Dr Cynthia Nicolau, MD Facial Plastic Surgeon in CEP Curitiba – PR , 80030-001
- Clinica Los Angeles
- Medical: Federal University of Parana, UFPR
- Residencies:
- Clinical Hospital, UFPR
- Massachusetts Eye and Ear Inf-Boston, Harvard University
- African American Rhinoplasty
- Asian Rhinoplasty
- Botox
- Brow Lift
- Cheek Augmentation
- Cheek Lift
- Chin Implant
- Chin Liposuction
- Double Eyelid Surgery
- Ear Surgery
- Earlobe Repair
- Eyelid Surgery
- Facelift
- Genioplasty
- Lower Facelift
- Mini Facelift
- Neck Lift
- Revision Rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- Septoplasty
- Sinus Surgery
- SMAS Facelift
RealSelf Info
- Brazil, BR. GPS coordinates: -23.55,-46.6333
Latest ratings of treatments
- Rhinoplasty (Jan 2013) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 4/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
- Rhinoplasty (Jan 2013) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 4/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
- Rhinoplasty (Jan 2013) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 4/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
- Rhinoplasty (Jan 2013) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 4/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
Latest Prices
Rhinoplasty Prices
- $4500 – Jan 31, 2013 – Miami, FL
- $4500 – Jan 31, 2013 – Miami, FL
- $4500 – Jan 31, 2013 – Miami, FL
- $4500 – Jan 31, 2013 – Miami, FL
Doctor’s answers
Sep 4, 2013
Reducing the width of the nose,
Right asymmetry correction, including septoplasty( your nose is deviated to the right position),
Tip and alar refining and
Improve collumela show, which probably is retracted.
Definitely, there is no reason to think of silicon
Good luck
Sep 4, 2013
There are other less invasive options to address the columella. I suggest you have a detailed
conversation with your surgeon!
Jun 22, 2012
However depending on what is necessary, the revision surgery can be done before. Your surgeon is the best person who can judge the proper time, based on analyzing individual risks and benefits.
Good luck!
Feb 8, 2012
You should see your facial plastic surgeon accompanied by your parents!
Good luck!!
Feb 3, 2012
Do not worry! Nine days is fine.
In order to achieve the asthethic best resut what is more relevante is how the suture were done.
Any time between 6 to 10 days is perfect. Usually it heals great and the scar is amost imperceptible with time goes on
Good luck
Apr 4, 2011
Maybe crusting are trapped in the suture. Q- tip isn´t recommended. It´s better you visit your sugeon.
Surely he will be able to clarify your doubts, particularly regarding the type of suture used.
Best luck
Cynthia Nicolau
Apr 4, 2011
Reducing portion of the hump should be considered major surgery. Both the bony and cartilaginous vaults of the nose contribute to a dorsal nasal hump .Refinement of the dorsal area could be accomplished through either closed or open…
Latest Before And After Photos
- Dr Cynthia Nicolau, MD, CEP Curitiba – PR , 26 Year Old Man Treated With Ear Surgery Candidate
- Dr Cynthia Nicolau, MD, CEP Curitiba – PR , 33 Year Old Man Treated With Ear Surgery Photo
- 20 Year Old Wife Treated With Surgery Of Nose With Dr. Cynthia Nicolau, MD, CEP Curitiba – PR ,
Last updated on 12/07/2023