In the past, going to the doctor or spa with hopes of achieving smoother, tighter skin meant surgery or injections.
For many, these paths to a younger appearance are a turn-off. Luckily, there is an alternative for those who don’t want to undergo invasive surgery or unpleasant injections to achieve a new, younger look. So, what is this seemingly miracle treatment? It’s called Thermage.
What is Thermage? Thermage is a new, FDA-approved treatment that tightens skin without the use of scalpels or syringes.
Instead, Thermage uses the power of heat to tighten the underlying layers of skin and stimulate collagen growth, giving the skin a tighter, younger appearance.
Thermage treatments replenish the body’s natural collagen and stimulate collagen production to create tighter skin for a youthful look-all without invasive surgery.
A Revolutionary Treatment For Aging Skin
What Can it Improve? Thermage is an effective treatment for loose, sagging, and wrinkled skin around the face and neck, but what truly sets it apart is its versatility. Thermage treatment can be applied to the stomach, knees, legs, arms, and more – Thermage can tighten skin virtually anywhere on the body!
Who is an Ideal Candidate? Many Thermage patients are looking to avoid invasive cosmetic surgery, while others want the gradual progress of injectable treatments without the associated downtime.
If you are looking to boost your self-esteem and confidence, renew facial contours, and achieve a more youthful appearance, then Thermage may be right for you.
Thermage is a fantastic alternative to invasive surgery and injections that can effectively treat a much wider range of patients.
A Smooth, Sleek Look That Can Help You Feel Years Younger
Parts of the Body that Benefit from Thermage Treatment
Many people considering cosmetic surgery or injectable mesotherapy procedures are often curious about the Thermage alternatives available to them and the parts of the body that Thermage can enhance. The wonderful thing about Thermage treatment is that it can be used to treat virtually every part of the body, even though different parts of the body show the signs of aging differently.
Arms: The skin around the triceps is one of the most frustrating areas when it comes to aging. Sagging and loose skin in this area is notoriously difficult to fix without surgery, but Thermage is able to handle it effectively by firming skin and stimulating new collagen growth.
Face & Neck: The skin of the face and neck is the primary reason patients seek out a skin tightening procedure. As we age, our faces and necks are particularly prone to wrinkling, sagging, and loosening. By using heat to tighten the underlying layers of skin, Thermage can eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and more.
No Surgery, Just Naturally Younger Looking Skin
Legs & Knees: Thermage is a fantastic alternative to the kinds of surgical procedures that are typically employed to correct loose and sagging skin around the thighs and knees. Thermage treatments attack the root cause of sagging in these areas by using heat energy to stimulate new collagen growth.
These are just a few of the areas Thermage can treat. Ultimately, Thermage is an effective alternative to surgery or injections for virtually every part of the body that experiences sagging or loose skin.
Thermage CPT Skin Tightening Treatment Explained
Having tighter skin is a common desire for men and women alike. Typically, this means invasive surgery or expensive injections. Fortunately, now there is a new alternative to traditional skin tightening procedure called Thermage.
Unfortunately, few people know just how effective this innovative technique can be. Check out this video to learn all about this revolutionary procedure.
Thermage CPT: Getting Rid of Wrinkles Has Never Been So Easy
Thermage Addresses The Visible Signs Of Aging
Thermage CPT is a revolutionary anti-wrinkle and skin tightening treatment that offers a non-surgical alternative to traditional, invasive procedures. If you’re tired of concealing fine lines and wrinkles, but are looking for a non-invasive solution, then thermage CPT may be the best choice. Before you contact your thermage treatment center, consider this overview on the uses and benefits of thermage CPT.
How Does Thermage CPT Work?
Thermage CPT utilizes high-powered radiofrequency energy to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production, thus improving skin texture for a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Unlike traditional thermage skin tightening procedures, the thermage CPT method uses a vibrating hand-piece and enhanced cooling technology to ensure the efficient and precise delivery of the radiofrequency energy. The treatment can be used to tighten the skin on several areas of the body, including the delicate skin surrounding the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Thermage Remodels The Collagen In That Pesky Wrinkled Skin
Thermage CPT is considered the most effective non-surgical method used to eliminate wrinkles, smooth body contours, and rejuvenate the skin from the inside out.
Additional benefits of thermage CPT include:
- Making the skin more toned and resilient to wrinkles.
- Eliminating the risk of skin burns during treatment.
- No downtime is needed.
- Does not require anesthesia or surgical incisions.
- Does not cause the patient any pain or post-treatment bruising.
In addition, patients typically only require one treatment in order to sufficiently smooth wrinkles rather than coming back for multiple sessions.
Who Makes a Good Candidate for a Thermage Treatment?
If you’ve heard about Thermage, you may be wondering if the treatment is a good solution for you. In this article, we’ll explore who makes a good candidate for Thermage treatment-the answer may surprise you.
People of All Skin Types: Many heat-based treatments like Thermage aren’t particularly useful for people with deeper pigmentation because the treatments use melanin as a guiding indicator and can also cause discoloration of the skin. Yet because Thermage is heat- and not light-based, it doesn’t present the same problems and so is appropriate for everyone.
People of All Ages: Sagging or wrinkled skin is the result of the gradual breakdown of a material called collagen, which forms naturally within the skin. Although this breakdown happens most often in people who are in their late thirties and older, it’s also highly dependent upon genetics and lifestyle. If your parents and grandparents aged prematurely, you are likely to as well.
And even if you’re still in your twenties, spending a great deal of time outdoors can speed up the aging process, eventually making you look years older than you actually are. Fortunately, Thermage is appropriate for people of all ages, although older clients may require treatments more often, since their newly-restored collagen may break down more quickly.
What Is Thermage Before And After
People with Problems on Areas Other Than the Face: The wonderful thing about Thermage treatments is that they don’t just work on the face: If you have loose skin, cellulite, or “crepey” flesh almost anywhere on your body, Thermage can help. Thermage can dramatically improve the appearance of your arms, legs, abdomen, and many other places-talk to your doctor to learn more.
Common FAQ’s About Thermage Treatment
Thermage is a great new treatment that can dramatically improve the look and texture of your skin.
Read on to find out what you need to know about getting treated with Thermage:
How Does Thermage Work? Scientists have known for a while that heat increases the production of collagen, a naturally-occurring material that is responsible for the skin’s firmness. Heat also causes the collagen that’s already present to contract, making skin look firmer almost instantly. Thermage treatment builds upon these principles by using a device to deliver heat to the deeper layers of the skin without causing discomfort on the epidermis, or skin’s outer layer.
What Is Thermage Face Lift
What Are the Typical Results of Thermage? Typically speaking, clients only need one Thermage treatment-results will begin showing immediately and continue to develop over the next six months.
Because your skin will be so much firmer, you will notice that parts of your face like the jowls and eyelids will sag less.
If you have Thermage performed on your legs, arms, abdomen, or other areas of the body, the technique will often decrease the appearance of cellulite and can make skin seem less “crepey.”
How Long is the Procedure? Thermage treatment times vary according to which body part you’re having treated and how much skin will be covered during a given session. Treatment times run from about half an hour to around two hours.
What Is Thermage Skin Tightening Photo
How Long Will the Results Last? Nothing in life is permanent, but Thermage comes pretty close. Some patients don’t need to come in for another treatment session for years, but the length of time between treatments is highly dependent upon individual factors such as your age, how quickly your skin shows signs of aging, and whether or not you’ve suffered from significant sun damage.
As recently as twenty years ago, the only real option for people looking to turn back the clock was risky facelift surgery. Now, however, there are a variety of options for individuals who want to look as young as they feel. One of the most promising of these is Thermage, which is completely noninvasive and yields great results.
Thermage is a technique that works by improving skin from the inside out. The firmness of youthful skin is largely due to a material known as collagen.
What Is Thermage Treatment Picture
With age, people begin to lose collagen, causing skin to sag or wrinkle. Heat has been proven to both stimulate the growth of new collagen and tighten existing collagen, which is why Thermage deep-heats the skin to improve its overall appearance and texture. The result is skin that looks years younger without any significant discomfort or downtime.
What Makes Thermage Treatment Safe?
Since its introduction in 2002, Thermage has evolved to become one of the safest, most effective ways to tighten and firm skin. During its time in use, the procedure has evolved to become safer and more comfortable than ever. Here are a few of the reasons why Thermage is an easy and noninvasive way to smooth skin:
Low Heat
Thermage uses radiofrequency waves, which can create a sensation of warmth. However, doctors are careful to use the Thermage machine for only a short amount of time so the treated skin can cool down. The tip of the Thermage machine now cools faster than ever, keeping heat from building up.Even Treatment
At higher levels of heat, Thermage can sometimes leave areas of uneven treatment, because a higher temperature leads to quicker results. Keeping the machine at a lower temperature allows the skin to firm more evenly across the whole of the treated area. When you leave the office after a Thermage procedure, you can rest assured that your skin will become firm and tight while remaining natural-looking.
Patient Feedback
Perhaps the most important aspect of modern Thermage treatment is its reliance on patient feedback. Doctors encourage patients to speak up if the procedure is ever uncomfortable – this allows practitioners to pause for a few moments until the heated skin has cooled down, so the treatment can continue to be a positive experience.
Thermage is a safe, effective, innovative way to smooth the face and other areas of the body using radiofrequency waves. After a Thermage session, you’ll look younger and more refreshed than you have in years! You’ll notice fewer wrinkles, reduced eye hooding, and all-around tighter skin.