Mini Facelift At 40 – Reviews Of Surgeons
40 is not an unusual age for a mini lift. The ideal time to do procedure is when you start seeing issues and not 20 years later.
Minilift is a great option for early jowls
Without examining you, it is difficult to say whether you would be an ideal candidate for a minilift. However, a minilift is a great option for patients who are starting to see early signs of jowl formation and that the jawline does not look as smooth.
A minilift can lift the excess skin of the jowls back up and give the appearance of a tighter jawline. It does not help to improve the neck, so if that is a concern, then I would advise against a minilft.

A Facelift Last Longer If You Have It Younger
I think putting more filler along your marionette lines/jowls will likely make your lower face look even fuller, which is the opposite of your desired outcome. (Sarmela Sunder, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Mini facelift is a jowl lift
A mini-lift is a surgical procedure that tightens the jowls. It is basically half a facelift, the latter treats the neck with the jowls. Often a minilift can be performed under local anesthesia with minimal down time.
Some companies/surgeons have marketed these mini-lifts with trademarked names. Whatever you want to call it: J-lift, S-lift, Quick lift, etc are all variations on a theme…re-positioning the deep tissues to tighten the jowls and then re-draping the loose skin.

A Facelift On A Young Person With No Sagging
The mini lift is a great procedure to raise the jowls and tighten the jawline. The overall effect makes the upper face appear more full and the lower face less full. “Am I too young?” is a less important question than “Will it work for me?.
Your surgeon will be able to give you a better idea of the answer during a face-to-face consultation. (Anand D. Patel, MD, Brookfield Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Patients who are in good overall health and don’t have extensive skin laxity in the face and neck are good candidates for a mini facelift. A mini facelift, or a rapid recover lift as I call it in my practice, is a minimally-invasive procedure that involves giving a lift to the lower third of the face and neck.
This procedure is unique in its flexibility and can be specifically tailored to a patient’s problem areas such as the neck, jowls, or mid-face through smaller, hidden incisions. Patients experiencing minimal facial aging and sagging may find the mini facelift ideal as it is able to restore a youthful appearance to their face and generally requires a shorter recovery time than a comprehensive facelift. (David Whiteman, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
One option to a mini facelift is a procedure known as Ulthera, which can tighten the neck and face without surgery and incisions. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
You certainly have early signs of aging and “fullness” at your lower face / jaw line and given your young age a Mini Facelift can certainly be of help to you.
It is important that your surgeon customizes your procedure so it is effective and natural and not overdone and strange looking.
Also of key importance is that they address the SMAS (layer of muscle and tissue beneath the skin) in a proper way to ensure long lasting results. (Kamran Jafri, MD, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Age is less important than the amount of facial aging. It appears that a mini facelift with underlying SMAS elevation will improve your jawline and minimize any early jowling. Adjunctive procedures such as fat augmentation or the injection of fillers can be used to refine the facial rejuvenation. (Richard W. Fleming, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
A mini Facelift in 40 is a good idea for patients who have lower facial problematic areas such as a droopy jowl. The procedure corrects sagging skin and tissue due to the effects of gravity.
As long as the neck area is not to heavy a mini Facelift would be an ideal procedure. It is an easy procedure to go through and can be done under a local anesthetic. Your surgeon will let you know if you would be a good candidate for this procedure. (Andrew Miller, MD, Edison Facial Plastic Surgeon)