How Much Are Facelifts?
The price of a facelift can vary substantially depending on what other procedures are done at the same time.
A basic facelift should be around $8000 to $10,000.
If you add eyelids that could add another $4000. Beyond that, most other things added to facelifts are not worth the money, such as fat injections, mid face lifts and lasering.
Those things can really make the price of a facelift add up fast. (Ronald J. Edelson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Obviously, the cost of a facelift varies between geographic areas, the experience of the physician, and where the procedure is to be performed (office, ambulatory surgery center, or hospital).
In addition to these factors, exactly what procedure is being performed (S Lift, deep plane lift, endoscopic lift, mini lift, SMAS plication) factors into this as does the need for ancillary procedures such as platysmal plication, corset playsmaplasty, liposuction, eyelid surgery, brow lift etc.

Additional Costs Will Not Be Included In The Initial Treatment
Finally, the health of the patient and the degree of age related changes also are important. In my location, the fees may vary from $5500 – $20000 including anesthesia and facility fees. The highest numbers may include ancillary procedures such as facial resurfacing, fat transfer, eyelid surgery, and forehead lift surgery. (Lawrence Kass, MD, Saint Petersburg Oculoplastic Surgeon)
Generally, a facelift costs 6000 to 10000 dollars. These costs vary according to the location of practice, the experience of the surgeon, and whats involved. When I talk about a facelift, this includes improving the face and the neck.
This does not include the eyelids or the forehead. Be aware there is alot of false advertising in newspapers, on line, and radio. Please do your homework.
A board certified plastic surgeon with a good reputation does not need to spend alot of money on advertising.
Word of mouth referals continues to make that surgeon busy. Don’t take the cheapest quotes – remember, in life, you get what you pay for. (Robert M. Wald, Jr., MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Affordable Price Of A Facelift
The cost will depend on the type of technique, the facility, and the surgeon you choose. You health is priceless. So, the best thing is to look for a very good certified plastic surgeon, with good experience.
Reviews may be helpful. Also make sure that your elected plastic surgeon operates in an accredited facility. (Alberto Arguello, MD, Costa Rica Plastic Surgeon)
Unfortunately, often it is not clarified what exactly is included in a facelift. Technically speaking a facelift is a cheek lift, and a neck lift and the cost can widely vary by region of the country as well as surgeon, anywhere from $6,000-$15,000.
– Often a forhead lift and/or eyelid tucks maybe done at the same time and the cost might be combined confusing things even further. Then there is the facility fee which may or may not be added separately. I.e. a global fee or itemized.
And some blood work and EKG might also be ordered which can also add to the cost. So it is important to ask for detailed description of what will be done exactly and its cost. (Andrew Pichler, MD, Sacramento Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Endoscopic Facelifts May Have A Higher Cost
As most of my coleges answer is not the quality of the surgeon or surgery is about the location. Learnig how to select your surgeon and your surgical facility not the location is the key for a good result. (Alejandro J. Quiroz, MD, FACS, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)
Consider this when choosing your facelift surgeon:
The fee for a facelift procedure can range anywhere from $9,500.00 to $12,500.00 and may vary depending on the complexity of the surgery. The fee will also depend on the expertise and experience of the surgeon. It is important to discuss the credentials and experience of your surgeon before going forward with surgery. (Frank Lista, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
As you’ve no doubt encountered in your search for the right surgeon and the right operation, the cost of a facelift can be all over the map.
One of the reasons for such variability is geography (e.g. a facelift in Manhattan will cost more than in a smaller market), but another prominent reason is the sheer variability of the operation itself.

Facelift Cost Comprises The Anesthesia Fee
The S-lift, the MACS-lift, the Weekend-lift, the short incision facelift, the deep-plane facelift, the SMAS lift, the Vampire Lift, the Lifestyle Lift…the list is really long, and confusing! My advice is to avoid the quick hit.
I’ve had many patients who have come to me unhappily after a quick “gimmicky” kind of lift. You will likely spend about $10-20k for a typical facelift in a typical plastic surgery market. If you also have a browlift and your eyes done, this number will be higher.
Just make sure you know what your getting for your money and look at lots of photos of patients who have had the same procedure(s) you are entertaining. (Randolph Capone, MD, FACS, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)
First point: Be an informed consumer – Research, Research, Research your surgeon prior to undergoing ANY surgery.
Ensure he/she is BOARD CERTIFIED in Plastic Surgery (either FACS or FRCSC) Certified. Look at the surgeon’s Before and after photos of his facelifts to make sure your “vision” of attractive results matches what he/she considers attractive — if not, walk away.

Facelift Fees Will Typically Be Higher In Large Metropolitan Areas
The costs of doing a “facelift” are influenced by training, experience, location. facility charges, staffing etc. In Newport Beach, this can range from $7000-50000 depending on your surgeon. Evaluate what is involved in the quote you receive: does it include a “necklift” as well? Most surgeons do a necklift (when required) when they do the facelift.
Is it just a “skin lift” of a more sustainable soft tissue lift (SMAS etc)? Do the fees include: operating room, nursing staff, anesthesia, post op nursing care (for one or more nights), post op medications etc.?
Remember to ASK QUESTIONS! There is no such thing as a silly question. Be informed. (David L. J. Wardle, MD, Ottawa Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift costs vary by region, but a starting point is $7000

Facelift Prices Can Vary Depending On The Doctor And The Region
As the other doctors have mentioned, it does vary significantly by region. If you chose a well qualified Plastic Surgeon, with a strong reputation for facial work, you should have a nice result. Try to get a personal referral.
While the internet is a valuable marketing tool, it doesn’t provide the same level of confidence as seeing a friend with good results. Don’t settle for price alone. You will get what you pay for.
You don’t want the Wal-Mart Price when you are having cosmetic surgery. Once you have found the right doctor, make sure you are comfortable with them and their office staff. You will become very close during the peri and post operative time and it has to be right.
In Chicago, the prices range from $7000 to $15,000 for a full facelift, all inclusive.
A mini lift, S-lift, or limited Lift, may range from $5000 to $9000. Don’t be fooled by the fancy TV ads for a lunch time lift. (David A. Dreyfuss, MD, Orland Park Plastic Surgeon)

How Much Is One Stitch Facelift
Face Lift Costs: Compare Costs Carefully
You will find that the fees quoted for a face lift vary greatly. When comparing fees try to compare “apples to apples”. The following can be helpful: Compare the same type of procedure. In most instances a “face lift” refers to correcting changes associated with aging in the cheeks and neck.
The eye lid and brow regions are usually considered separate areas. Most plastic surgeons use a technique where the underlying tissue, (the SMAS), is supported, the skin is carefully re draped, and the excess skin is trimmed away.
This type of face lift can provide natural results that typically last 7-10 years. Recently, many smaller, less extensive procedures have been promoted. Often placed in the “mini lift” category, they tend to be smaller procedures.

Rhutidectomy Costs Tend To Be Higher In Urban Areas
They are often quicker, provide less support of the deeper tissues and have a shorter recovery time, but the results may not last as long. Are other procedures being combined with the face lift? Combining the face lift with eye lid surgery, laser or fillers will add to the cost of the procedure.
Note the region of the country. Fees vary depending upon location. New York and Los Angeles have much higher fees than other regions of the country. Where is the surgery being performed?
For safety reasons, the surgery should be performed in an accredited surgical facility such an an outpatient surgery center or hospital.
Hospital fees are higher than outpatient surgery centers especially if an overnight stay is included. What type of anesthesia will be used? Many of these procedures can be performed under IV sedation. General anesthesia is more expensive.

The Average Facelift Cost Is About $6,000
The skill and reputation of the surgeon is important. This is harder to quantify, but check out your doctor. Make sure he or she has a good reputation, and performs this surgery frequently, safely and with good results.
Your personal physician often can tell you who is qualified and respected in your local medical community. Other satisfied patients can also be good referrals. (James H. Schmidt, MD (retired), Sarasota Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift is a category more than a specific operation
Patients may think that having a facelift is like getting a specific product and not understand that it is merely a convenient way to categorize cosmetic surgery of the face.
There are many variations,, subcategories, and individual modicifications as well as manuveurs that one may think of as accessories or ancillary procedures: subcutaneous, deep-plane, subperiosteal, SMAS, short scar, endoscopic, platysmal plication, submental lipectomy, fat grafting, mid-face lift, etc., etc.
These all refer to different aspects of a”facelift.” It is sort of like asking how much it casts to remodel a kitchen. It all depends on what you do, what quality of material you use, and who you have do the work.
Some places advertise for $3995 and some surgeon charge over $50,000. Start with good reputable surgeons first. Never just have surgery based primarily on cost
That coud lead you down an even more expensive path of discontent. A good surgeon can always adjust the cost but money cannot adjust the judgment and expertise of a surgeon. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
The price of facelift has a very wide range
The price of facelift has a very wide range. You can expect price ranges anywhere between $10,000 and $60,000 depending on your location, your surgeon, and actual procedures which you are having. My best advice is to go to several consultations and meet directly with the surgeon.

A Facelift Can Cost Anywhere From $3,000 To $15,000
Also, talk to friends who have had previous surgery in your area. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Cost Depends on Multiple Factors
Looking for a definitive cost of a facelift will be frustrating. You may find an average cost, but the nature of facelift surgery means the price can vary substantially depending on several things.
One is region: Plastic surgeons may quote very different prices for the same patient depending on the location of their practices.
Many types of facelift exist and each will be associated with different costs: short-scar, skin-only, skin and muscle, anterior repair or not, gland manipulation or not, microfat grafting or not, full facelift including a browlift versus a midface lift or lower facelift, etc.

Cost Is An Important Factor In Your Decision To Undergo Rhytidectomy
A facelift is unlike any other aesthetic procedure, because the results will be seen by everyone and will last for years. Start by consulting with experienced plastic surgeons and choose someone who makes you feel comfortable. (Marc DuPéré, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
In Plastic Surgery, Prices Vary
RealSelf users report paying an average of just over $11,000 for facelift surgery. However, like many things, this number can vary significantly based on a few different factors, including where your doctor is located and the invasiveness of your procedure.
Most surgeons are happy to provide written quotes during your consultation, but keep in mind that it’s not a great idea to bargain shop when you’re in the market for plastic surgery. In many cases, a surgeon’s fees reflect his or her level of expertise as well as the quality of the staff, facilities, and equipment.

Factors That Affect The Cost Of A Facelift
To see what other facelift patients near you paid for their surgeries, click on the “Cost” tab at the top of this page. (Howard Silverman, MD, FRCSC, Ottawa Plastic Surgeon)
How much does a facelift cost?
For sure – the range can be from 800 in Asia to 45,000 if you do face, neck, eyes, forehead, nose under general anesthesia staying over night in the hospital Did this answer solve your concerns – no.
But you would get a similar response when asking to buy art work that you liked but did not meet or speak with the artist. This means that you need to meet the doctors that can give you the specific answers you are looking for. You set the priorities. (Michael Kulick, MD, DDS, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Full Sedation Will Cost More Than Local Anesthesia
Facelift costs vary dramatically by region
The typical costs for a facelift can vary by region from around 7500 dollars to about 20,000 dollars depending upon the area of the country you are living in. In our area the typical costs for a facelift are 5500 professional fees, 1500 for the facility and 1200 for the anesthesia.
Despite similar procedures, these costs vary and are typically more expensive in the larger cities like New York, Los Angeles area, Miami area and San Francisco. When considering a facelift, I would look to someone who does a lot of facial plastic surgery such as those who are certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. (Scott Trimas, MD, Jacksonville Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Experience of the surgeon and his/her training are what a patient should focus on.
The cost of a facelift, like most things in life, varies from one surgeon to another and also in different parts of the country. Experience of the surgeon and his/her training are what a patient should focus on.
Your ability to communicate with the surgeon and his/her understanding and explanation regarding your options should make you comfortable with his/her ability to take care of you.
An excellent site to see the national averages for fees is at the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( which produces the average fees on a yearly basis. These fees are only the surgeon’s fees and do not include the operating room and anesthesia fees which, on average, run 40-50% of the surgeons fees. (Ricardo Izquierdo, MD, Oak Brook Plastic Surgeon)