How Much Does Face Plastic Surgery Cost?
A face plastic surgery, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that reverses age markers such as sagging skin and creases on the face.
Besides overturning the more common signs of aging like wrinkles, a face plastic surgery aims to redefine your existing facial contours to give you a smooth and youthful appearance.
Every individual requires different surgeries when addressing the face. During a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon, you will be evaluated to determine what surgeries you need i.e. eye brow lift, blepharoplasty, neck lift, etc.
These surgeries are all part of a face plastic surgery which is why it is very difficult to give an exact price. An estimate range would be $6000 – $9500.
Please consult with a board certified surgeon to determine what you require before making any decisions based solely on price. (Omar Fouda Neel, MD, FRCSC, FACS, Montreal Plastic Surgeon)

Am I A Good Candidate For Face Plastic Surgery
The cost of a face plastic surgery ranges from practice and location. It also depends on the extent of work that needs to be done. However, when it comes to a face plastic surgery, the most important aspect to consider is the surgeon that is performing the procedure.
Your top priority should be finding a surgeon that is reputable and someone that you trust. (Michael T. Somenek, MD, Washington DC Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift cost groupon vs experience
The range where I practice in Beverly Hills is 7 to 20 thousand dollars. If fat grafting is included or dermabrasion of the lines around the lips or eyelid surgery or excision of the submandibular gland. The price can escalate pizza principle style.

Face Plastic Surgery Before And After
This can be difficult to answer because “face plastic surgery” can mean different things to different people. A face lift may involve only part of or all of the face and may involve the brow, upper eyelid, lower eyelid, cheek, jawline, neck, chin, etc.
For each of these areas there may be different surgical variations depending on the specific anatomy and needs of the patient. Most doctors can give you a ball park price over the phone once you discuss your goals.

Face Plastic Surgery Can Be An Effective Way To Improve Appearanc
The cost of a face plastic surgery varies by region of the country, the amount of work that is needed (for instance, most, but not all patients need inclusion of a neck lift and fat transfer), experience of the plastic surgeon, the facilities used to carry out the procedure (accredited, reputable facilities costing more than non-accredited), and even the type of anesthesia provider in attendance (nurse anesthetists versus anesthesiologists).
As with many other things in life, quality workmanship in face plastic surgery surgery carries with it a certain minimum cost.
Anything significantly lower most certainly means lower quality–you will get what you paid for if you bargain hunt and find yourself in the hands of someone of lesser training and skill. (Alyson Wells, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Prices range from 5000 to 50000. There are a dozen techniques described for facelifting ,and there is not one that is proven to be the best!
The most important thing is to choose a PS who will spend the time describing what the goals are to avoid the stretched, wind swept look. (Sergio Alvarez, MD, Doral Plastic Surgeon)
I personally believe strongly that a face plastic surgery should be performed in a thorough manner with camouflaged incisions such that the result is both natural and long-lasting. Less-expensive facelifts are nowadays done under local anesthesia without an anesthetist and are very limited in what they accomplish.

Facelift Surgery , Clinically Known As Rhytidectomy
In smaller towns and rural areas I’m sure the prices are significantly less but so might be the doctors experience and expertise. I advise you to be selective and choose an ABPS board-certified plastic surgeon or a board-certified facial plastic surgeon and research their credentials and reputation as well as review before and after photographs that they provide. (Jon A. Perlman, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Costs vary from region to region, qualifications of the Surgeon, techniques utilized, if or not additional procedures would be recommended. It is best to schedule an in person consultation with an experienced Board Certified PS and your treatment options as well as fees will be presented to you same day. (Thomas Trevisani, Sr., MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Surgery Can Help To Reverse The Harmful Effects Of Time
The average fee listed on RealSelf is $11,875. My fee for face plastic surgery is $10,830. This includes the facility fee at our Joint Commisiion accredited Surgicenter, (the only one to achieve this highest rating in Savannah)the anesthesia fee and the surgeons fee.
Ancillary procedures (like eyelids, if needed) are an additional charge. (Luke J. Curtsinger, MD, FACS, Savannah Plastic Surgeon)
Standard face plastic surgery cost estimate
The average cost for a standard face plastic surgery is $8500. This cost, at my practice, is all inclusive. Facility fee, anesthesia fee, surgery cost, along with a fully encompassing post-operative kit including post surgery Medical Spa treatments.
We offer complimentary consultations where a complete quote is provided at the end of your discussion with your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Patrick Viscardi, MD, South Bend Plastic Surgeon)

Ideal Candidates For Face Platic Surgery
The price of a face lift will vary from city to city. In the Dallas area the price for a face plastic surgery (not including brows, eyelids, or fat transfers) ranges from $8,000-$14,000. Consult with a board Certifed Plastic Surgeon. (Jeff Angobaldo, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
One thing to bare in mind is everybody’s face is different, and depending on your age and the quality of skin on your face, the amount of work needed to achieve your desired look will be different from somebody else’s.
Prices vary from surgeon to surgeon, and my prices typically start at £6000. (Amir Nakhdjevani, MBBS, MRCS, FRCS (Plast), London Plastic Surgeon)

Reduce The Appearance Of Facial Wrinkles
A nice way of having the procedure done is under local anesthesia which may save you considerably in terms of money. (Gilbert Lee, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
A face plastic surgery in my area usually averages around 13-16K. There are those that charge exhorbitant fees but not sure how much benefit there is at those costs. (Sheila S. Nazarian, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical treatment can vary greatly from person to person and there are so many factors that contribute to your surgical recommendations that will effect cost.
Without knowing what you look like and any under lying medical conditions it is hard to give you a cost when I’m unsure what treatment might actually be best for you. Your asking for face-lift which can include many variations, full face lift ( lower face, neck, mid face, brow lift, and eye lid) surgery can run $12000+.

Trust Your Face To A Facial Plastic Surgeon
Your best option is to consult with a certified physician to discuss your concerns, goals and expectations and get a more accurate cost estimate.
Many office like my own offer no fee consultations with our patient coordinator who can go over cost information with you with no obligation. (Hannah Vargas, MD, Kansas City Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift costs do vary – but should not form the basis of your decision
The cost of a face plastic surgery can vary, depending on patient to patient and exactly what result you want to achieve. Price should not be a main deciding factor in your decision to move forward with a particular surgeon; patient confidence and previous patient results should influence you more than monetary factors. (Yannis Alexandrides, MD, London Plastic Surgeon)

Face Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong
Otherwise, a lift might start at $6500 and keep going up from there. (Brian K. Machida, MD, FACS, Ontario Facial Plastic Surgeon)
There are many plastic surgeons in my vicinity, all competing for that face plastic surgery income. In many fields, increased competition has driven down prices, and the same is true of plastic surgery. But please remember, it’s not like shopping around for the best deal on a Toyota.
Facelifting is a SERVICE, not a piece of MERCHANDISE. The result you’re left with isn’t something that’s assembled by robots in a factory in Japan, or Detroit, or even Modena. It sounds a bit snooty to say that what we do is as much art as surgery, but it is, for the most part, absolutely true.

A Good Candidate For A Facelift
but a facelift…you need to choose wisely, not cheaply. I’ve seen way too many unhappy, deformed patients who chose their surgeon as cheaply as possible from a slick ad campaign, rather from the rosters of many well-qualified, board-certified, experienced surgeons. (Norman Leaf, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
There is a high variety in costs, from city to city, state to state, country to country. Here in Australia, I’ve heard of people having Facelifts for under $10000, up to more than $30000. It’s tough for you, as a consumer, to know which way to turn.
A few pointers to help you. Usually things re cheap for a reason that is related to cutting costs, like in any consumer purchase.Cheap Facelifts may not be offered by Specialist Plastic Surgeons. We train for many years with Societies to belong to and answer to.
So, we have high standards that come with all that, and that means that we are not the cheapest in the market. There is not 1 Facelift, so not 1 price(even just in my practice. That’s because I tailor my Facelift Surgery to each person’s face.
Sounds obvious? I think it is, but it also means that the surgeries are always slightly different(like some people need their eyelids tucked), and so prices vary from patient to patient. This is surgery.
We treat your procedure with huge respect and many medical and surgical high standards and safe processes. Be wise, and choose your Plastic Surgeon mindfully. (Mark Edinburg, MBBCH, FRACS, Sydney Plastic Surgeon)