Facelift At 70 – Plastic Surgeons Opinions
70 is not too old for a facelift. We have performed facelift on patients in their early 80’s and have had excellent results. As long as you are good physical and mental health, it is acceptable to proceed. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Age is not an important consideration as long as the patient is in good health. I’v successfully done full facelifts on people 10 years older than you. Have your facelift and enjoy. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Never too old with good health
I regularly do not pay attention to my patient’s age. If they are in good physical health and they have realistic expectations, then they are good candidates.
Go to your physician and let them see you, you will be happy with what you hear. (Gustavo A. Diaz, MD, Charlotte Facial Plastic Surgeon)

A Potential Candidate For A Facelift
Seventy is certainly not too old for a facelift, assuming that your overall health is good. The major contraindication for elective surgery like this is poor health in general. As long as your family physician and surgeon think that you will be okay, it is rare to have problems. Thus, you should seek consultation with both. (Deason Dunagan, MD, Huntsville Plastic Surgeon)
Age is not a factor for facelifts
Although the average first facelift is not in one’s 70’s, it is perfectly acceptable to perform a facelift into the 90’s on appropriate candidates. (Kevin Ende, MD, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift in seniors
Chronological age (age in years) is less important than your physiological age or age related to your underlying health. If your family physician feels you are a good candidate for elective plastic surgery, you should have an excellent outcome. (Richard Chaffoo, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

As long as you are in good health and determined to be a good candidate for surgery, 70 is not too old for a facelift. With an older patient, I will have a full cardiovascular work-up with a stress test performed by a board certified cardiologist, and a physical examination performed by your primary care physician to ensure you are in the best shape for surgery. (Paul S. Nassif, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
When considering a facelift, chronologic age is not a major factor – it’s more how you feel on the inside. As long as you are a good medical candidate, meaning a non-smoker with limited or well controlled medical problems which do not preclude an elective surgery, age does not play a role in the decision to proceed with a facelift. (D.J. Verret, MD, Dallas Facial Plastic Surgeon)
My 70 and 80-year old patients enjoy their results just as much as my 50 and 60-year old patients!. (Marisa Lawrence, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Fat Pads, Which Have Dropped With Ageing
In my practice in SW Florida, age is viewed more from the physiologic side than from the chronologic side.
Some patients are actually “older” at 55 than others at 75. A 70 year old patient in good physiologic shape, who has no recent cardiac history, is a non-smoker, is not on blood thinners, and wishes to have a Facelift is often a good candidate for the procedure. (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Never too old
The age is a factor in facelift surgery. But you are never too old for facial rejuvenation. More importantly is the physiological health of the patient. Besides the history and physical performed by your plastic surgeon, medical clearance with a primary care doctor is also needed to plan a facelift.
Often patients over 50 require this when needing anesthesia. And some need secondary evaluation from a specialist such as a cardiologist. But many patients in their 70 and 80’s undergo facial surgery with great improvement and natural results. (Andrew Turk, MD, Naples Plastic Surgeon)

Patients In Their 70s And Even Their 80s Are Now Seeing The Benefits Offered By A Facelift
As long as you are in good health and you receive a medical clearance from your MD, that age is definitely not too old. In fact, it was more common for facelifts to be done at a later age.
This age has gradually decreased, probably because of more informatiion and exposure of plastic surgery, to the average age being about 52. Patients also prefer to do this surgery earlier to achive a “seamless” transition and not that dramatic change that one sees when the signs of aging are more prominent. (Edward J. Domanskis, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Health is More Important than age
The overally health of a patient is much more important than age. The other factor that is important is that type of anesthesia administered local , sedation, inhalational. If you have no significant health problems your overall risk from the surgery will be low. (Richard D. Gentile, MD, Youngstown Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Rhytidectomy Offers An Effective Way To Achieve A Refreshed, More Youthful Appearance At Any Age
70 is not too old for a facelift
Your health age is the important thing as to wheter or not you are a candidate for faceligt surgery or not, and not your chronilogical age. Your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will undoubtably “customize” your facelift to meet your needs with your health and your desires.
There are times that I may do a lesser incision and or anesthesia depending on how complex of a procedure that needs to be done. Today I have many more patients that want to just look “refreshed” rather than “different”. (Dan Mills, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Cosmetic Surgery in 70 years olds
The safety of Cosmetic Surgery depends on your physiologic age (your health) NOT on your chronological age, the length of the procedure and amount of fluid losses. For safety reasons, I would like a cardiology clearance.
If your are healthy there is no reason why you could not have a Facelift. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
70 is not too old for a facelift, particularly if you are in good health
70 is just a number. These days, we are living longer and healthier and working more years before retiring. If your health is good, the risks of surgery become less significant. Healthy 70 year olds can heal well and have very nice aesthetic benefits from facelift surgery.
It is worth a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to see what your options are. (Elizabeth Slass Lee, MD, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)
As long as you are in good general health, any age where you believe you look older than you feel is a great age for a facelift. Although many people have a facelift at a younger age, many others age slower and do not need anything done until your age or later.

Common Age For Facelift
They, therefore, would have a primary facelift from your age to significantly later. Very many have secondary facelifts done at this age and older. All do very well. (Robert T. Buchanan, MD, Highlands Plastic Surgeon)
No Age Limit For Facelift
As long as you are healthy and do not have major medical problems, then being 70 is not a contraindication to having any sort of facial surgery. We have some patients in their late 70s to early 80s who continue to have procedures done. (Christopher V. Pelletiere, MD, Barrington Plastic Surgeon)
Age limit for a facelift?
If you are healthy and physiologically youthful and have good exercise tolerance (can climb 2 flights of stairs) you could be a facelift candidate. Make sure any medical issues like high blood pressure are under good control and have a recent physical with your general doctor. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

The Age Range For Facelift Has Broadened Considerably
Age is just a number!
Working in south Florida I see many a patient coming in for a facelift, a breast reduction, liposuction and even breast augmentation. Age is a chronologic number. It is your physiologic age that matters to me.
All my patients over 50 are cleared by their medical doctor. I am concerned about heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, things like that. If you are young at heart – excuse the pun – and are medically cleared for the surgery, I see no reason not to have it. (Steven Schuster, MD, FACS, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)
For a healty person, there is really no set cut-off age for a facelift.
Doctors no longer have a “cut-off” age for a Facelift. This really depends on your health and level of activity. My oldest Facelift patient was last fall, she was 82 years old. She is a working flight attendant.
I did her first Facelift about 15 years ago when she retired from her former job and became a flight attendant. She is still vivacious and energetic, so why not have a Facelift? (Steven J. Pearlman, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift age
I do not like to use the term facelift as it conjures up certain ideas and looks that may not necessarily apply to an individual patient. There are so many things that a plastic surgeon can do in combination, including a “traditional” facelift, to benefit a patient.
Thus, a patient of any age can talk to a surgeon about a variety of approaches to his or her problem. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
There is really no cut off point for age to have a facelift surgery. The real determining factor is your health and medical clearance for surgery. You really have to look at biological age, not your chronological age.
If you post pictures, we may be able to give you more specific advice about your surgery. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)