If you are looking for a non surgical or non invasive type of cosmetic surgery to tigthen your skin, remove your blemish and make your skin looks really great, thermacool facelift could be the answer that you are looking for.
What is thermacool facelift?
It is one the latest technology being employed to improve your facial skin care without the use of any surgical procedure.With this new laser based technology, patients can improve their skin and look much younger than before.
The time to perform the procedure plus the recovery period is also so much shorter compared to traditional facial tightening procedure.
How does thermacool facelift work?
This new technology relies on radio frequency to target the problematic areas under your skin. As a result of this new technology, there is no need for surgeons to remove any part of your skin. This not only reduces the pain but also helps to speed up the time needed to undergo this operation.

Cosmetic Procedure Used For Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction
Thermacool facelift can be used on a lot of our facial areas. It can be used to target a patients eyes to remove the crows feets as well as the brow and surrounding area of the eyes. By treating these areas, it can help to make our eyes look more alive and energetic. It can also be used on jawline and checks. By tightening the skin around these areas, it can help to treat the sagging skin and recover the firmness of these areas. Finally, for foreheads, this technique is also quite effective. It can help to repair the firmness of the forehead that is hollowing due to old age.
What are the benefits of thermacool facellift?
There are a number of advantages that this procedure has over traditional face tightening technique. First of all, this technique is quick and efficient. Patients can be treated in about one hour and they can return to their normal routine after that.
Results are quick to show as well, typically needing only one week for the patient to see the results.

Thermacool Facelift Before After Photo
Thermacool technique can also help to stimulate collagen building in the areas of your face. This in turn will help to improve your skin as the cells will continue to renew themselves after the operation.
Compared to other techniques, this procedure is much more lasting over the long time.
This technique is also much safer than laser operated techniques. Since it uses radio frequency, the patient does not have the issue of burning or scarring your skin. For those who are afraid of pain, this will be a great benefit.
What are the thermacool facelife costs
According to this site called realself, the average cost of thermage operation is around USD $2,750. That is relative cheaper than if you used the traditional approach of facelift or eyelid surgery which can go up to USD $11,000 for the former and USD $4,500 for the latter.

Thermacool Facelift Before After Picture
You might want to note that these thermacool prices varies between regions. In eastern US cities like new york, new jersey, Delaware, prices can go as high as USD 3,500. The cheapest prices can found in the Middle part of US like Arizona. Surprisingly, cheap prices can also be found in the Western part of US. In cities such as Los Angeles and Hawaii, places can go to be as low as USD 1,800. If you want to know how to find these cheap clinics, my next post will cover all the pricing information you need for a cheaper and better deal.
Thermacool Rewiews:
Thermage – Works or Not?
The reputation of Thermage took a pretty heavy hit early on when the pain levels were high enough that doctors reduced the number of pulses to save the patients from pain and potential injury. Obviously undertreating left a number of people unhappy.

Thermacool Facelift Before After
Newer Thermage technology eliminated most of the associated pain so results got better as the technology improved and doctors began using many more pulses but at lighter energies. But… It’s good to understand how heat-based treatments work.
Fibroblast response makes new collagen and new collagen is tighter. The idea behind Thermage and its successors is to increase – as much as possible – the fibroblast activity and the resulting collagen. This happens with heat – and lots of it.
Another But…. The older you are, the less robustly your skin responds to this purposeful heat assault. So older patients get less results. Basically, the older you get, the lazier your collagen factory, so any treatment with collagen production as the mechanism to produce change is affected by patient age.
Thermacool Facelift Reviews
Thermage was also touted as a one-time treatment. But, logically, you continue to age, so you also need to continue collagen-stimulating treatments to stay ahead. The 3rd But… Someone with more than slightly moderate skin laxity won’t see much results.
There is a limit to what nonsurgical treatments can accomplish. If expectations are set at honest levels, and if subtle results are acceptable, then Thermage does have its place.
Just don’t expect to see a facelift in 6 months. It’s not possible to create that much of a response. (Nissan Pilest, MD, Irvine Dermatologic Surgeon)
Thermage results are often disappointing
Thermage is an expensive and somewhat painful treatment that very often leaves patients thinking they did not get enough from the treatment to have been worth doing it. Their thousands of dollars are not refunded after this experience either. I would go with surgery or CO2 lasers or peels rather than Thermage. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Eyelid rejuvenation
The device or procedure you choose really depends on what your goals are.
Thermage will give some improvement to the lower eyelids – improved texture and tone of the skin, moderate to very good improvement of the upper eyelids and will help elevate the eyebrows if enough pulses are used in the areas.
Eyelid surgery will improve all of the elements- skin, fat bulging, muscle tone and eyelid position- a more complete rejuvenation. Surgery has more downtime but the results will last 5 to 7 years or more. (Trevor M. Born, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Thermage will not help the under eyes.
I am actually a proponent of Thermage, and in Manhattan, we have seen good results with Thermage to tighten the jaw line, the stomach, the arms, and the front of the thighs. But I don’t think it helps under the eyes.
Depending on your anatomy, Restylane injections or laser resurfacing may help, but to answer your question, there is nothing like a well performed lower blepharoplasty. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)