Doctor Lari Marseille, 13008

42 Year Old Female Treated With Surgery On Nose By Doctor Lari, Marseille,

Witness the remarkable transformation in this before-and-after image showcasing the results of ultrasonic rhinoplasty on a female patient.

Before: The pre-operative image reveals a nose with subtle irregularities, including a dorsal hump and asymmetry, impacting both function and aesthetics.

After: Following the skilled hands of our expert surgeon, the after image displays a harmonious, refined nose. The dorsal hump has been skillfully smoothed, and symmetry has been restored. The result is a nose that not only enhances facial balance but also improves breathing function.

Experience the power of ultrasonic rhinoplasty in achieving natural, stunning results. Your journey to a more confident, beautifully balanced appearance begins here.

(Sep 7, 2023)