How Long Does A Lower Face Lift Last?
A lower facelift is a great way to offer a fresh start to a patient, but another important factor to consider is that it cannot halt the aging process.
From the point of surgery, each patient will continue to age in their own way based on lifestyle, genetics, any stressors they may experience in life – and even how diligently they follow their pre- and post-operative care.
The best way to make your lower facelift last as long as possible is to be kind to your body. Reduce stress. Drink water and eat healthy.
You may also want to think about combination therapy to enhance results – i.e., a good skin-care regime, laser resurfacing, neuromodulators (Botox and Dysport) and dermal fillers.

A Longer Lasting Result
Longevity of Facelift Results
Your lower facelift results will generally last between 8 and 10 years depending on a variety of factors such as surgical technique, skin care, health, lifestyle and genetics. A facelift does not halt the aging process completely but can turn back the hands of time in a dramatic way.
The surgical technique utilized is a vital component in the longevity of your surgery results.
Techniques that involve tightening underlying structures of the face and neck as well as the skin will produce a longer result compared to just tightening the skin.

Deep Plane Facelift Results Last From Five To Ten Or Even Ten To Fifteen Years
The quality of the patient’s skin plays a key role in their results as well. It is pivotal for patients to utilize medical grade skin care products pre and post surgery to maintain the highest surgical outcome.
Those who lead an overall healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise will obtain prolonged benefits of a lower facelift as well. Patient’s that actively prevent premature aging through the use of sun block on a daily basis and refrain from smoking will also benefit longer from their facelift procedure.
Lastly, genetics is an inevitable factor that plays a role in the aging process. Patients tend to see signs of aging similar to their relatives. (Scott Chapin, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)

Every Facelift Is Unique
Typically patients should expect a permanent affect from a facelift. The clock of aging will be reset and then restarted. Typically I tell my patients they should look good for ten years and may need a secondary lift at that time.(Philip Solomon, MD, FRCS, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Longevity of Facelifts
Facelifts turn back the clock but do not stop the clock. I typically tell patients that facelifts should last 7-10 years.(Leonard Lu, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
In most lower facelifts, the 5-year post-surgery results still looked better than the pre-operative pictures of the patients.
We can therefore be confident that a facelift will last at least 5-years. However, most plastic surgeons would estimate around 7-years. Finally, don’t forget that a facelift resets the ageing clock, but does not stop it, so we continue to age even after a facelift.(Marc Pacifico, MD, FRCS(Plast), London Plastic Surgeon)

In general ,in order to maintain the best appearance these procedures may benefit from repetition somewhere between 8-10 years after the original surgery.
Maybe earlier or maybe later depending on your anatomy and your desire for improvement. (Michael H. Wojtanowski, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)
I typically tell people that a facelift turns back the clock about ten years. How long it lasts depends on how you care forit after your surgery.
Being on a good skin care regimen, skin screen and not smoking will all enhance your results. There are different types of facelifts and the length of the results also varies onthe type of lift that you had done for your surgery.

Lower Facelift Day 7
It gives patients a youthful appearance without the overly done look that most patients are trying to avoid. However patients continue to lose fat overtime so occasionally fillers will need to be done in the future to maintainyour amazing results. (Johnny Franco, MD, FACS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)
After 24 years making facelifts in all types of skin and different ages, my answer is just 4 to 6 years, depending on raze , skin type and color, smoking , diet and sun exposure.

Lower Facelifts Are Typically Expected To Last Around Five Years
Longevity of a Facelift
It lasts for years, it all depends on the ongoing natural aging process. Nothing can stop the normal aging process. It is important to keep up with skin care and other additional procedures like photo facials and volumizing procedures such as fat grafting to help the longevity of your lower facelift procedure. (Nicole Schrader, MD, FACS, Princeton Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The longest-lasting results occur when the technique used actually lifts and repositions the muscles and tissue beneath the skin (commonly called an SMAS facelift).

Lower Facelifts Cannot Be Guaranteed To Last More Than Five Years
Those steps will extend the life of your lower facelift. (Thomas McNemar, MD, FACS, Stockton Plastic Surgeon)
7-10 Years An appropriately done facelift utilizing deeper structures, not just the skin, can be very successful and last typically 7-10 years. (Louis P. Bucky, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)
Longevity of lower facelift surgery
The longevity of a facelift procedure depends on the type performed. If the lift involves the deeper muscular structures, results can last 10 years. Some other lifts, such as the mini facelift or a lift that only addresses skin laxity and not the muscle, have results that do not last as long.

Thread Lifts Last Between Six Months And Two And A Half Years
Lower Facelift Lifespan
There are many factors that contribute to how long a lower facelift will last. Sun exposure, genetics, lifestyle, the technique the surgeon used, and the patient’s skin quality all play a role in the lifespan of a facelift.
Technique is probably the most important factor so decide carefully whom you will choose as your surgeon. If you have good skin quality and live a healthy lifestyle your facelift results generally last 7-10 years (Jeffrey Weinzweig, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Duration of the lower facelift results
A lower facelift is in many ways like turing the clock back and starting over. Your face will look rejuvenated, but the face will continue to age. After a facelift, you should not be thinking of doing another facelift in many year (ideally 7 to 10).

A Longer Lasting And Natural Result
There are many different techniques for face and neck lifts. Discuss with your surgeon so you come up with a plan that meets your expectations! (Myriam Loyo, MD, Portland Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The length of time a facelift can last varies. Typically I have estimated a facelift will last anywhere from 5-10years. Its dependent on the technique the surgeon would perform, genetics, and even continued prescription grade skincare. (Timothy Treece, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
The longevity of the results from a facelift varies significantly from one patient to another, depending on many factors, including, but not limited to, genetics, skin elasticity, body habitus, bone structure, sun exposure, smoke exposure, and surgical technique.

A Very Long Lasting Result
Once the healing process is complete, you will continue to age from day 1 the way that you age, which is likely to be different from the way another person ages. However, you will always have a more youthful appearance than you would have if you did not have a facelift performed.
It typically take people anywhere from 3 – 10 years to return to their preoperative look, and some may never return to that point.
The best advice that I can give you is to seek a consultation with a board certified surgeon with extensive experience in facial rejuvenation and allow them to assess your concerns and goals and help you determine the best treatment plan for you. (Michael Boggess, MD, Nashville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Lower Facelift Results Can Vary By Several Years In Either Direction
I investigated how much younger, if any, a facelift makes you look among my own patients. The answer was 6 years according to unbiased age-guessers. 20% looked over a decade younger. My patients themselves thought they looked on average 12 years younger.
So, in the best case scenario, a well-done lower facelift might be able to take a decade off your appearance. Of course the aging process continues. The skin will slowly sag over time, but you will always look better than if you had not had the lower facelift.
So if you look 60 and have a good facelift (along with perhaps laser resurfacing and fat injection), you may look 50. Ten years from now, instead of looking 70, you will probably look 60. (Eric Swanson, MD, Kansas City Plastic Surgeon)

Mini Facelifts Typically Last Between Two And Five Years
We typically tell our patients that a facelift will last about 10 years. We cannot stop aging and gravity and everything in life requires maintenance. (Sheila S. Nazarian, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
A good facelift should offer long lasting results
A facelift is not a solution to stop ageing; indeed it can turn back the clock but it immediately starts ticking again. The ageing process depends on the quality of the skin, lifestyle and many other factors however a high quality, performed with skill and care, should last on average ten years. (Yannis Alexandrides, MD, London Plastic Surgeon)
If you are out in the sun and not protecting your skin, aging changes after surgery would be accelerated. If you smoke, aging changes would be accelerated. Also, the work of your surgeon makes a difference.
Typically, patients might see changes from aging again in 8-10 years, but it won’t be as bad as before your original surgery. (Brian K. Machida, MD, FACS, Ontario Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The long term results are a combination of what you had done and your genetics and starting point. For example if you have a lot of sun damage and your parents aged prematurely, your facelift results may not last as long.
If you had a minimally invasive facelift, the results may not last as long. It is best to answer these questions in person, as there is no “set” time for a facelift to last. (Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)After a lower facelift, you should always look younger than you would have had you not had the procedure. The facelift itself will turn back the clock 10 years or so, but you will then continue to age from that point.
No one can stop the clock altogether. You may need a tuck up or revision in a decade or so.
Just as with aging, the longevity of a lower facelift can be affected by extrinsic and intrinsic factors such as genetics, sun exposure, smoking, diet, overall health, etc.
None of these are secrets. If you are interested in face and neck rejuvenation, see a facial specialist who can give you a detailed examination and based on this, collaboratively work with you to come up with a comprehensive plan to turn back the clock. (Sirius K. Yoo, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)