Thread Lift Pros And Cons

What is a thread lift?

Modern methods of suspending the epidermis allow, if not to turn the time into sleep, then significantly slow the visible aging processes. Thread lift is one of the most popular and effective procedures for correcting the contour of the face, smoothing out deep wrinkles even after 50 years of age.


This is a procedure in which a wireframe of metal threads penetrates beneath the skin. Their diameter rarely exceeds the thickness of a human hair. They can be made both from precious metals – gold, platinum, synthetic fibers – polyester, kapron, a mixture of acids with polymers, etc.

All threads for the face can be classified according to the type of action. There are:



Absorbable threads. They dissolve after a while. Most often, these materials are made from combinations of acids and other unstable materials. At the site of dissolution, a dense framework is formed from skin cells, so the result is visible even after the threads have completely disappeared;
Non-absorbable. Gold threads (Aptos) and made of synthetic fibers (for example, Teflon Gore-Tex and Tissu-Lift). They remain under the skin for life. They are used to solve serious age problems: intensive neck lift;
Combined. They dissolve in part, but after this process in the epidermis remains a small particle of fibers – their cone. The most famous type of these materials is the Silhouette Instalift. All the threads, to keep on the surface of the epidermis, are equipped with small outlets. They “grab” for the skin, providing a firm foundation for it.

Visually they are not visible, in addition, with the introduction there is no strong unpleasant sensations. But as soon as the thread with the notches is installed in a certain place – it will already be quite difficult to move.

How Does A Thread Lift Work

How Does A Thread Lift Work

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage of the thread lift is the naturalness of the result. For example, facelift surgery tightens the epidermis so tightly, that it looks like as though the face is just stretched. The natural forms change and the volume decreases (lips, cheeks, etc.). In this case, the threads do not change the original features. They gently correct the defects, smoothing the skin, but not changing the shape of the face or its features.

The procedure can be done in the eyebrows and eyelids areas for intensive lifting of the “lowered” eyelid. Many lifting sessions are prohibited in the eye area, thread lift is allowed even in the most sensitive areas.

The reviews claim that the thread lift has virtually no side effects. The recovery period is up to 5 days. During this time, the traces of recent interference on the face disappear completely. In addition, due to the fact that the threads are inserted under the skin solely in the area of hair growth, punctures are not visible to the outside eye.

Male Thread Lift

Male Thread Lift

Thread lift is prescribed not only to eliminate visible skin defects, but also to treat certain deficiencies in the body. For example, this is a treatment for hyperhidrosis. Threads help to align the surface of the skin, remove excess folds.

Indication for thread lift:

  • Sagging chin or cheeks.;
  • Change in the facial contours, the appearance of deep wrinkles in the nasolabial fold and around the eyes;
  • Elimination of stretch marks and scars on the body.

But, the thread lift has its drawbacks:

During the session, pain can be observed. This is natural, because during the puncture the thread extends through the upper and middle layers of the epidermis. After fixing, the thread stretches a certain area of the face;

Nova Threads

Nova Threads

A few hours at the installation site of the threads, there may be a temperature increase;

Procedure with polylactic acid and Resorblift threads has a limited period of visible effect. You will need to repeat the procedure every 2 years.

Also, despite all the safety procedures, there may be certain complications:

Bruising and hematomas. This is the most unpleasant consequence of a facelift. In places of injections for some time, there may be seals.
If they do not dissolve within 5 hours maximum, then you will need a specialist consultation;
Appearance of asymmetric facial features. In some photos before and after the thread lift it is clearly seen that sometimes the facial features are somewhat distorted. This is due to the fact that each face has two halves of the face different. During facelift, the threads are sometimes located with the spirit of the sides at the same level, because of which there is visible asymmetry;

The Long-term Success Of The Thread-lift Procedure

Probably a breakage of threads. This is a very dangerous complication. It occurs when too much load is given on the treated area of the body. In everyday life, a breakage can occur from severe impact, compression, surgical intervention, deep cut.

The procedure has the following contraindications: blood and immune system diseases in general, diabetes, metabolic disorders. It is not recommended to use a thread lift during pregnancy – its effectiveness will be inadequate. Also before the session is necessary to conduct a test on allergy – some people there is a negative reaction to the materials used in the lifting.

How is the procedure performed?

The entire session is performed under local anesthesia. To do this, the doctor can use injections or surface solutions with a small amount of lidocaine.

The Thread-lift Provides Only Limited Short-term Improvement

This helps to protect the patient from unpleasant sensations. In the field of the temple – as close as possible to the scalp. A needle is inserted, which stretches a thin thread under the skin.

On the fibers, as mentioned above, there are small hooks that fix the thread under the epidermis. When its position is established, it is stretched to the desired level with a thin needle. The doctor pulls the fiber very carefully to avoid rupture. It is thanks to this tension that the lifting effect is formed.

If the fiber can not be installed at the temple, then experts pierce the skin near the forelock of the forehead. These areas are selected based on certain problems and the type of threads.

After a while, each of them disintegrates and is eliminated from the body, but a dense frame of cells forms at the site of the fiber’s stay.

Thread Lift Before After


After the introduction of threads under the epidermis, proper care of oneself is necessary. In particular, thermal effects on the skin (laser resurfacing, baths), deep scrubbing and the use of chemical cleaners for 2 months are prohibited. The first few days the face is forbidden to touch and apply makeup. This is one of the main rules of recovery. Otherwise, through the puncture, you can put an infection that will cause the development of abscesses and skin infection. The skin should be cleaned with a day chlorhexidine solution or micellar water several times. Do not use lotions or tonics containing alcohol. It is necessary to lubricate the puncture sites with a soft regenerating cream.

Threads lift – the pros and cons of an effective rejuvenation procedure.

Thread Lift Before And After Pictures

After 25 years of age, the human skin begins to grow old in geometric progression: self-development of necessary substances decreases, flaccidity appears, elasticity disappears, wrinkles find their place. And if someone is lucky with genetics, and at 50 years old they look 35 years old, then some women have to resort to different methods to keep their youth, because everyone wants to be beautiful.

What is the essence of this type of facelift?

Thread facelift is considered the main alternative to plastic surgery for the preservation of youth. This is a non-surgical technology that allows you to make a person younger and save the result for years to come.

The essence of the technique is that thin threads from biocompatible materials are introduced into the dermis, which create a dense “skeleton” for the skin, and it aligns.

Thread Lift For Face

If before the threads were absolutely smooth, and the result after this procedure was not kept for a long time, the modern materials for the threads lift are made with notches, which increases the effectiveness of face lifting several times.

The thread facelift helps to cope with the age-related changes that inevitably occur at the age of 30-50: wrinkles, folds, sagging cheekbones and “ears” on the cheeks. Due to the introduction of strong threads into the deep layers of the skin, the skin stretches, elasticity and smoothness returns.

Positive and negative sides

Each method of rejuvenation, including threads lift, has its pros and cons. Let’s try to understand.

Pros of threads facelift:

This is the preservation the old features of the face. If, in classical surgical operations for rejuvenation, the facial skin is tightened, and sometimes it significantly changes the shape and facial features, then such metamorphosis does not occur. This facelift just corrects the flaws and aligns the face. Thread lift can be performed even in the area of the eye, that helps to remove wrinkles around the eyes and to cope with the overhanging eyelids. With other anti-aging procedures, it is usually not advisable to work on the area near the eyes. Traces of intervention are not visible in any case. No scars, scarring, traces and other manifestations does not leave. The threads are not visible visually and are not felt when touched.

Thread Lift For Neck

A short period of rehabilitation. If, after full facelift surgery, the recovery takes almost a month, then after thread facelift, you will be able to go back to a normal lifestyle after 5 days.


During the session you can feel pain. The fact is that during the introduction of metal or polymer thin “wires” pass between the deep layers of the epidermis. After fixation, they create tension in a certain area of the face, which promotes external skin rejuvenation.

Lifting with the use of certain materials may have a limited duration, after which the substances dissolve, and the effect disappears. If desired, a repeat procedure can be performed.

In some cases, a serious complication is possible – tearing of threads. This happens if their quantity or material used for manufacturing is not selected optimally.

Thread Lift Procedure Photo

A rupture can occur after impact or a severe compression of the skin.

Seals, bruises and traces. Sometimes they can occur if the procedure is not performed properly and important aspects have not been observed in the process.

Evaluating the positive and negative points, everyone can evaluate the relevance of the procedure for themselves.

Most doctors recommend this type of facelift, and the most famous beauties of the world with the advent of age-related changes choose this procedure. What does it give?

Threads lift is the best way to cope with the primary age-related changes that are moving into a stronger phase. The procedure is effective for women up to the age of 50, wishing to get rid of “bulldog’s ears”, deepening wrinkles and flabbiness. Much less risk than with full facelift and other operations, which is an undoubted advantage. The choice of the optimal material for this particular case is also a big plus.

Thread Lift Results Before And After


You need a thread lift, if:

  • The omission of the “apples” of cheekbones. This is often observed after forty years of age. This age-related change makes the general appearance of the face dull in a calm state, gives impetus to the development of wrinkles in the nasolabial cavities.
  • The presence of folds in the corners of the mouth, which leads to their omission and distortion of facial expressions.
  • Hanging of cheeks or “bulldog’s ears”. This age defect befalls all those who in their youth has large cheeks. It is possible to remove it partially when removing the lumps of Bish, and completely – only with full facelift or thread lift.
  • Very pronounced nasolabial depression. They are a clear sign of aging and worsen the overall appearance of the face.

Thread Lift Results

Flabbiness in the chin area (it is possible to eliminate by means of myostimulation of the facial skin), which gives the face an age and significantly changes its shape. The doctor reviews these indications and appoints a procedure. Also, the presence of any age-related changes is the main criterion for choosing the material from which the threads will be made.


This procedure has a number of contraindications, since it still involves intervention in biological tissues and the introduction of alien materials. Thread lift, like most other procedures, is not performed in the acute period of viral and infectious diseases. This may be the flu, SARS, intestinal infections, hepatitis and others.

Facelift is contraindicated in poor blood coagulability. It is also likely that the doctor will prohibit this procedure if the patient has high blood sugar. The expressed excess of dermal tissues is also a contraindication, even to the installation of stronger metal threads, as this can lead to their rupture and, consequently, serious complications.

Thread Lift Treatment Before And After

Diseases of the blood, for example, leukemia or thrombosis, also refer to contraindications to this procedure.
varieties thread

The threads used for the lift are divided according to two criteria:

  1. Non-absorbable;
  2. Absorbable.

They, in turn, are classified according to the type of material into synthetic (kapron, propylene), biopolymer (bioplast), metal (platinum, gold). Also, the threads are smooth and with a jag. At a younger age, it is recommended to lift the face with absorbable threads. They are recommended to women 30-40 years old with minor age changes. Usually these are biopolymer materials or synthetic fibers that disappear completely after a while, however, during their stay in the layers of the skin they become overgrown with a connective tissue that, after they dissolve, remains and forms a strong “skeleton” that retains the lifting effect.

Thread-lift For Facial Rejuvenation

Polypropylene threads are considered to be permanently resorbable. They persist in the skin for 5-6 years, and effect persists for a long time (it can also be achieved with needle-less mesotherapy). It is noteworthy, that when you choose them, you get the possibility of subsequent correction in case of changes in the shape of the face and the appearance of asymmetry.

After 50 years old, the introduction of non-absorbable threads is recommended. Usually these are gold or platinum fibers, adapted for compatibility with biological tissues. They have the smallest “jags”, due to which they grow into the layers of the epidermis.

The advantages include high strength, but when using them, the risk of complications increases: such threads can be rejected by the body or change its shape while in layers of the epidermis. In rare cases, partially absorbable threads are used. The inner part of them gradually disappears and is removed from the skin, and a solid base remains in the layers of the dermis and maintains its elasticity.

What Is A Thread-Lift Photo

Methods of conducting.

  • Usually, during thread facelift, local anesthesia is used. Immediately before the procedure begins, the doctor cleanses the skin and applies antiseptics.
  • With the help of punctures in the area of the hair growth line, using special needles, which introduces threads that are fixed in the necessary position. The operation lasts about an hour.

Recovery takes about a week and involves sleep in certain positions, special rules for skin care and monitoring by a doctor. If necessary, the facelift can be adjusted by changing the position and tension of the threads.

Recommendations for care in the postprocedural period

These are the recommendations of doctors to care for the skin of the face after a thread lift:

  • It is forbidden to visit the sauna and bath in the first month of recovery.
  • Forbidden are peelings, laser resurfacing (such as facial dermabrasion, microdermabrasion and others), cleansing and other hardware procedures for facial skin.
  • The first couple of weeks you need to refrain from unnecessary touches to the face, also do not apply makeup.
  • The puncture area should be treated with Miramistin or a solution of chlorhexidine.
  • Do not use alcohol-containing skin care products.
  • Aggressive effects on the face are also not recommended: do not massage, this can lead to rupture. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the use of alcohol in the first two weeks, while the formation of the basis of connective tissue occurs.