DHI INDIA – Delhi 110029

Dr. DHI INDIA – Delhi Man Treated With Hair Transplant Picture

Immediately after your hair transplant, you will see the shape of your new hairline but not your final result. The follicles have been implanted into their new positions, but there is a process of recovery they need to go through before you can start accurately judging your final results. You may begin to notice some scabbing around the newly implanted hair follicles, but it will heal quickly over a few days. You may also see some minor swelling on the back of the head in the donor area. Swelling is only temporary and will be gone a few days post-procedure. Redness may be present in the graft implant site, and you may experience some tenderness for a couple of days. Your surgeon will give you a complete list of aftercare advice and when you can wash your hair post-procedure. We recommend that you follow the surgeon’s recommendations, and then both the transplanted and donor areas will settle down within a few days. Many patients return to work 1-2 days after the procedure, but many prefer to take a couple of days.

(Dec 2, 2021)