Eisemann Plastic Surgery in Houston, Texas 77030
Name: Eisemann Plastic Surgery
Display name: Eisemann Plastic Surgery
Website: https://www.cosmeticsurgeryhouston.com/
Phone: (713) 790-1771
Address: 6550 Fannin St., Ste. 2119, Houston, Texas, USA, 77030
City: Houston
State: Texas
Country code: US
Postal code: 77030
Phone: (713) 790-1771
Neighborhood: South Central Houston
Country: USA
GPS coordinates on map: 29.7114105,-95.4000547
- Botox
- Dermal Fillers
- Facelift
- Eyelid Surgery
- Rhinoplasty
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift
- Liposuction
- Tummy Tuck
RealSelf Info
Profile created: May 18, 2019
Profile modified: Sep 2, 2022
Business type: Practice
RealSelf’s PRO: No

Michael Eisemann, MD
Name: Michael Eisemann, MD
Statement: Dr. Michael Eisemann is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over thirty years of experience helping men and women achieve their cosmetic goals. By placing the highest priority on patient satisfaction, Dr. Eisemann takes time to understand the unique needs of everyone who walks though our door.
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1982
Rating: 4.3
Practice’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
After a rhinoplasty, are the muscles in the nose still able to function and flare your nostrils?
Controlled Changes to the Nose
Jan 23, 2020
Jan 23, 2020
Whether performing an open or closed rhinoplasty, the soft tissue (skin, fat, and muscle) are separated from the bone and cartilage of the nose. It is the cartilage and bone that is manipulated to change the shape and improve the function of the nose. The soft tissue will then conform around the resulting bone and cartilage construct.There is also a muscle in the upper lip that pulls the tip of the nose down. This muscle can be divided, in the right patient, to prevent the tip of the nose…
Is 65 years old to old to have a mastopexy?
Mastopexy at 65
Oct 3, 2019
Oct 3, 2019
Hello, and thank you for your question. Candidacy for any surgical procedure must beaddressed on a case-by-case basis. Age is indeed an important consideration, but it is not theonly consideration that a surgeon must take into account. I cannot assess whether you are acandidate for a breast lift without a consultation, but in general, a 65-year-old could be amastopexy candidate if their aesthetic concerns are treatable and they are in suitable physicaland mental health. You may wish to…
Is it possible to have pec muscles repaired after bilateral capsulectomy?
Pec muscle repair
Oct 3, 2019
Oct 3, 2019
Hello, thank you for your question. Total en bloc capsulectomy involves removing the breastimplant and the capsule that surrounds it as a single unit. It may also include repair of thepectoralis muscle if the initial breast augmentation or reconstruction procedure involvedseparation of the muscle. This decision is made on a case-by-case basis. Without photographs,a physical examination or more details about your original procedure, it is difficult to determinehow your needs can be most…
Can fillers really make a diffrence on these saggy cheeks? Or will my face look bloated? Do I need
Facial Procedures
Oct 3, 2019
Oct 3, 2019
Congratulations on your weight loss and thank you for your question! Facial volume changescan dramatically alter the way a person looks and the skin does not always accommodate thechanges as completely as one would like. As some others have suggested, depending on howrecently your weight loss occurred, it’s possible that you are just not used to seeing your newlook and need time to adjust. Facelift surgery is generally not considered for patients of yourage, as it is designed to address s…
Is a facelift or fillers the best way to address a permanent frowning smile?
Facelift vs Fillers
Oct 3, 2019
Oct 3, 2019
Hello and thank you for your question. Based on your photos, it seems your concerns could beeffectively improved with minimally invasive techniques. It does not appear that you have thejowls or heavy wrinkles that facelift surgery is designed to address. Dermal fillers could helpsupport the corners of your mouth and correct the downward, “frowning” look. This could yield anatural-looking result that is relatively long-lasting, and will help you avoid the need for surgicalrejuvenation unt…
Last updated on 12/07/2023