Dr Fotis Gkaragkounis, in Larissa,

Name: Fotis Gkaragkounis,
Last name: Gkaragkounis
Gender: male
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2001
Years experience: 22
Primary Specialty: Ophthalmologist
Business: Hair Restoration Europe
Address: 1
City: Larissa
Country: GR
Consulting Fees: 0$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • Márcio Crisóstomo – Hair Medicine Institute
Postdoc Training
  • Residency: Ophthalmology, University-General Hospital of Larisa-Greece, “Koutlibaneio-Triantafyllio”, 2016
GPS coordinates on map: 40.6403,22.9439

Primary location
Location name: Thessaloníki
State: 13
Country: GR
Map point: 40.6403,22.9439

Fotis Gkaragkounis,

  • Beard Transplant
  • FUE Hair Transplant
  • Hair Loss Treatment
  • Hair Transplant
  • Mesotherapy
  • PRP for Hair Loss

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 299
Answer count: 39
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Apr 28, 2019
Profile modified: Sep 30, 2020
Profile photo modified: Feb 16, 2021
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Thessaloníki Ophthalmologist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Apr 30, 2019
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Thessaloníki, 13, GR. GPS coordinates: 40.6403,22.9439

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Do I have diffuse unpattern alopecia?
DUPA / Male Pattern
Jun 27, 2019
As before answers, for a complete assessment a personal diagnosis will be required. Your hair characteristics appear to be, straight fine hair shaft with a relatively high skin complexion to hair colour contrast. Your follicular unit hair density can be measure using magnification. Along with an approximation of the average hair count per FU. Whether this shows DUPA or simply a lower than average density a test would tell.
How many grafts will I need for full density?
Hair Transplant Required Hair Density
Jun 26, 2019
When you say a full density it needs some clarification. A hair transplant often cannot replace like for like hair density that was originally there prior to any hair loss. If this was actually required a hair transplant would not be practical. As the coverage would be minimal. A hair transplant works by giving the illusion of hair fullness. Using the natural hair characteristics to their advantage. The length of your hair will also change the look and illusion of thickness. Shorter hair…
Receding hairline or just a mature hairline and how can I maintain it?
Maturing Hairline Or Male Pattern Baldness
Jun 20, 2019
At 21 it is normal and common for the hair characteristics to change, along with other aspects of your body. As hormones change. The hairline may slightly mature in the look and framing of your face. This is not always the onset of male pattern baldness. The genetic hair loss condition. The first step if you are concerned is look at the priority. Normally this will be to preserve and if possible improve your hair growth. As MPB has no cure and a hair transplant is certainly not a cure to…
When should I notice second hair from follicles graft after hair transplantation?
Hair Transplant Hair Growth
Jun 16, 2019
For the majority hair growth starts around three months after your hair transplant procedure. Over the next year the hair matures and fully grows. Each month more regrowth becomes apparent giving you a more defined hairline, coverage and hair density. Grafts are normally natural follicular units. Each unit has between one to four hairs in each. They are distributed over the recipient area by the Doctor. To gain the most cosmetically natural result. The lower the number of grafts and the…
Is the hairline too conservative?
Your Hairline Position and The Long-term
Jun 10, 2019
There are many aspects to the design of your hairline. One could be your age and general hair characteristics. A hairline will naturally mature on a man normally in their mid twenties. This does not mean the onset of male pattern baldness all the time. A hairline position needs to follow the natural bone and facial structure. also ensure it will look natural as you age and not only for today.
How long after hair-transplant procedure can I stop using Rogaine?
Using Minoxidil After Your Hair Transplant
Jun 6, 2019
At the time of your hair transplant did you discuss this with your Doctor? Minoxidil 5% is FDA approved for the use of hair loss caused by male pattern baldness. It helps to preserve your hair growth and potential strengthen hair growth. Like any treatment if it has been having a net benefit while you used and then you stop. You will lose the benefits. For example, if naturally through MPB you were going to lose hair, recede of shed. Minoxidil prevented or greatly reduced this. You will…
What is the timeline of a beard to scalp hair transplant?
Beard Hair Growth Rates
Jun 5, 2019
Whether using beard to beard or scalp to beard the overall growth pattern is similar. In respect of the shedding post hair transplant and then the regrowth stages leading up to a fully mature hair transplant result. There are growth cycle differences between scalp and beard or body hair so the blend is important. Ensuring the mix can naturally blend and appear natural. It may require keeping the hair a certain hair length for the best look.

Last updated on 12/22/2023