Name: Valley Immediate Care – Medford
Display name: Valley Immediate Care – Medford
Medical director: Mona McArdle, MD
Phone: (541) 275-6361
Twilio phone: (541) 275-6361
Address: 235 E Barnett Rd., Ste. 106, Medford, Oregon, USA, 97501
City: Medford
State: Oregon
Country code: US
Postal code: 97501
Phone: (541) 734-9030
Country: USA
GPS coordinates on map: 42.3168511,-122.861733
- YAG Laser
- SculpSure
- Tattoo Removal
- Microneedling
- Laser Hair Removal
RealSelf Info
Profile created: Feb 20, 2018
Profile modified: Sep 24, 2018
RealSelf’s PRO: Yes
Realself network status: candidate
Medical director: Mona McArdle, MD
Special Offers
Start Time / End Time
Start Time / End Time
Lowest pricing in the Northwest for body sculpting
Mar 16, 2018 /
May 17, 2033
Mar 16, 2018 /
May 17, 2033
Contact us today for prices and to schedule a free consult for SculpSure or any of our other services
Specific treatments
Brent Kell
Name: Brent Kell
Position: Practice Manager
Years experience: 30
Kathryn Warner
Name: Kathryn Warner
Position: Nurse Practitioner
Can answer: 1
Years experience: 10
Biography: Kathryn Warner, FNP
Undergraduate Degree:
BSN, Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine
Graduate Degree:
MSN, Gonzaga University
Family Medicine, AANC
Undergraduate Degree:
BSN, Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine
Graduate Degree:
MSN, Gonzaga University
Family Medicine, AANC
Tammie Amaral
Name: Tammie Amaral
Position: Medical Assistant
Years experience: 15
Biography: Medical Assistant and Certified laser Technician/Laser Safety Officer
Amanda Peskor
Name: Amanda Peskor
Position: Staff
Years experience: 3
Biography: Excellent support staff member with a passion for Aesthetics
Dr. Mona McArdle M.D.
Name: Dr. Mona McArdle M.D.
Position: Physician Associate
Years experience: 25
Biography: Mona McArdle, MD
Graduate Degree:
M.D., University of Utah School of Medicine
Oregon Health Sciences University, Internal Medicine
Board Certified:
Urgent Care
Last updated on 12/26/2023