Dr. Anne Kremer, MD London,

Name: Anne Kremer, MD
Last name: Kremer
Gender: female
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2012
Years experience: 11
Primary Specialty: Otolaryngologist
Business: FUE Clinics Hair Restoration Centres
Address: Bruton Street, Mayfair, Westminster
City: London
Zip Code: W1J 6QB
Country: GB
Statement: I am one of FUE Clinics leading Hair Transplantation surgeons. I am a native of Germany exclusively working at FUE Clinics in the United Kingdom.
Consulting Fees: 0$
Consultation note: Full assessment for hair restoration, both medical and surgical solutions to hair loss.
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • FUE Clinics, hair restoration centres nationwide
GPS coordinates on map: 51.5107496,-0.1442309

Primary location
Location name: London
Country: GB
Map point: 51.5002,-0.126236007

Anne Kremer, MD

  • FUE Hair Transplant
  • Hair Loss Treatment
  • Hair Transplant
  • Scar Removal

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 1348
Answer count: 19
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Jul 13, 2015
Profile modified: Sep 13, 2022
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Specialist Registered Otolaryngologist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Sep 3, 2015
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • London, GB. GPS coordinates: 51.5002,-0.126236007

Latest ratings of treatments

  • FUE Hair Transplant (Sep 2016) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • FUE Hair Transplant (Sep 2016) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • FUE Hair Transplant (Sep 2016) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • FUE Hair Transplant (Sep 2016) – Overall rating: 5/5

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
I have recently had FUE treatment Day 12 3500 grafts. Do you think my hair will be thick enough looking
Hairs or Grafts?
Aug 4, 2018
Its very difficult to see the numbers, the area or type of hair you have from the photos supplied, in my experience anything over 1500-1750 grafts on an average patient is the most that can be harvested successfully, without over-harvesting your donor site.
I often see patients who have been told a number and don’t fully understand what that number actually means. It may be your 3,500 is just hairs, not grafts, and there is a big difference between the two. Ask your surgeon…
What are my chances to get a great FUE? Norwood 7.
Norwood 7 and FUE – This will not work.
May 15, 2018
FUE, with even the best donor hair will not cover with any reasonable density. Even strip harvesting will not yield enough. You have from your photos a large area and if your expectations are to cover the whole area with better that 50% density I would not recommend surgery. Look at what the anti-adrogen drugs can do first.

Hope this helps.

Considering FUE on crown. How many grafts will I need for full coverage?
How many grafts for a crown.
Mar 15, 2018
From the photos you have published, I would recommend using either Finasteride or Dutasteride first, as this anti-androgen medication would, in your case give much better results than surgery. Your crown looks to be thinning in a large area and if completely empty would take in excess of 3,000 grafts (7,000+ hairs)
Approximately how much hair follicles has been transplanted as doctor told me they had transplanted 300
Depends on what your doctor means by 3000…
Jan 3, 2018
Depends on what your doctor means by 3000, from the photo you have posted I would say around 1,000 – 1200 individual incisions have been made. If your surgery was an FUE, then that would be a reasonable number. FUE “mega” Sessions of 2,500 – 3,000 are rare, as most patients just don’t have the donor tissue to support large harvesting sessions.
I would recommend you go back to the clinic and ask for an exact number. Is it hairs, follicles, clusters or actual grafts (and the size of each…
I’m 14 days post FUE. Dead hair follicles after FUE procedure?
Not long enough.
Dec 13, 2017
Two Weeks is just not long enough. It is a tough waiting game to see the results. But as long as the surgeon did the best he could with your available donor, you will get a result.
I had 4400 grafts implanted; how many hairs does that convert too?
4,400 grafts, thats a very large number to be taken with FUE.
Jan 5, 2017
Photos would be a good starting point. Patients get confused by clinics who just give a large number at assessment, but fail to deliver on the actual surgery day. It maybe that you have received 4,400 hairs which would equate to 1200-2000 actual grafts.
Got 2300 grafts FUE restoration. Is it 2300? Is the process going correct after 14 days op?
Scabs and Corn Rows
Sep 21, 2016
Thanks for the photos, its a shame patients focus too much on fictitious numbers, when it the actual result that matters. Like all patients they rely heavily on the honesty and ethics on the surgeon for numbers. I doubt that the number you have is right. Any scabbing from surgery should have now gone, have you been washing the area correctly?

Last updated on 12/22/2023