitches are removed at 5 days and those hidden in the hairline or behind the ear are removed later from 10-12 days up to 14 days if necessary. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Generally pre/ post auricular stitches are removed 5 – 7 days after surgery. Everybody’s case is unique and you should follow the orders of the surgeon. (Philip J. Miller, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Timing of Facelift Suture Removal

Usually, I will remove preauricular stitches in a facelift at 5-7 days following the surgery. This may vary depending on how quickly one is healing. If a subcuticular or intradermal suture is used (a suture which runs under the surface of the skin and does not show above it) the suture could be left in longer without causing “railroad track” scarring.

Stitches After A Facelift Photo

If I have a patient who may heal more slowly I suggest this type of closure. (Vincent D. Lepore, MD, San Jose Plastic Surgeon)

Removing Facelift Stitches / Stitches

I routinely remove stitches in front of the ears from a facelift at seven days post-op. I get great results at this timetable but be sure to ask your plastic surgeon what they specifically recommend for you. (Richard Galitz, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Usually facelift stitches are removed about 5-7 days after the surgery. Although some variation can happen depending on swelling and if you smoke. (David L. Abramson, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

In most cases after a Facelift, there may be some stitches to be removed in one week in front of the ear to minimize suture marks. We use a tissue glue with our facelift patients so stitches in front of the ear are not needed.

Stitches Out After Facelift

Small clips also need to be removed one week post operatively from behind both ears in the hairline. Two weeks postop there are a few stitches above and behind the ears within the hairline to be removed also.

After the initial healing process the incisions behind and in front of the ears should be hardly noticeable when done correctly by a board certified facial plastic surgeon. (Andrew Miller, MD, Edison Facial Plastic Surgeon)

When should stitches in front of ears be removed.

Anywhere from 5-7 days is reasonable. Usually these incisions are closed with very fine stitches. However, there are always deep disolvable stitches that support the closure. However, I’m sure you plastic surgeon would have told you this.

In general, you should feel comfortable asking him/her these questions. I’m sure he/she would be happy to explain all post-op instructions and what to expect to you. (Catherine Huang-Begovic, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

These Are Sutures For Facelift That Are Designed To Be Dissolved By The Body

The stitches I use for facelift are all dissolving and therefore, do not need to be removed. If using non-dissolving stitches, typically 5 days is a good number. (Stephen J. Ronan, MD, FACS, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Pre-auricular stitches or those in front of the ears, are generally removed at 5-6 days following your procedure. Your surgeon will make the determination as to when the stitches should be removed based on the suture type, the method of closure, and how your healing is progressing. (Glenn Vallecillos, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

There is a bit of a range in how long the pre-auricular stitches are left in place. I usually leave them in about 7 days. Incision design, closure technique and individual healing variances often play more of a role in scarring than how long the stitches are in place. (Thomas A. Lamperti, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Where Are The Incisions Made For A Rhytidectomy

I usually remove the facelift stitches in front of the ear at 6-7 days and find the incision in front of the ear heels quite nicely. However, it does depend on the suture material and the type of suture used and this varies with the surgeon. (Anita Mandal, MD, Palm Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The stitches, a plastic and cosmetic surgeon uses during a face Lift, can be different types and sizes. Each surgeon also has his/her post face Lift routine for when they are removed. Some use dissolvable other start taking stitches out at 5 days post-op from the Face Lift. In the hairline, if surgical clips are used, these may remain for 8-10 days. (Francis R. Palmer, III, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Dissolvable Stitches After Facelift Photo

All surgeons have their preferences, however if you have stitches that are visible, they should be removed at day 4-5 so that you are not left with “railroad track” marks where the stitches go in and out.

I prefer to bury the stitches below the skin so that there are no visible stitches, but not all surgeons prefer this method. (Amy T. Bandy, DO, FACS, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

When to remove facelift stitches for the best scar?

Usually, the best time to remove stitches after a facelif is 4 – 6 days after the surgery. Of course keep in mind that your body is the boss when it comes to what the scar looks like! (Bivik Shah, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Timing of suture removal following facelift surgery

Facelift Stitches (Suture) Information

I typically remove the non-bioabsorbable stitches from the incision in front of the ear between 5 and 7 days postoperatively. I have found this to provide the best aesthetic result with respect ot scar healing. Absorbable stitches (stitches that do not need to be removed) should never be used to close the incision in front of the ear. (Andrew B. Denton, MD, Vancouver Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The timing of facelift suture removal will vary depending on the surgeon’s preference and the suture materal which is used. I use permanent stitches in the deep layers if the skin. The stitches in tne epidermis are removed 5-6 days after surgery. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift incisions, as with most deep incisions, are sutured together in many layers, both at deep & skin level. Therefore, the skin stitches can be removed as the deeper stitches are absorbing. Depending on your healing, anywhere from 5-7 days is appropriate. (Kristin Egan, MD, Manhattan Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Sutures After Facelift

I would remove non-absorbable stitches from the front of the ear at 3-5 days. Anchor stitches below the skin are absorbable and are holding things in place until healing occurs. (Douglas L. Gervais, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

In general, the timing of suture (stitch) removal is a balance between allowing the skin to heal sufficiently, but not allowing the stitches to make a (potentially) permanent mark on the skin. Face lift stitches that are visible may only be the ‘top layer’ of stitching.

That means there are deeper, dissolving stitches that also help to hold the closure together.

If this is the case, the visible stitches could be removed in early as 3 – 5 days. If there are no deep stitches, the average time would be slightly longer at about 5-7 days. (Lawrence Tong, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

What Sort Of Stitches Will Be Used

I prefer to use non-dissolving stitches that are removed one week after surgery. Leaving stitches longer than one week can lead to “railroad tracks” which are more noticeable. In some patients who are unable to return for suture removal, I have used dissolving stitches.

However, it is my experience that as the stitch dissolves, it can cause some local skin irritation that leads to redness along the incision line. I think that in the long-term, there is probably no difference between dissolving/non-dissolving stitches.

It is more important that the incision is designed carefully and the stitches placed meticulously. (Gregory J. Vipond, MD, FRCSC, Inland Empire Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The use of stitches which need to be removed after facelift can vary, and we currently use only four stitches which we need to remove, two in front and two behind the ears. Results are excellent with a dissolving or other suture which call for removal, and suture removal for most is five to seven days to avoid marking the skin. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Different Types Of Facelift Sutures Have Different Rates Of Dissolution

It really depends on the suture used and the age of the patient. Most surgeons remove between 5 and 7 days. (Peter T. Truong, MD, Fresno Oculoplastic Surgeon)

Suture removal after 5 days preferrably

IF there are stitches they must be removed within a week! (Personally I plan sutureremoval in the face for any procedure after 5 days max 7 days.) But in the facelift patient i tend to plan the sutureline partly in the ear and close the wound intracutaneously so that there is no need for removal because theydissolve.

Off course there are a lot of doctors, all with there personal habits, so the best is to ask your doctor. (Ivar van Heijningen, MD, Belgium Plastic Surgeon)

Stitches are a friend and foe, removal timing is key.

We use stitches to hold the skin in perfecto opposition, but they are foreign bodies to the skin and will cause inflammation and scarring if left in too long. Removal time depends on size and type of suture used, suture technique, and the amount of tension on the skin.
Also factors to consider is the patients’ speed of healing. Diabetics, smokers and the elderly take longer to heal. The best authority on when to remove the stitches is likely to be the person who placed the stitches. (Ritu Chopra, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Since I use fine mono filament (6-0 prolene) nonreactive stitches to close Facelift incisions, I feel comfortable leaving them in for up to 7 days. (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The stitches placed in front of the ear are to bring the skin edges together gently. I personally remove them in 5-6 days to avoid creating permanent suture marks. I support the incision with fine disolvable stitches under the skin. (George Marosan, MD, Bellevue Plastic Surgeon)

There are average times for removal of preauricular stitches. In most cases as early a 3 days but no later than 7 days post operatively. But the operative surgeon examines the healing incision to determine the best timing. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)