Cost Of Plastic Surgery Of Face
Its important to realize that there are a variety of different names and procedures that involve some type of “plastic surgery of face”.
As a patient, its important to ask your surgeon exactly what procedure they will be doing and what deformities they are trying to correct.
Its also important to ask about any ancillary procedures that may be performed at the same time. Some of these procedures include liposuction, platysmaplasty, laser procedures and fat repositioning.
Other factors that may affect cost are the location of the procedure; generally procedures being done in the operating room setting tend to be more expensive.
The level of anesthesia, local vs general, also can affect the price. Be sure to discuss all of these aspects with your surgeon.

Facelift Scar Photos
Considering all of those issues, the general price range for the majority of these kinds of procedures ranges from $6000 to $15000. (Robert Deeb, MD, Grosse Pointe Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The cost of a plastic surgery for face can vary based on location, complexity of the surgery, procedure time, anesthesia as well as the physician’s professional fee. Be cautious of price shopping and of pricing that sounds too good to be true. (Leonard Lu, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
- Surgeons’ fees $5000 to $20000
- Then added cost of anesthesiologist $1500 to $5000
- Then facility fee for surgery center $1500 to $5000.(Tanveer Janjua, MD, Bedminster Facial Plastic Surgeon)
In Columbus, Ohio I charge between $6000.00 and 12,000.00 depending on the technique that I use. (Timothy Treece, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
The cost of a plastic surgery for face can vary widely depending on where you go. The ranges vary from about $9k to over $40k. Take into consideration the number of years of experience the surgeon has, make sure they are Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of the American Association for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Facial Plastic Surgery Cost
Look at the surgeons results on their website and make sure they look good to you. Make sure you understand and feel comfortable with the surgeons explanation of what he or she is going to do for you.
Go after the aspects of your face that are bothering you the most and don’t get too fancy with adding on more than 2 or 3 procedures on the same day. (Kouros Azar, MD, Thousand Oaks Plastic Surgeon)
The cost of plastic surgery on face will vary greatly. This is for multiple reasons. # 1 there are many different “levels” of face lifts. By this I mean that the work and risk needed to obtain the results vary with each patient. A deep plane face lift that requires multiple levels of dissection will cost more than a simple suture lift that some surgeons perform.
I agree with most other responses that the range is from $ 7,000 to about $ 25,000.
Continue to do you research and make sure the lift you are getting is tailored specifically to you. It also depends on if you are able to do the procedure under local and tumescent anesthesia (which I prefer and have perfected) or if you go to a surgicenter and go fully to sleep.

Some Surgeons Charge More And Some Charge Less
That is a variable that can add significant cost. (Benjamin Caughlin, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)
How much does a plastic surgery on face cost is like asking how much does a car cost.
There is obviously a range depending on the the type of car, who makes the car, and where it is sold. Same holds true for facelifting.
What type of plastic surgery of face, who the surgeon is (board certified in plastic surgery, experience level, review history) , and where the surgeon practices (ie. LA vs. Fort Wayne). Face and neck lifting are done in a multitude of ways and each plastic surgeon thinks her/his way is the best based on their training, experience, skills and outcomes.
I perform face and neck lifting with a deep tissue suspension technique. My philosophy with facial cosmetic surgery as that there should always be a deeper layer of support so that the skin is not the only tissue “holding things up”.

The Overall Cost Of A Rhytidectomy Can Range From $8,000 To $20,000
(In a mini face lift, for example, only the skin is removed and sutured. That’s why I tell my patients mini face lift give mini results because the skin stretches out under the forces of the tissues and much of the looseness of the face returns)
The Face and Neck Lift with Deep Tissue Suspension is currently $6500. This is done in the office procedure room setting with oral sedation and local anesthesia and avoids the considerable cost of a surgical facility and general anesthesia.
If there are any other associated procedures such as forehead lift, eyelid lift, liposuction, etc, the cost would of course be more.
Don’t let price be the main criteria in choosing a plastic surgeon. Very often, “You get what you pay for”.

The Type Of Anesthesia Used And The Associated Fee
In any type of plastic surgery, be wary of offers that seem to good to be true… they usually are… and you don’t want that to be your face. (Robert N. Severinac, MD, Fort Wayne Plastic Surgeon)
Agreed, the cost of procedures, and notably facial cosmetic surgery, depend on alot of factors, and in the final analysis, experience, board certification, and results will likely be the deciding factors.. and there are patients who have a second facelift after a period of years for rejuvenation. (Samuel Lin, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Although cost is an important factor in selecting your plastic surgeon, I feel the below four factors are the most important:
- Do you like the before/after pictures?
- Does the doctor specialize in facial plastic surgery?
- Do you feel comfortable with the physician?
- If you have a complication, will the doctor cover the cost or will you have to pay again?

Costs Are Higher In Metropolitan Areas Than In Less-populated Cities
The price range varies greatly by region and the nature of the procedure. Usually, the fee is between $6000-$9000. (Javad Sajan, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Cost of plastic surgery of face varies depending on region, but to get a full face lift the price typically varies from 5,000 on up to > 20,000. Best step is to get a consult with a plastic surgeon and he/she can make some recommendations and provide you with a quote. (Ross Blagg, MD, Austin Physician)
Cost of a Facelift
A standard facelift in our office is $7500. We do the majority of our facelifts in our accredited facility under local anesthesia and this pricing is based on that service. As far as the procedure, the $7500 is based on a standard facelift addressing the midface and lower face as well as the neck.
Any other adjunct procedures or services are add-ons to the price including; general anesthesia, IV sedation, upper and lower eyelid lifts, forehead lift, laser resurfacing, etc.. An all inclusive procedure under general anesthesia would be $20,000 but very few patients require an all inclusive procedure to address their concerns.
The permutations of pricing are too extensive for this format but $7500 is our baseline price. More definitive pricing is based on a free consultation in the office with a board-certified plastic surgeon. (Robert J .Paresi Jr., MD, MPH, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Cost of plastic surgery on face does vary with each physician, typically depending on credentials, experience, demand, as well as location. You will likely spend more in areas where cost of living in general is higher. Cost can also vary depending on the number of plastic surgeons within a given area as competition can sometimes lead to lower prices.

Dr. Ronald Caniglia Surgical Face Lift Results Picture
That being said, I would be vary weary of low-cost or “discounted” facelift procedures.
Facelift surgeons with the reputation and credentials to support them do not need to resort to such tactics and typically have more experience and patients referrals you can speak to prior to surgery.
When it comes to your face, you do not want to price shop. I would certainly visit a number of surgeons in your area, do your research, view before and after photos, talk to patient referrals, and make sure decision based on those factors versus price.
On average, I’ve been performing 2 facelift surgeries per week (often in conjunction with other procedures, such as fat grafting) and the price ranges from $6,000 to $8,000 for facelift alone.
That includes facility and anesthesia fees. (Scott K. Thompson, MD, Salt Lake City Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Factors That Influence The Cost Of Plastic Surgery Procedures
The cost of a facelift depends on exactly your goals and your anatomy, as there a different types of facial rejuvenation . A consultation with a Board-certified plastic surgeon will allow you and the doctor to determine what is best to address your concerns.
You will then be given the cost for the procedure which will in include the doctors fee,and cost for the use of the operating room and the anesthesia provider. (Michael H. Wojtanowski, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)
The cost of a plastic surgery of face can vary depending on whether you have your facelift with or without fat transfer. There are some important questions to ask as you should not base your decision about where to have surgery only on price.
It is important to ask the right questions during your consultation:

Give A Much More Youthful Face Look
- 1. Is your surgeon a board certified plastic surgeon? Be sure he or she is a plastic surgeon, there are a lot surgeons that are cosmetic surgeons or board certified in other fields other than plastic surgery. They do not do the same training as a plastic surgeon. You can check the American Board of Plastic Surgery website for a list of plastic surgeons in your area.
- 2. Does your surgeon commonly perform this procedure?
- a.Ask to see before and after pictures or look online for reviews on the procedure.
- 3. Where is the surgery performed
- a. Is the procedure performed in an accredited surgery center or hospital?
- 4. Who performs the anesthesia for the procedure?
- a. Is an anesthesiologist performing the anesthesia? (Johnny Franco, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

Plastic Surgery On Face Can Be Expensive
There are a lot of variables involved in pricing for facial rejuvenation surgery. For example, which exact procedures need to be done, number of ancillary procedures such as eyelid surgery or laser resurfacing, location of office, plastic surgeon and facility rate differences, among others.
Price does not necessarily equate to quality. It is important to select a plastic surgeon who is Board Certified in plastic surgery, with a good reputation and experience in facial rejuvenation surgery, that you trust and feel comfortable with.
Best to get a few consultations and compare price and all other factors before making your decision. (Michel C. Samson, MD, Daytona Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift costs can vary significantly.
The procedure costs are dictated by the following parameters:
The extent & scope of the procedure – full facelift, short scar facelift, MACS lift etc.

The Real Cost Of Of Facelifts
- The anaesthesia (GA / LA) & clinic / hospital costs
- The surgeon performing the procedure
- The suburb,city, state or country
Therefore, the procedure cost for a facelift could vary from 4500-7500 US$ at our clinic. Facelifts are rarely done in isolation as most patients need other surgical procedures like brow lifts, blepharoplasty & fat transfers for complete facial rejuvenation.
The prices can vary accordingly. Its important not to let costs dictate your choice of clinic or surgeon. Please do consult a board certified plastic surgeon to address your concerns. Facelifts are non forgiving and it would be imperative to get it right the first time itself. (Sameer Karkhanis, MS, DNB, India Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift costs vary by surgeon and by region
Exact pricing for a facelift (or for any cosmetic surgery) unfortunately is not always clear to the patient. The cost can range from $7,000 to $50,000, depending on exactly what kind of facelift you are getting, who is performing your surgery, and where in the country you are getting it done.

There Are Hidden Cost
A few things to keep in mind:-good communication is very important is not only finding the right surgeon, but understanding exactly what kind of facelift you are getting for your money-look for a facial plastic surgeon or plastic surgeon with lots of experience and training specific to the face and facial surgery.
The face is a very different area to treat compared to the body.-ask for the specific costs of the anesthesia and facility fees associated with most surgeries.-you can find a well-trained, highly-skilled surgeon in any region in the country.
You will pay a premium to have your surgery in Beverly Hills or New York. There are many, many surgeons in other cities who are equivalently trained and skilled in facelift surgery.-do your research and get a good understanding of your surgeon’s educational background, surgery experience, and types of procedures he/she performs the most.
This will help you understand best what you are getting for your money, whatever price for a facelift best fits your budget. (Kyle T. Yamamoto, MD, Reno Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facial plastic surgery costs vary depending on surgery center fees, anesthesia fees, the type of facelift procedure you are wanting and your surgeon’s level of skill . I recommend scheduling a consultation to review what your plastic surgeon is able to do for you.
Most surgeons offices will give you an itemized estimate of costs for you to review before scheduling a procedure. When evaluating your needs, you should never compromise price for experience and expertise, and always elect to have your procedure performed by a board-certified facial plastic surgeon.