Facelift Denture Procedure

What are FaceLift Dentures?

If you wear a denture, you may have noticed that your face just doesnt look the same anymore. It might seem sunken in, more wrinkled, and less defined. This is because traditional dentures dont support your facial muscles or help you retain facial shape, causing you to look older.

FaceLift Dentures are different, however. Just as the name implies, FaceLift Dentures are designed to help you look your best and take years off your appearance. Ideally, dentures will rest comfortably on the gums and stay securely in place with the help of natural suction. In reality, dentures often lose their fit, come loose at inopportune moments, and create discomfort or embarrassment for the wearer.

Dental Implants Integrate Into The Jaw Bone And Replace The Tooth’s Root

They also often require a little extra help from denture adhesive to stay in place. FaceLift Dentures, also called neuromuscular dentures, are designed to eliminate these problems, giving you both a more comfortable denture and an instant uplift to your overall appearance.

What are the benefits of FaceLift Denture Procedure?

  • A more youthful appearance
  • More defined facial shape
  • Smoother skin
  • Increased fit
  • Greater comfort
  • Less chance of embarrassing slips
  • Better function
  • The ability to eat and speak normally

The secret to FaceLift Dentures is that they aid in muscle relaxation, which in turn helps improve the fit of your dentures. Not only does this make for better fit, but it improves the function of your jaw as well. Because the muscles are relaxed, they provide better overall support.

Neuromuscular Treatment Before And After

And because better function of the muscles fills out your facial features, neuromuscular dentures give you a more pleasing look. That’s why they’re called FaceLift Dentures. Traditional dentures can contribute to facial features that sag and droop. FaceLift Dentures counteract this action, sometimes helping patients look up to 20 years younger.

FaceLift Denture procedure: A Better Fit for a More Youthful Appearance

Are you a denture wearer? Do your facial muscles sag, causing wrinkles and a less-than-pleasing appearance? Do your dentures sometimes slip? Are they uncomfortable? Is it difficult to chew or speak because of an ill-fitting denture? You’ll discover a solution to these problems: FaceLift Denture procedure.

Traditional dentures arent designed with your facial shape in mind. When you wear these types of dentures, your facial features sag, causing you to look older, more wrinkled, and less vibrant. You still feel youthful and full of energy, and you want your looks to reflect the way you feel. Cosmetic FaceLift Dentures, however, help lift sagging facial muscles for a fuller and younger look.

Properly Fitting Dentures Should Give You The Confidence You Had With Your Natural Smile

Problems with your dentures can seriously diminish your self-confidence and quality of life, but Dr. can use his skill and experience to help you regain confidence, feel more comfortable, and look better than ever with the latest in denture design. Learn more about FaceLift Dentures here.

FaceLift Denture Procedure Questions And Answers

Q) What does the term “neuromuscular” mean?

A) FaceLift Dentures can also be referred to as neuromuscular dentures. When something is referred to as neuromuscular, that means it affects both the nerves and the muscles.

Neuromuscular FaceLift Dentures are specially designed to help your facial muscles and nerves relax, allowing them to sit comfortably on the jaw without the problems that uneasy muscles and nerves can cause.

When your muscles and nerves are on edge, as they would be from supporting an ill-fitting traditional denture, it can cause your entire face to lose support, leading to a droopy look. The action of neuromuscular dentures has the opposite effect, increasing the function of your muscles and nerves for a more pleasing appearance and greater comfort.

Strickland Facelift Dentures

Q) Who is a candidate for FaceLift Dentures?

A) Anyone who suffers with negative side effects caused by dentures should contact surgeon to discuss the option of FaceLift Dentures. FaceLift Dentures will work for virtually anyone who is missing all of his or her teeth along an arch.

Q) How can dentures give me a facelift?

A) You might not see a connection between your dentures and the overall appearance of your face, but your teeth have always played a big role in the shape of your face and the look of your skin. When you’ve lost teeth, it can cause the face to sink in without the support provided by your teeth.

Then, if you replace those teeth with a traditional denture, your look will be influenced by the fit of your dentures. With FaceLift Dentures, a combination of excellent fit with muscle relaxation gives your skin a fuller, less wrinkled appearance, helping you achieve that youthful look you miss.

The Confidence Of A Youthful Appearance

Q) What do FaceLift Dentures cost?

A) FaceLift Dentures are more expensive than traditional dentures, but that’s because they provide so many benefits and require so much personalized attention. We believe you’re worth the expense – and you’ll agree when you see yourself in the mirror after receiving your FaceLift Dentures.

The ADD Dental Facelift is designed for people who have lost lower facial height. When examining the face, we look at classical meausuring techniques which are used to determine your ideal face shape.

If the patient has dentures, the ADD Dental Facelift will do much more than simply provide our patients with natural-looking, well-fitting dentures. See our section on Added Dimension Dentures for more details.

If the patient has most of their own teeth, then these will need to be capped or veneered to restore the height of their face, after treatment with the ADD Facial Rejuvenantor. See our section on The ADD Facial Rejuvenator for more details.

What Are Facelift Dentures

The ADD Facelift involves looking at facial aesthetics, not just the mouth. We also monitor the state of the temporo-mandibular joint, examine the head and neck muscles and perform a thorough examination of the mouth. The ADD Facelift is constantly evolving as our knowledge increases and as more and more research is done in this innovative field.

Implants with the ADD Facelift are the ultimate solution for denture wearers, whether to stabilize ADD dentures, which have restored your youthful facial form, or to free you from dentures altogether.

The ADD Dental Facelift

  • Holistic,
  • Evolving,
  • Used with implants.

The Dentist is proud to offer state-of-the-art Facelift Dentures. This ground-breaking technique brings your face back to life by bringing your new teeth into harmony with your facial features. So if you are unhappy about your smile, or apprehensive about getting dentures because of the “denture look”, or if you have several pair in the drawer, think about a new approach.

What Is A Denture Facelift Photo

There are the “Economy Dentures” and then there are life changing Facelift Dentures, from The Dentist because we believe in a younger, healthier you.

Everything about Facelift Dentures is different.

If you currently wear dentures, do you like what you see when you look in the mirror? Are you finding that your dentures fit less snugly and don’t look as good as they did even a few months ago?

Learn more about FaceLift Dentures here.

When it comes to dentures, the phrase “you get what you pay for” is usually very true.

Dentures may be replacements for your teeth, but they can’t replace the firmness and structure lost by your jawbone. You start to get that “sunken” look that tells people you wear dentures.

Neuromuscular, or Facelift Dentures, are different. Every set of Facelift Dentures is custom designed to work with the muscles in your mouth to operate as closely as natural teeth as possible. It’s literally a dental makeover for your smile and facial appearance.

Patients who undergo the Facelift Denture process tell us they feel more confident in their smile. What’s more, with Facelift Dentures, the “sunken” look goes away. Some patients tell us they look 20 years younger after receiving the Facelift Denture treatment. They feel it’s the best investment they’ve ever made and wonder why they didn’t do it sooner.

As time passes, the teeth in your dentures, as well as your jawbone and gums, will wear down and become shorter. Naturally, this makes your face look shorter as well, which gives you an older and more wrinkled appearance. There are creases, wrinkles and lines around your lips, mouth, under your lower lip and at the corners of your mouth.

Your new dentures will compensate for these losses and restore the proper dimensions to your face. You’ll be amazed at the amount of change you’ll see in such a short time. We can correct much of this aging smile by restoring a lot of what theyve lost (We call this lip support and vertical height). People get really excited Ive had many patients say Gosh, I thought I was just getting old or I thought my face always had to look that way.

FaceLift Denture Procedure Testimonials

“I had absolutely no problems whatsoever with my implants. No need to even call the office with any concerns, much less go in to have anything checked. Everything is very much like the doctors told me it would be, and in fact even better.” – Dave Elwood

“Eating after dental implants is just what I want it to be: It’s a mindless activity! I enjoy the food and that’s it! There’s no “ouch” and no ooh I can’t eat that.” – Robert Hagedorn

Facelift dentures before and after gallery