Non-surgical facelift involves the application of procedures for skin care, including an exclusive stimulating and tonic massage lasting 1 to 1.5 hours using cellular and nano-cosmetics.
We carry out a large number of lifts procedures:
Top 10 non surgical facelift procedures
1. Laser resurfacing,
2. Fractional laser peeling – three-dimensional laser rejuvenation Frac3 with collagen stimulation,
3. Placental bio-lifting,
4. Contour face plastics procedure with hyaluronic acid,
5. Contour plastics with preparation Radiess,
6. Lipofilling,
7. Mesolifting.
8. Thread facelift
9. Vampire FaceLift
10. Liquid Facelift
You can significantly improve the condition of the skin with the help of drugs used for non-surgical facial rejuvenation. The drug is injected deep under the skin, the procedure takes 20-30 minutes. The result of the procedure is maintained for 1.5 – 2 years.

4d Thread Lift Photo
Any woman wants to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. And for this there are a lot of ways that will allow a short time to return the skin to youth. Cosmetologists advise to resort to the help of rejuvenating techniques after 30 years old, not earlier.
Non-surgical methods will be helpful for those who do not want to lie under the surgeon’s knife. Nevertheless, this method is suitable only for the so-called deformation type of aging. With this type, the face begins to gradually subside, eyebrows drop, a second chin and fine wrinkles appear.
But with a fine-wrinkled type of aging, when the entire face is covered with a fine mesh of wrinkles, only plastic surgery is suitable.
Despite the fact that non-surgical facelift is safe, it has a number of contraindications. It is better to abandon the procedure for pregnancy, herpes, eczema, acute inflammatory processes on the skin, cancer, etc. In some cases, procedures are not performed for blood diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Pros and cons

Acupuncture Facial Photo
Among the obvious advantages of non-surgical methods of rejuvenation, experts note the following:
- Absence of a large number of contraindications;
- Absence of side effects;
- A short period of recovery;
- Result after the first session;
- Improving effect for the whole organism;
- The possibility of performing the procedure on an outpatient basis.
Many women who successfully practice non-surgical methods of rejuvenation, note that their only drawback is a painful sensation. And it is true that during some procedures, for example, mesolifting, you can feel slight discomfort. If the patient has a low pain threshold and can not tolerate pain, anesthetics are used during the procedure.

Aptos Lift Before After
Types of facelift without surgery
Thanks to modern technology, you can easily “remove” fine wrinkles and scars, and tighten facial contours. But there are a lot of these methods and all of them fulfill their special function. Some types are suitable for any type of skin, while others may not have the desired effect. Therefore, before you go to a cosmetology center, you should decide on the type of facelift.
Hardware facelift
This type of rejuvenation without surgery is based on the use of ultrasound, current and laser radiation. All procedures are carried out with the help of special devices and only by experienced specialists.
Ultrasound facelift with SMAS-effect.
During ultrasonic facelift, the ultrasonic wave acts on the skin in such a way that collagen fibers are reduced and their synthesis starts. Due to this, the skin is renewed, and this process is stretched for several months.
Laser facial rejuvenation
This method of rejuvenation can also be called one of the most effective.
Co2 Laser Resurfacing Photo
The essence of the procedure is as follows: the laser beam penetrates into the skin, after it is warmed up. Thus, it triggers the synthesis of collagen fibers, due to which the skin rejuvenates. With the help of a laser, you can get rid of wrinkles, post acne, narrow pores, smooth out the relief of the skin and tighten the face oval.
Radio Frequency face lift
This procedure is a worthy replacement for plastic surgery. Radio Frequency face lift is absolutely painless method of rejuvenation, which allows one to achieve stunning results in one session. Rejuvenation occurs due to an electric current in the radio frequency range, the pulses of which warm the skin cells, providing a lifting effect.
Plasma Lift
This technique is based on the subcutaneous injection of the patient’s blood plasma. This happens as follows: the specialist conducts blood sampling from the patient and passes it through a special centrifuge. There, it breaks up into a plasma rich in platelets and a mass rich in eritrotsitami. It is the plasma that is injected under the skin, triggering all the processes of cell rejuvenation.
Combining Fractional CO2 Laser With PRP (platelet Rich Plasma) Can Smooth Out The Skin With Great Results
Special intensive pulsed light is used to conduct the procedure, which stimulates skin cells and their active production. In addition, blood circulation and metabolism increase, which leads to a rapid lifting effect. Photorejuvenation allows not only to get rid of wrinkles, but also to remove pigmented spots and vascular formations on the skin.
This method of rejuvenation without surgical intervention is the effect on the skin of an electric alternating current. It activates metabolic processes in the epidermis, due to which the cells are quickly updated. In addition, darsonvalization strengthens facial muscles, which allows to tighten facial contours. The procedure allows to get rid of wrinkles, acne, puffiness, increased skin fat and scars.
During this procedure, an electric current is also used, but it affects the muscles of the face. Under the influence of the current, they begin to shrink, thereby triggering a large number of positive processes. The first improves facial contours, tightens oval, smooth out the nasolabial folds out puffiness and removed the double chin. The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of fillers or after surgery with injections of Botox.
How Does A Liquid Facelift Work Photo
Microcurrent therapy is used in the fight against aging. It consists in the use of low-frequency current, which actively affects the skin and strengthens all anti-aging processes. Due to this, the skin is smoothed, and all wrinkles and scars disappear.
A facelift can be performed using an invasive method, that is, with the help of injections. These procedures are distinguished by their effectiveness and reliability, which allows them to remain popular with women all over the world.
Rejuvenation using fillers is injection under the skin of special preparations that perform a specific function. For example, tighten oval face or trying to smooth out the skin. These funds, that is, fillers, are injected and are absolutely safe. Most often in modern cosmetology fillers are used in the form of gels, but the best are considered on the basis of hyaluronic acid.
Injections of hyaluronic acid
First of all, this procedure is used to strengthen of the facial contours. For this, hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin with special needles, which tightens and rejuvenates the skin. In doing so, it activates the natural processes of regeneration and is safe for health.
Rejuvenating injections of Botox have long established themselves as a safe and effective procedure. And the truth is, this method allows you to quickly and, most importantly, permanently get rid of many skin imperfections. Botox especially successfully fights against facial wrinkles, smoothing them and preventing the appearance of new ones.
This is another well-known invasive method of rejuvenation, based on the action on biologically active points. This method came to cosmetology from Chinese medicine and quickly became popular. Renewal of skin cells, improvement of blood circulation, smoothing of wrinkles, etc. occurs due to needles. The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of a pacemaker, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
Filament facelift
Laser Resurfacing Before And After Photo
In addition, the filaments often deformed under the influence of high temperatures. Therefore now threads are made of more modern universal materials – polylactic acid, polypropylene and caprolac. The maximum term for fixing the skin is 7-10 years.
What can you do at home?
Non-surgical facelift and smoothing of wrinkles is carried out not only in cosmetology salons. A lot of procedures can be performed at home. First of all, these are various massages and special gymnastics for the face, allowing to improve the skin condition.
Non Surgical Vampire Facelift Pictures
Tighten the skin through massage can any woman. For this it is necessary to conduct the procedures several times a week. One session should last at least 7-10 minutes.
The main thing is to follow simple rules:
- Hands and face should be clean;
- All movements of the hands should be directed from the middle of the face to the edges;
- Skin on cheeks and forehead is smoothed by two fingers;
- Chin smoothed all fingers;
- The skin under the jaw is smoothed by the back of the hand.
Gymnastics for the face
The main task of the gym for the face – it is tightening the facial muscles. It is better to do it several times a week, giving the procedure at least 5-10 minutes.
One Month After Non-surgical Face Rejuvenation With Laser Resurfacing Around The Eyes And PRP On The Forehead
There are several effective exercises:
- Having made a deep sigh, it is necessary to slowly exhale through half-closed lips (strengthens muscles of cheeks and cheekbones);
- 10-15 times move back and forth with the lower jaw (removes the second chin);
- dial air and “drive” in his mouth from side to side (also strengthens the cheeks and cheekbones, tightens facial contours).
What professional device for facelift can be used at home?
There are many such devices, so the main thing is that it will be determined with their efficiency. The most common device, which can be easily used on its own, is darsonval. The price for these devices starts at $ 100.
What other gadgets can I use?
A lot of positive reviews have such an unusual device for facial rejuvenation, as mesoroller. This is a small roller on the handle, covered with small needles. Their length usually does not exceed 3 mm, but at home it is best to use mesoroller with needles up to 1.5 mm.The action of the device is that the needles leave microtraumas, which are invisible to the naked eye. Thus, the restoration of the skin is activated, which always happens with a “reserve”. Increases blood circulation and cellular division, so that the skin is quickly restored and smoothed. For the massage can be used and apparatus, the action of which is based on current or ultrasound.
Frequently asked Questions about non surgical facelift
Any cosmetic procedure, even the most harmless, always causes a lot of questions. And this concerns not only the results, but also the number of sessions and much more.
How long should I apply these methods?
The number of procedures depends on the state of the patient’s skin. At a younger age, it is sufficient to do 2-3 rejuvenation procedures to achieve an ideal result. But with age, the skin recovers much more slowly, so the number of sessions increases.How long does the result last?
On average, the result of rejuvenating procedures lasts for several years. Then you should repeat the course of rejuvenation. The longest term is rejuvenation with threads, since the effect lasts much longer.
What is more effective after 50 years of age?
At this age on the skin there are serious changes, so care should be full. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to such procedures as laser rejuvenation, photorejuvenation, RF Face Lift, injections of botox and hyaluronic acid, as well as filament facelift.
Which procedure is the best?
It is difficult to say about which rejuvenating technique can give a better result. All of them are safe, tested by thousands of women and effective.
In addition, a lot depends on what age changes in the skin should be eliminated. You can choose any of the above procedures for facial rejuvenation. The main thing is that there were no serious contraindications. But before that, you should consult a specialist and listen to his advice.