Dr Gauta in Naples, Florida

Name: Joseph Gauta, MD
Last name: Gauta
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2002
Years experience: 21
Primary Specialty: Urogynecologist
Business: Florida Bladder Institute
Address: 1890 SW Health Pkwy.
Address suite: Ste. 205
City: Naples
State: Florida
Zip Code: 34109
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • Naples Community Hospital, Surgery Center of Naples
  • Medical: MD, Albany Medical College
Postdoc Training
  • Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecology, Tulane University School of Medicine
GPS coordinates on map: 26.1474,-81.79550171

Primary location
Location name: Naples
State: FL
Country: US
Map point: 26.1474,-81.79550171

Joseph Gauta, MD

  • Botox for Vaginismus
  • Clitoral Hood Reduction
  • CO2 Laser
  • CO2RE Intima
  • Collagen Injection
  • Emsella
  • Fractional Laser
  • Labiaplasty
  • Perineoplasty
  • Scar Removal
  • Transgender Metoidioplasty
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation
  • Vaginoplasty

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 302
Answer count: 10
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Aug 29, 2016
Profile modified: Sep 30, 2019
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Urogynecologist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Jun 24, 2019
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Naples, FL, US. GPS coordinates: 26.1474,-81.79550171

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
I’m 18 years old and my vagina really loose I have 2 5-year old twins. How can I make it tight? (photo
vagina loose after children
Nov 22, 2019
If you are looking to have more children, you may want to consider going a more conservative route. Pelvic floor therapy may be of some benefit as it works to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles through kegel exercises and electrical stimulation. Laser therapy may also be helpful. We have the CO2RE Intima which delivers CO2 energy to the vaginal tissues which helps to rejuvenate vaginal tissue and stimulate new formation of collagen. If you are done having…
Can my concerns be fixed with laser or is surgery the only option?
Laser vs. labiaplasty for uneven labia minora
Nov 4, 2019
It looks as if your left labia minora is slightly more prominent that the right side. A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the enlarged labia so they are more equal in size. This would be the best procedure to give you the results you are looking for. CO2 lasers can treat the vulva, introitus, and vagina. They are most commonly used to rejuvenate vaginal tissue to help with vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. It can also help…
Do I need a perineal repair with rectocele. Is my rectocele causing my chronic UTI’s?
perineal repair with rectocele?
Oct 28, 2019
Have you had an initial consultation and exam yet? A rectocele could be putting pressure on your bladder making it difficult to fully empty, but a cystocele (bladder prolapse) is a much more likely cause. It is encouraging that there is no obstruction seen during the cystoscopy. Urodynamic testing (bladder function tests) may be indicated to further evaluate your bladder and see if you truly have urinary retention.
A perineal repair is often done with a…
How long after C-section birth should I wait to have prolapses fixed?
Prolapse repair after having children
Oct 14, 2019
I recommend waiting at least a year before going forward with the surgical process for prolapse repair. This will allow ample healing from your pregnancy. You will need a thorough pelvic exam to evaluate and stage pelvic organ prolapse. A hysterectomy is not always indicated for uterine prolapse. I recommend considering a pessary in the meantime. A pessary is a device that can be inserted or removed on your own and it…
What are my options if the mesh used to stress incontinence is causing irritation during intercourse?
Possible mesh exposure
Oct 11, 2019
Hello. I strongly recommend you schedule an appointment with your gynecologist so a thorough vaginal exam could be performed to see if the mesh from the sling placed is eroding into the vaginal vault. If minimal, your doctor may be able to excise the exposed mesh in the office.
My vagina is wide open. Advice?
wide open vagina
Sep 30, 2019
You could be experiencing bladder prolapse (cystocele) which is when a woman’s bladder bulges into her vagina. Common causes of a cystocele are pushing/straining during childbirth and heavy lifting. Symptoms include a feeling of increased pressure in the vagina, urine leakage along with the frequent urge to urinate or feeling of incomplete bladder emptying. I recommend seeing your gynecologist so they can perform a pelvic examination to determine if this is…
Should vaginal rejuvenation be done by a gynecologist or a plastic surgeon?
A urogynecologist would be helpful
Sep 23, 2019
A urogynecologist can help you address urinary incontinence (or urine leakage) and can perform a thorough pelvic exam. You need a good pelvic exam so one can assess your pelvic floor strength, laxity, dryness, and evaluate for any prolapse . You may need a bladder function test to further evaluate how well your bladder and urethra (tube that the urine exits the body from) are storing and releasing urine. It can help identify if you have stress…

Last updated on 12/22/2023