How Long Does A Rhytidectomy Last?
A well performed and appropriately selected rhytidectomy will last 5-10 years. It is important to recognize that in all patients after the first few weeks a little “settling in” occurrs, where 5-10% of the “tightness” initally seen goes away as the swelling of the facial tissues go down.
That’s why its is useless and frankly unethical for after pictures to be taken very soon after surgery since these are not the utlitmate results that will be seen in the majority of patients.
The following are the most important factors that working together determine how long a facelift lasts:
Anatomy: some people are inherently blessed with great underlying anatomy – they have long necks, high hyoid bones and little fat in their jowels.
They also may have very good skin that has a natural glow and skin tone that stays with them over the years and makes “it easy” for the facelift results to last. Others aren’t so lucky and no matter how succesful the rhytidectomy their anatomy does not permit for long lasting results.

A Facelift Should Not Alter Your Vital Appearance
Skin Care: no matter what your anatomy or genetic luck, it is crucial to take care of your skin both before and after a facelift.This means cleansing, moisturizing, toning and protecting your skin from the sun. Smoking is terrible for your skin. A healthy lifestyle with daily hydration and high dietary anti-oxidant intake is great for it. The healthier the skin the longer a rhytidectomy lasts.
Type of Rhytidectomy: this is probably the most important factor. It is key that your Surgeon be able to identify and recommend the correct procedure for your anatomy, genetics, skin type and goals. Whether that be a mini-lift or a full deep plane composite rhytidectomy, procedure selection is a very important factor.

A Rhytidectomy Can Reverse Many Of The Effects Of Time And Gravity
That is in contrast to SMASectomy, cranial suspension and SubSMAS procedures that provide longer lasting and durable results. (Kamran Jafri, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift Longevity
This is probably the most common question asked in Facelift consultations. In a mid 50’s patient with appropriate expectations in excellent health (non smoker who practices sun safe measures) who has the procedure performed by a well qualified local Facelift Surgeon (Facial Plastic Surgeon or Plastic Surgeon), using a technique which is appropriate for the aging changes present, the procedure will “last” for 10 years plus.
On the other hand, if the same patient has one of the heavily marketed infomercial “one-hour” Never-Never land lifts, a duration of 3-12 months is probably reasonable. Unfortunately, the problem with the “Too-Good-To-Be-True” Lifts is that often there is no aesthetic benefit at all beyond 6 weeks, but there is adverse and sometimes painful scarring.
What factors come into play regarding longevity; include genetics, sun exposure, original quality of procedure, your perspective / expectations and health as starters. In terms of my results, patients that come in for touch ups are in the 7-10 year period after their first procedure.
I have pictures of patients that come in for touch ups that still look better than they did when they first walked in for their first laser vertical Facelift, 7-10 years prior. (Michael Kulick, MD, DDS, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Lasting Results from a Facelift
Facelifts are also referred to as a rhytidectomy procedure. The longevity of a face lift result really depends on the type of face lift and the depth of correction. Routinely, a well performed face lift not only addresses the redundancy of skin but also the underlying fascial and muscular support.

FaceLift Lifespan
In general, a rhytidectomy performed properly can last 10 years or more, but this is a very rough estimate, as there are multiple factors involved, including:
A good rule of thumb though is that if the patient is in good health and has good quality skin before surgery, they have an excellent chance at a result which will last several years after surgery, provided they continue to take care of themselves. (Shahram Salemy, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

How Long Facelift Last
Facelift duration
The duration of a facelift will depend on many factors. Whe you have a facelift, the aging process starts from cero again. But the environment, your genetics, the climate, your work, your amount of stress, will all influence. Usually they can last between 4 to 10 years. (Alberto Arguello, MD, Costa Rica Plastic Surgeon)
I tell my patients that a rhytidectomy performed well will last 10 years. And, my hope is that in 10 years, they will still look younger than they do when we performed the facelift.
Now, a lot of factors can affect that prognosis, such as smoking, sun exposure, weight gain/ loss, skin maintenance. So, it is imperative that patients care for their skin after the procedure on a long term basis to maintain their nice outcomes. (Gilbert Lee, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Laser Facelift Longevity
Generally the more aggressive the lift, the longer it will last. Short scar face lifts, limited lifts and procedures that do not tighten the muscle layer will generally not last long. To get the best and longest lasting result, rhytidectomy needs to involve tightening the deeper layers as well as removing the excess skin.
Facelift sets the clock back as for the aging process, to make the result last longer it is a good idea to start a routine of facial care after surgery. (Shahriar Mabourakh, MD, FACS, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)

Lifting And Restoring Tone To The Face
A facelift will last “forever” meaning you will continue to look more look about ten years younger. (Christopher T. Maloney Jr., MD, Tucson Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift Longevity
The longevity of any face lifting procedure will be influenced by multiple factors beyond the type of facelift performed and the skill and expertise of the plastic surgeon: the extent of tissue elasticity and sagging, genetics, amount of sun damage, life style (smoking, significant weight fluctuations, excess dieting or exercise), general medical health and other adjunctive procedures (like fillers, Dysport or Botox, peels, skin care program) performed in conjunction with (the facelift or as ancillary maintenance procedures after the facelift.
There are a variety of procedures that are called “facelifts.” A well performed rhytidectomy which elevates and supports the deeper tissue of the face called the SMAS as well as removing the excess loose skin and adding appropriate amounts of volume to deficient areas of hollows and depressions not only turns back the clock, but also slow the aging process.

Liquid Facelift Last
In general, most well performed facelifts turn the clock back 8-12 years. Minimal lifts will not produce as significant of an improvement nor will they last as long. Some surgeons claim that “Deep Plane Facelifts” last longer, but there is no valid scientific evidence to support those claims. (Robert Singer, MD, La Jolla Plastic Surgeon)
A facelift can last 5-10 years on average…
The rhytidectomy is performed using techniques designed for a long term improvement. The long lasting results of a facelift depend on your lifestyle choices…such as smoking and sun exposure. Bone structure and heredity also play a role.

Lower Facelift Last
Facelift benefits last a lifetime
The results of a well-performed rhytidectomy should be evident for a lifetime. That being said, the aging process will still continue on even after having facelift surgery. Facelift surgery generally takes off about 10 years. Many factors affect this including each person’s unique genetic aging process, ongoing skin care/sun protection, and avoiding tobacco use.
The rhytidectomy technique also plays a role. Less extensive/shorter-recovery lifts don’t have as durable a result. (Thomas A. Lamperti, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
How long does a facelift result last?
The benefits that occur from a well done facelift can and should last a lifetime. You will never look the same as if you never had the lift. That being said, the facelift will elevate the tissues of the face but gravity, loss of facial volume, and aging of the skin still occur.

Mini Facelift Last
So, not all patient’s are requesting or requiring a revision facelift every ten years. Taking good care of your skin, maintaining a constant weight and overall good health are the best things you can do to extend the effect of the rhytidectomy. (Douglas M. Stevens, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)
A facelift will not stop the clock just set it back 5-10 years.
Facial rejuvenation procedures set back the clock, 5, 10, 15 years, but do not stop the aging process. It is variable from patient to patient how quickly signs of further aging will manifest itself depending on history of sun exposure, smoking, genetics etc. (Sanjay Grover, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Thread Lift Results Photo
4 important considerations
1. Type of Facelift Procedure: From a facelift technical persective, the longevity of a Facelift is directly proportional to the extent of SMAS repositioning performed. A carefully performed SMAS lift will last from 8 to 12 years. On the other hand, a skin only facelift will typically stretch out within a year.
2. Skin Elasticity: Genetic factors, history of cigarette smoking, and sun exposure all influence skin elasticity. These are factors that can substantially affect a facelift result and potentially decrease the longevity of the procedure.
3. Age of Patient: A facelift performed in a 50 year old is going to last much longer than a facelift in a 75 year old, granted all other criteria are the same. As a patient ages, the longevity of the result will shorten.

When Your Facelift Starts To Go
Face lift benefits last forever
If the face lift is done properly, namely the surgeon is skilled and experienced and corrects all the deep structures in the face, than the results last forever.
By this I do not mean that the face remains “frozen” or uncharged with years. There is always some aging that’s going to occur with time. I tell my patients that a face lift will turn back the lock significantly, but it will not freeze the clock.

A Restorative Surgical Procedure
That approach is individualized based on the patient’s preference. In my practice I’ve seen some patients come back 20 years after my original procedure to repeat the face lift, on the other hand some patients prefer to come back every few years for some minor maintenance procedures to keep the young and refreshed look. (Boris M. Ackerman, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)
How long do Face Lifts last?
Face Lifts last on average for 10 years. There are a number of factors that will determine how long your results will last including the type of face lift performed.
Typically younger patients have better skin quality and their results can last longer than older patients.

Loss Of Youthfulness And Contours In Your Face
You should consult with plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery to learn more. (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Improvement with Facelifts
The results of a Facelift last forever. When someone who undergoes a rhytidectomy, it turns back time. However, if we are lucky, we continue to age. Facelifts turn the clock back. They do not stop it.
A Facelift performed by a qualified, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon should please you for years. (Malcolm A. Lesavoy, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

The Longevity Of Face-lift Surgery Is A Key Question
I like to tell patients that a facelift will set the patient’s appearance back anywhere from 8 to 12 years, depending on the aging characteristics in the face. As the patient then continues to age, the features that were corrected will, in time, eventually recur.
There are various traits that determine how fast the appearance of aging will take place – poor elasticity of skin, significant weight loss, and cigarette smoking are all risk factors. (Jeffrey Epstein, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Longevity of a Facelift
A rhytidectomy duration depends on many factors which include:
Longevity for facelift results
Facelifts usually last for about 10 years. A facelift done on a 45-year-old person may last longer because the skin tone is much better than somebody who is 85 years old. The 85-year-old skin is very inelastic and will start to sag within the first few years after the procedure.
The fact is that to determine how long a facelift will last include genetics, smoking, and sun exposure. Obviously when patients are overweight, fat deposits in the neck also will be present. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Longevity of a full facelift
The longevity of a facelift depends, to some degree, upon the extensiveness of the original procedure. For instance, a person who had forehead lift, lasering, eyelid lift and lipografting would be expected to have a longer lasting lift when compared to a person who had a short-incision lift of the face only with no work done to the eyes or neck and only some lasering.In general you get permanent improvement, but nothing can stop the clock. We can only set it back. Other factors that contribute to the longevity of your facelift are genetics, sun exposure, smoking and other lifestyle choices such as diet and exerciese.
In my experience, my patients that have had a full facelift wait about 10-15 years before returning for an update. (Deason Dunagan, MD, Huntsville Plastic Surgeon)