Dr Judith Cadavid, MD 404407

Name: Judith Cadavid, MD
Last name: Cadavid
Gender: female
Primary Specialty: Facial Plastic Surgeon
Address: Carrera 46 # 9C-85 Consultorio 404-407
City: Cali
Zip Code: 404407
Country: CO
Statement: Dr. Judith Cadavid is a surgeon graduated from the Free University of Colombia (Spanish: Universidad Libre). She has completed a Master in Otorhinolaryngology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is a regular member of such institutions as the Colombian Society of Facial Plastic Surgery and Rhinology, as well as of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. She is also a member of the American Society of Facial Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Judith Cadavid collaborates with the Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Edgar Ismael Vergara, and they run their own private practice in the city of Cali (Colombia), where they offer their patients a full range of both nonsurgical and surgical aesthetic procedures. Dr. Edgar Ismael Vergara and Dr. Judith Cadavid are professionals with a high degree of commitment to their patients.


The team of Dr. Judith Cadavid and Dr. Edgar Ismael Vergara performs a wide range of procedures, techniques and treatments such as liposculpture, breast augmentation with implants, rhinoplasty and skin rejuvenation, among others.

Due to their high commitment to the health of their patients, they provide them with the necessary information and tools to help them and fix those physical conditions that often become a problem that affects their self-esteem, generating insecurity at home, at work and in the social settings.


Both Dr. Judith Cadavid and Dr. Edgar Ismael Vergara are highly qualified professionals with a solid background in their fields. In addition, they provide professional advice to patients, and are always willing to offer guidance related to aesthetic procedures, always trying to offer excellent care to those who decide to entrust in their hands. Moreover, they use state-of-the-art technology and offer high-quality services at affordable rates.


Dr. Judith Cadavid and Dr. Edgar Ismael Vergara together run a practice in Cali (Colombia), where they offer their patients with the services that will bring great change in their lives.

Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • Quirofanos El Tesoro. Medellin – Colombia
GPS coordinates on map: 3.4149587,-76.5379785

Primary location
Location name: Cali
State: 29
Country: CO
Map point: 3.4372,-76.5225

Judith Cadavid, MD

  • Ear Surgery
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Facelift
  • Genioplasty
  • Rhinoplasty

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 53
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Nov 25, 2022
Profile modified: Feb 24, 2023
Profile photo modified: Jul 14, 2023
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Facial Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Nov 25, 2022
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Cali, 29, CO. GPS coordinates: 3.4372,-76.5225

Last updated on 12/07/2023