Lumpiness After Facelift
Lumpiness and Tissue Induration Following Facelift Surgery
Lumpiness and tissue induration following facelift surgery varies from patient to patient and is often related to the wound healing characteristic of the patient. The majority of tissue lumpiness usually resolves in about two weeks following facelift surgery.
In most cases, total resolution takes about three months. Numbness is also common following facelift surgery. This is related to elevation of the skin flaps and occurs because small sensory nerve fibers are divided during the procedure.
It can occur wherever the facelift dissection has been performed, but is typically seen in the area in front of the ear. It usually lasts about three to twelve months, but occasionally small areas of numbness persist for longer periods of time.

Lumps, Bumps, And Dimples Are A Normal Part Of The Facelift Post-operative Period
It’s important to realize that more aggressive facelift procedures cause more tissue lumpiness and numbness, which can last for longer periods of time. In most cases, normal sensation returns with the passage of time.
Tissue lumpiness and numbness are normal following surgery but persistent tissue induration should be evaluated by your surgeon. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Lumps can occur after facelifts. These can be due to formation of scar tissue, absorbing stitches and most commonly resolving fluid collections. Most resolve with time within 2 to 3 months. Massage and steroid/5-FU injections can help expedite their resolution.
If you have not addressed these lumps with your surgeon, please do- early intervention can assist with quickening the process. (Mark Hamilton, MD, Indianapolis Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Lumpiness under chin after face/neck
it is not uncommon to have lumps under the chin and in the neck. Most often, they will soften and dissipate over several months. Try to be patient and keep close tabs with your surgeon if you have concerns. (David L. Cangello, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Lumps after a facelift
There are two categories of “lumps” after a facelift. Early lumps are quite common and should not illicit concern unless grossly asymmetrical. Most of these lumps are likely to resolve. Late lumps, which are lumps more than 3-6 months after the procedure, may signify concern.
This may consist of the use of deep permanent sutures, early granuloma formation, abnormal scarring, inconsistent liposuction. (Anil R. Shah, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Numbness and lumpiness after a facelift
Numbness is quite common after a facelift. This usually gets better over a 6-8 weeks periiod. As for lumpiness, this may be swelling. Give it some time or speak with your doctor. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Numbness After Facelift Is Temporary
Numbness and “lumpiness” under the chin after Facelift is completely normal and will improve. Wound healing must go through a process (which no Surgeon can alter), until a steady state is achieved. This process takes about a year or 4 seasons! (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Lumps And Bumps May Occur For A Number Of Different Reasons
After any surgical procedure, it takes time to heal. How much time this takes depends on the patient, and the nature of the procedure. With most procedures inflammation lasts six weeks, and it can take several months for the lumpiness and scar maturation to occur.
The numbness occurs every time we make an incision and elevate skin. This may never completely get better, but sensation usually comes back to a great extent. I know that patients want things to recover faster, but these things take time and are limited by our biology.
I like to use analogies, and an analogy most patients can relate to is…. If you sprained your ankle on the day of surgery you would still be in pain six weeks out. Recovery from a facelift is no different. (Ben Lee, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
Lumpiness after a facelift
Many patients experience numbness for up to one year post-op. Lumpiness can certainly be normal for the first month or so post op. (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Rhytidectomy Lumpiness
After a facelift numbness is the norm because of the elevation of the facial skin flaps many sensory nerves have been cut and need to reconnect. The feeling of lumpinessis is part of the normal healing process. All of these things will vanish in a few weeks. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Most patients don’t have lumpiness in the neck after a facelift. I would discuss your concerns with your surgeon. If they are very small lumps, then massage and dilute steroid injections can help. Most irregularities are better within the first few months after surgery. (Andrew Campbell, MD, Milwaukee Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Lumps after surgery
Lumps following facelift surgery can be due to a number of factors: post-op swelling, deep sutures, scar tissue, submandibular gland visibility and skin irregularity are possibilities. Typical swelling should resolve over the first 6-12 weeks.

Rhytidectomy Lumps
Depending upon what your’re looking at, it may take up to several months forcontour irregularities to resolve. However, there are no photos to see, so its bestto follow with your original surgeon if you have concerns.
Steroid injections and massage techniques may be necessary to resolve prolonged swelling. Be sure to follow-up regularly with your surgeon for better guidance. (Mark Been, MD, Barrington Facial Plastic Surgeon)
There are various types of “lumps” after a facelift. Old blood, palpable sutures, and scar tissue from traumatized fat and tissue. Massage and cortisone injections can help these. See your doctor who will be able to help you manage this. (Keith Denkler, MD, Marin Plastic Surgeon)
Face lift – how long do neck lumpiness last
The usual lumpiness after a face lift are areas of swelling. These usually improve in 6 weeks and are gone in 6 – 12 months. But other ‘lumps’ can occur – e.g. from dissolving sutures or from visible glands.

Photo Of Facelift Lumpiness
I suggest you see your plastic surgeon and discuss causes of the lumpiness that bother you. Always consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Early on there are several things that can cause irregularities such as small hematomas, swollen fat, suture inflammation.
Most of these things resolve with time. If you still have some lumps after a few weeks, may help to have some ultrasound to soften and flatten the area, or injections of 5-FU and kenalog if there is residual inflammation. (John J. Martin, Jr., MD, Coral Gables Oculoplastic Surgeon)
Lumpiness in the neck after face lift
Lumps in the neck after a face lift are treated depending on what is causing them. Several possibilities. Retained blood. This needs to be removed, usually by aspiration. Retained stitch. This may dissolve or need to be removed.

What Are Lumps, Bumps & Other Formations After Facelift
Glands and nodes showing through the skin. Just the result of tightening the neck. Local edema. The time line for treating all of these conditionsis approximately 3 to 6 months. It may require massage and dilute steroid injection.
Your surgeon will develope the treatment plan for you. (Thomas Romo, III, MD, FACS, Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgeon)
What you describe as “lumps” can be several different things: redundant skin, small hematoma, submandibular glands, fat necrosis, swelling just to name a few.
The duration and treatment can be quite varied based on the cause. I would go back to your surgeon to discuss your concerns and plan a course of action to address the issue.
Often time will allow for resolution or improvement of many of the problems. (Lee A. Gibstein, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
There are several factors that contribute to postop lumps such as seroma (accumulation of fluids beneath the skin), under-correction, poor wound closure – just to name a few.
Also, bear in mind that it would take up to six months for the skin to fully redrape to the new contour. Visit your PS and tell him anything that bothers you. (Tarick K. Smiley, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Neck Lumps after a Facelift
The first week the neck will be a little swollen, and this is normal, but after this inflamation resolves, there should NOT be any lumps in the neck. If you find any lumps is because there’s excess fat in this area.
That’s why I preform a neck mini liposuction at the beginning of the surgery, so this complication can be avoided. This lumps can also appear after a poorly done neck liposuction. That’s why you have to be extra careful when doing this. (Luis Pedroza, MD, Colombia Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The lumps may be a combination of a few things. They could be gathered and lax skin. It could be residual platysmal or muscle banding.
It could be uneven fat from uneven liposuction, one of the lumps may be part of your salivary gland. In the end, steroid injections won’t do the trick here. You would only benefit from a revision, so seek another opinion and go from there. (Christian Subbio, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)