What Is A Dracula Facelift?

Vampire or dracula facelift is injection of the patient’s own blood to create a more youthful appearance. In fact, the blood is mixed with traditional cosmetic fillers in the hope of providing a “stretch” of the skin. Vampire is called for greater popularity, because after the Twilight saga the theme of vampires has become very popular.

Dracula facelifting

Every woman at any age and at all times wants to look young and attractive. Time is the most ruthless enemy of women. But the idea and progress always come to the rescue, which offer us various ways of external rejuvenation. Previously, most of rejuvenation took place by injection under the skin of botulinum toxin, or Botox, and now it is beginning to replace human blood.

A Specific Technique For Micro-needing

A Specific Technique For Micro-needing

Recently, such technology of facial rejuvenation as “vampire facelift” (Selphyl) – injection from products of human blood into wrinkled areas is popular. This procedure, like Botox injections, is non-surgical. Experts argue that such a procedure provides an effective facelift of the face and neck; Smoothing wrinkles and makes the complexion more natural and natural; And also guarantees the elimination of skin defects (for example, scars from acne).

The purpose of the procedure is to saturate the skin with platelets containing growth factors. For the rejuvenation process, a specialist uses the patient’s blood, or more precisely, a platelet-enriched plasma. It promotes effective wrinkle smoothing and avoids the risk of rejection by the body or infection.

During the procedure, the doctor takes the patient’s venous blood, then separates the plasma and platelets from the erythrocytes in the centrifuge. The doctor receives a saturated plasma and “water” the face of the client, having previously subjected him to acupuncture. Another option is also possible when the platelets separated from the red blood cells are mixed with fibrin (a high molecular weight protein that is formed from fibrinogen of the blood plasma by the action of the thrombin enzyme) and injections are made in the areas requiring correction.

Images Of Vampire Facelift

Images Of Vampire Facelift

And not so long ago an improved technique appeared that allows fans of “vampire” facelift to undergo a procedure without needles. In this case, a lot of microscopic holes in the patient’s skin are made by a powerful hydrocarbon laser, and then a special ultrasonic probe “pumped” plasma enriched in them.

The whole secret lies in the platelets and growth factor, which contribute to tissue repair, stimulate the division and growth of injured cells.

They also contribute to the formation of collagen, responsible for smoothness, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

The duration of the procedure “vampire” facelift is not more than 20 minutes; The final results are manifested for three weeks, and the effect lasts about 15 months. The indisputable advantage of this procedure of rejuvenation is naturalness, in the context of using the patient’s own blood.

Injector Uses HA Fillers To Create A Beautiful Shape

Injector Uses HA Fillers To Create A Beautiful Shape

Specialists in the field of dermatology are skeptical about the procedure, since there is insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of the procedure. In addition, after the procedure, patients may experience side effects not associated with allergies: minor inflammation, burning, itching. Also, attention is focused on the fact that the skin of the patient is injured by micro-needles, which can potentially threaten infection.

Vampire facelift information

But, as they say – Beauty requires sacrifice! …

“Vampire” facelift is a new word in plastic surgery.

For many years, the key ingredient in combating wrinkles was botulinum toxin or botox. However, now with this easily manages the human blood.

A new procedure called Selphyl, during which the patient is injected into the face with his own blood, received from journalists the name “vampire facelift”, as this technology includes injections from blood products in an area burdened with wrinkles.

Restoring Shape, And Improving Tone And Texture

Restoring Shape, And Improving Tone And Texture

According to Dr. Andrew Berger of the Rejuvalife Vitality Institute in Beverly Hills, Selphyl has become an incredibly popular procedure to combat wrinkles, for which you need to thank pop culture. The vampire theme, the twilight saga, the Count of Dracula and the like is now on everyone’s lips. And because the procedure under the mysterious name of “vampire facelift” attracts attention, it is quite natural. Even the youngest children know that vampires are immortal, and, therefore, are always young.

When carrying out Selphyl, the patient’s own blood is used. During its treatment, platelets are separated from the red blood cells, then mixed with fibrin and are injected into areas that the patient would like to correct. In the end, the effect is fully manifested in a few weeks and lasts about 15 months.
Vampire facelift helps to treat baldness.

Popular among the stars of the level of Kim Kardashian and Bar Raphaely, the method of “vampire facelift”, as it turns out now, can also be used as a tool for treating baldness. The patient’s own blood can make the hair stronger. Dracula facelift has become one of the most striking trends of cosmetic surgery. This rejuvenation technique, scientifically called Platelet-Enriched Plasma Therapy (PRP-therapy), uses the patient’s own blood. Doctors take it, the plasma is subjected to special treatment, saturating the platelets, and then injected into the face. The demand for this service grew by 800% last year. Now, “vampire facelift” was so popular that some plastic surgeons began using it to treat baldness. In the course of PRP-therapy, hair follicles in the scalp are stimulated, which encourages them to grow again.

Selphyl Prp Facelift Photo

According to experts, this technique can be especially effective in the treatment of genetic baldness in men and women. However, this procedure also copes well with the fight against hair loss due to hormonal disorders, trauma, and also alopecia.

The procedure takes an hour and a half, and in the first stage the doctor types four syringes of the patient’s blood, which is then placed in a centrifuge.
Here, the plasma separates from the red blood cells just like in dracula facelift. After this, the doctor under local anesthesia makes injections in the patient’s scalp, which before that has been stimulated with the help of a dermarroller. This device the patient himself will have to use every day for about one month. The first noticeable change can be seen not earlier than in two months, but the optimal result is achieved in three months, after which the patient and the doctor decide whether it is worthwhile to conduct a second similar procedure.

The Dracula Facelift Picture

Vampire facelift is nothing but injections of patients’ own blood, which must provide the skin with elasticity, stimulate the production of collagens, smooth out wrinkles and generally externally rejuvenate. It is carried out through a series of painful injections in the face, forehead and neck. Now, in some beauty clinics there was an opportunity to make “dracula facelift” without any needles. Instead, thousands of tiny holes in the skin are made using a laser. The patient’s own blood, necessary for this procedure, is fed with special ultrasonic probes into the holes made.

The world’s first patient to undergo a new type of facelift was the 42-year-old cosmetician from Edinburgh, Amy Mi. The procedure was conducted in one of the clinics in the Scottish city of Glasgow. It was the Scottish plastic surgeons who invented the technique, and its main creator is Dr. Tamim Shoaib from the Belle Forme clinic.

Use Your Blood To Rejuvenate Your Face

Features of the method.

The technology is based on the injection technique. Only the patient is introduced not synthetic fillers, but a drug derived from his own blood. For this, a certain amount of blood is taken from the vein, placed in a centrifuge, where the red blood cells are separated from the platelet-rich plasma. This substance is injected with a syringe under the patient’s skin into the faces or bodies selected for treatment. As a result of the procedure, the skin is smoothed out, acquires a fresh, natural shade, wrinkles become less noticeable, and the complexion improves.

PRP Therapy is becoming an increasingly common procedure, not only because of its high efficiency, but also because of its hypoallergenic properties: the absolute naturalness of the injected drug does not cause rejection of the organism and does not provoke undesirable side reactions. The procedure is used not only to rejuvenate the face. PRP Therapy of the head is widely used, after which many serious problems concerning the condition of the hair are solved.

Vampire Facelift Before After

The duration of the effect after “vampire facelift” depends on the initial state of the patient’s skin and persists for an average of 1-2 years. Then the procedure will have to be repeated.

It is worth saying that the cost of “vampire facelift” is significantly lower than that of plastic facelift surgery. If you use the procedure regularly, you can significantly delay the moment of surgical correction of appearance.

Pros and cons of “dracula facelift”

The merits of the method include minor traumatism, absence of scars and postoperative scars – a good tightening effect is achieved without a surgeon’s scalpel. Rejuvenation occurs due to natural processes – a platelet-rich plasma activates regenerative processes, stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin. The procedure does not cause allergies, does not require a long recovery period.

Vampire Facelift Photos

By cons can only be described as temporary manifestations on the skin at the injection site, but a slight inflammation and itching disappear within a few days.

One of the most demanded procedures in leading clinics in the US, Japan, Britain, France and other countries is PRP Therapy. It can be safely attributed to biometodics, which are today at the peak of popularity.

Indications for PRP Therapy:

  • prevention of aging;
  • stressful skin;
  • Recovery therapy (after exposure to the sun, aggressive cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery);
  • Programs of intensive rejuvenation of the skin of the face and other areas of the body (arms, inner surface of shoulders and hips, abdomen);
  • severe dry skin;
  • Acne;
  • hair loss, deterioration of hair quality.

Vampire Facelift Procedure Explained

The body receives a powerful stimulus for triggering natural rejuvenating processes due to injections of a platelet-rich plasma. New molecules of hyaluronic acid begin to form in the skin, and a powerful process of producing young collagen and elastin is also started. This helps to smooth and reduce wrinkles. In addition, the new collagen gives the face a radiant, healthy complexion! The skin starts to glow from the inside!

With the help of PRP Therapy can significantly rejuvenate, tighten and improve the quality of the skin not only the face and neck, but also the body, hands, decollete.

What is blood plasma?

Blood consists of a liquid part, called plasma, and suspended in it shaped elements: red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets. The proportion of shaped elements is 40-45%, the share of plasma is 55-60% of the blood volume. Plasma is 90% water and 10% of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, nutrients dissolved in it. It is these 10% that are the basis of the vital activity of all cells in our body.

What Is Dracula Facelift

PRP Therapy uses a platelet-enriched plasma for the artificial increase of platelets in the zone of localization of aesthetic problems and triggering mechanisms for self-healing of tissues.

Platelets activate the stem cells of the body, as a result of which the skin cells are reprogrammed into the youth mode.

The effect of dracula facelift on the skin

In the course of scientific research, it has been proved that as a result of the course of procedures of plasma therapy, fibroblasts are subjected to very active stimulation, which begin to synthesize intensively collagen type 1, matrix ribonucleic acid and metallometric proteinases of the first type.

An increase in the concentration of these substances leads to the restoration of the matrix structure of the dermis. In the skin of a patient, who has undergone a course of plasma therapy, a so-called “skeleton” is formed, which eventually becomes filled with newly synthesized fibers of collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid.

Younger-appearing Skin

Vampire facelift promotes the germination of new blood capillaries in the dermis, which improves the nutrition of skin tissues and the timely disposal of accumulating toxic substances. The metabolic processes are activated, the skin cells begin to divide more actively, new collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced, the water balance of the skin normalizes. Normalizes the structure of the skin, improves its quality, it becomes more smooth, supple, a natural healthy complexion appears.

Visible results for the patient appear 2 weeks after the first procedure, during the course of procedures the effect accumulates and becomes more resistant. On average, the course of PRP Therapy consists of 4-6 procedures with an interval of 1 week between procedures.

What you need to know during the course of the vampire facelift?

Dracula Facelifting Photo

  • It is better to perform the procedure in the morning;
  • Ideally, 3-4 hours before taking blood, you must refrain from eating;
  • it is undesirable for the procedure to be performed in the first 2 days of the menstrual cycle.


  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs, accompanied by a pronounced violation of the functions of these organs;
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • problems with blood clotting and anticoagulation;
  • acute diseases of any origin and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious diseases at any stage;
  • mental illness;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Vampire Facelift Reviews:

“Vampire Facelift” Not Yet Proven

While the “vampire facelift” has certainly gotten a lot of mention and media coverage because of the nature of the procedure, it is not yet proven to be effective. The filling effect and collagen stimulation effect is marginal at best.

Muti-potent Stem Cells Become Activated To Grow New Tissue

I would stay with fillers like restylane, juvederm, sculptra and radiesse. You will get a lot more improvement and avoid having your blood drawn. (James C. Marotta, MD, Long Island Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Vampire facelift!!

Vampire facelift!! Now i’ve heard everything!! It would be best if you went to an experienced facelift surgeon with proven skills. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

You can expect to have some of your money sucked out of your purse!!! Actually we really don’t have much information at all on the efficacy of this procedure or any stem cell procedure at present.

It may turn out to be the next wonder treatment but for now, I wouldn’t want my mother to be the first! (John J. Corey, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)

Trademarked Facelift Procedures

“Caveat Emptor” – buyer beware, (and do your homework- as you are doing now). Some physicians are using trademarks with enticing catch phrases to attract both patients and other physicians to their “brand”.

In some instances, the developers of these trademarked medical procedures make claims which are not substanciated or are misleading. Please inform your mother that this trademarked “facelift” is not a surgical facelift procedure. The procedure that you mentioned reportedly involves injecting a hyaluronic acid filler (something that is commonly performed by nearly all cosmetic surgeons) along with removing and reinjecting a patient’s own platelets and stem cells; only in a more concentrated manner.

Although there is some research which shows the potential benefit of stem cells for medical regeneration in general, there are many questions about the long-term efficacy of the procedure described. Admittedly, it is a very catchy title.

I am a board certified plastic surgeon with 25 years of experience in the field. (Vincent D. Lepore, MD, San Jose Plastic Surgeon)

Dracula Facelift

Results Of Vampire Facelift

There were many cosmetic procedures touted in the media and online. It is best to consult with a reputable experienced cosmetic surgeon who will discuss you best treatment options and offer recommendations based on his or her experience. (Sigmund L. Sattenspiel, MD, Freehold Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Just another twist on a Liquid facelift or using a natural filler to “plump” up the face. Selphyl is a trade branded name for use of blood products with additives to inject into the facial area.

Nothing really new. Still Fat grafting best when done correctly. The newest Fat graft idea is the SCAFT grafts = Stem Cell Activated FaT, using lipoed fats processed with stem cell activating serums and a scaffold of HAs mixed in to provide longer lasting fat transplants.

These SCAFT grafts are now being tested and studied for application in face injection, in combination with facelifting, buttock enlargement, breast enhancement and reconstruction, extensor hand rejuvenation, traumatic defect repair. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Vampire facelift is a waste

First I would agree with all the skeptics answers listed already. But I will add some data to the story. I was one of the first surgeons in my area to try the procedure because I wanted to know how it would work in my hands.

We had three models, and product provided by the company for free as field samples. The national educator was just in from france and one of the models was actually the local rep. In short there was no response at all noticed by myself or any of the models.

No volume. No duration. Would have been over a thousand dollars for the patient. since that time the national educator has changed jobs and our local rep quit. (Kevin Robertson, MD, Madison Facial Plastic Surgeon)