Facelift Numbness Recovery
Face lift recovery is variable depending on your individual physiology and how much was done. Maximizing recovery involves keeping your head elevated, drinking plenty of water but limiting salt intake, eating fresh and healthy food with lots of fruits and vegetables, and not doing too much too soon.
Numbness will last a long time. 90% of the swelling will be gone in a month. The last 10% will take a few months. It’s important to respect the process, especially you Type A’s. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift Recovery, Swelling and Numbness
A facelift recovery should be very short. In fact most patients should not need anynarcotics and should be feeling quite well the next day.
They will of course not be presentable for aweek or so because of swelling and bruising.

A Feeling Of Numbness And Tingling After Surgery
With makeup, most patients are ready to go out in about 7 to 10days. The swelling will be going downbut it really takes about 3 weeks before most swelling has resolved and 3 to 6months before it has all gone.
Thenumbness is even slower since the nerves that are cut regenerate at about thesame rate your hair grows so it will take a while. Having said all of that, the results from a facelift canreally be great, making the recovery more than worthwhile. (Brian Windle, MD, Kirkland Plastic Surgeon)
Face lift Swelling Numbness
Healing takes some time. If the procedure is face lifting this is the same. Like nose job healing, face lifting healing is a fully observed healing that even daily changes can be seen very objectively.
But there is also a subjective part of it that this is your face and your perspective plays a role to judge the rate of healing. Briefly the majority of swellings goes by the end of one and a half month.

Minimally Invasive Procedures May Result In Minor Numbness And A Short Tingling Period
The first week it is expected to have a horizontal fullness to the face. After one and half month face takes on a more natural shape. Swelling on scar lines, V jawline and neck persists to the end of three months.
And almost final (not complete) swelling will go by the end of the sixth month. Numbness is another issue and is parallel this decreasing swelling and healing. Sometimes you might experience some throbbing pain that lasts a few seconds to minutes.
Still normal. Variety of wound care like taping or pressure dressings help healing. Even steroid pills in the beginning or steroid injections for the healed areas could work. (Ercan Karacaoglu, MD, Turkey Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling and numbness post facelift
Swelling may persist for up to 6 months, but typically resolves to the point where patients can return to normal activities in 3 weeks or sooner depending on the extent of the procedure. Although the use of supplements is widespread, ie bromelain, arnica their uselfulness remains speculative.

Most Doctors Believe That Numbness Will Last Only A Week
Numbness in certain parts of the face is expected, but may take to a year to improve. (Joseph L. Kiener, MD, FACS, Reno Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling and numbness after a facelift?
Swelling after a facelift can persist for several weeks, though the majority of it resolves after 2 weeks. Usually around this time, patients feel ready to return to a social and work environment.
Numbness after a facelift can also occur and this takes a little longer for it to return – usually several weeks to a few months before full sensation can be expected.
Both of these can be bothersome to patients, but with the correct expectations, patients usually do very well post operatively. (Natalie Attenello, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling and Numbness after Facelift
Typically after a lower facelift/neck lift alone, the majority of swelling should subside by 10-14 days. It is not unusual for initial swelling to last up to 3-4 weeks in some patients. However, with fat injections the face is fuller for multiple reasons, one because additional volume has been added.

Also, the fat injection can result in the face holding on to additional fluid for longer, which can result in prolonged swelling and puffiness. Fat that is injected often is partially resorbed and about 50% of it will remain after 1 year.
It is normal for numbness to last from a few weeks to a couple of months; however some patients do get sensation back sooner. The numbness can be beneficial in the initial post-operative period by making the recovery less painful.
I would consider a patient fully healed from facelift surgery after 6 months. (Vito C. Quatela, MD, Rochester Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery and Swelling after Facelift
Significant swelling should resolve between two and three weeks. Subtle swelling can persist for three months. Numbness due to incisions can last routinely for two months, in the area right around the incisions. However, there are face lift procedures where swelling and numbness can last much longer.

Numbness After Facelift Surgery Image
Of course, each patient is subject to different results based on anatomy and surgical technique used. (Louis P. Bucky, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)
Numbness lasts longer than swelling
Numbness can last for many months and can be expected at this point in your recovery. The majority of swelling is usually much better after one month, with most of it resolving in the first two weeks after surgery.
If you’re concerned about an area in particular, its best to go back and see your doctor for follow up. (Brian K. Machida, MD, FACS, Ontario Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift Recovery
Though It can vary from 6 weeks to 6 months, the feeling of numbness usually isn’t much of a topic after 3 months of healing. Swelling can take just as much time but your pretty presentable by 6 weeks. (Justin Yovino, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

The Numbness Can Become A Tingling Sensation, Which Is A Sign Of Early Nerve Recovery
Facelift recovery expectations
I usually advise patients that the wounds should be healed within 14 days. At this stage, any visible bruising should have resolved and the swelling should be settling down so that at a conversational distance, the signs of recent surgery are not too conspicuous.
The process of scar maturation (delivering the final scar appearance) takes months to years and numbness may similarly take several months to improve. Particularly if you have had fat injections, swelling may be prominent still at 6 weeks. (William Townley, MD, FRCS(Plast), London Plastic Surgeon)
Healing time after face lift
There are several legitimate concerns when considering a face lift. Since time is our most precious commodity, the time to return to “normal” after a face lift is a key factor in their decision. For that reason, I would caution you to consider any claim for “quick fixes” and short recovery times for face lifts.
Those that emphasize short recovery times usually compromise quality. A quality result, in my opinion utilized the SMAS layer underneath the skin and when it is fully utilized and lifted appropriately I believe it provides the best QUALITY face lift.
The price for that is a recovery time as follows:
- 10-14 days of bruising
- 3rd week swelling exists, but should be able to go out to places they don’t normally frequent. They should be able to go do dinner and a movie and will not draw undue attention from people who do not know them, but will still not look “normal” or “like themselves” to friends
- 6th week they should look rested and much improved to friends
I tell patients that if I were to submit their post operative photos to a “plastic surgery results” contest, I would submit their 6 month post operative photos as it takes from 6 weeks to 6 months for the last 5-10% of swelling to totally resolve the skin to relax totally.

The Primary Cause For The Numbness And Tingling Sensations After Plastic Surgery
The final summary is that patients are usually encouraged early but happy at 6 weeks post operatively. All of the timelines listed above are guidelines for 95% of people.
Some variances will apply to a small percentage of patients who may heal faster or slower than the average healing times discussed in this communication.
For those procedures who claim to have people fully recovered and back to work in two weeks after face lifts my experience is that they usually compromise on quality results.
Every surgeon wants their patients to recover as quickly as possible but a quick result often means results that are short lived as well.
Be careful when you are considering face lifts and ask specifically to see photos of healing as well as long term results that are at least at 6 months to one year. (Jay Burns, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

How Long The Numbness And Tingling Sensations Will Last Depends Largely On The Patient’s Individual Body, Healing Rate
Swelling after a facelift lasts for several months. Although most patients will look presentable for returing to work and social obligations after approximately 1-2 weeks, you will have swelling for several months, and you may have numbness for up to 6 months.
Discuss your recovery with your surgeon. (Lara Devgan, MD, MPH, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery after Facelift and Resolution of Swelling and Numbness
In general, the more extensive of a procedure you have done, the longer the recovery. More involved procedures may be associated with more dramatic results and less involved procedures are likely to have a more subtle result.
With regards to postoperative facial swelling, the majority of a patient’s swelling resolves within the first month; however, you can expect more subtle degrees of swelling – maybe only noticeable to you and your surgeon – for about 6 months after surgery.

Mini Facelift Numbness Photo
The neck and jowls are more likely to harbor areas of residual swelling longer due to the effects of gravity. With regards to nerve injury, whether it is an expected numbness or possibly an unexpected facial weakness, nerves will start regenerating usually within the first month following the surgery.
The maximum growth rate of these nerves is about 1mm per day. So, if you had an injury of a nerve by your ear lobe and this nerve needed to get near your mouth/nose, I would expect it would take a minimum of about 4-5 months (regenerating at the fastest rate).
Regeneration typically takes longer in older patients, so it wouldn’t be unexpected if 12 months of recovery were needed for maximal resolution of nerve injuries. (Ashley B. Robey, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Numbness From Facelift Photo
Recovery time
Recovery time is variable for most patients depending on how much was done, the kind of procedure and the patients healing ability. For most patients 7-10 days for the bruising to fade completely or sufficiently to be hidden well with make up.
Swelling can make the face look more youthful and can take several months to 6 months to resolve completely. Numbness with slowly resolve with the last areas above the ears returning to normal in 6-12 months.
Fat injections can add to both the swelling and the bruising. I have found that arnica will significantly decrease bruising and swelling in the face if taken around the time of surgery and I routinely prescribe it for facial surgery. (Michelle J. Place, MD, Danville Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift Recovery

Small Areas Of Numbness Can Result From Disruption Of The Small Superficial Nerves In Your Face During The Facelift
We usually separate recovery from a facelift into two phases. Phase 1 is the immediate recovery period. This period usually lasted about 2-3 weeks.
During this phase of recovery a majority of swelling resolves. Most bruising resolves as well.
Wound healing begins with the incisions healing to a point were sutures can be removed.
At 2-3 weeks after surgery, most patients are satisfactory to go out in public, without observers knowing they have had a procedure.
Phase 2 of recovery pertains to long term healing. Phase 2 can take up to a year. This phase involves complete healing of incisions, resolution of subtle areas of swelling, and fading of redness along the incision lines.
Also, during this phase most of the associated numbness along the cheeks and incision lines also resolves. Recovery requires patience, and in the end you will be very satisfied with your results. (Anthony Corrado, DO, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)