OB-GYN Doctor Henneberg in Pasadena, California 91105

Name: W. James Henneberg, MD
Last name: Henneberg
Primary Specialty: OB-GYN
Business: Drs. Macer, Myers, Henneberg, Sirott & Matsuda
Address: 10 Congress Street
Address suite: Suite 400
City: Pasadena
State: California
Zip Code: 91105
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • Cedars Sinai Medical Center
GPS coordinates on map: 34.1459,-118.1320038

Primary location
Location name: Pasadena
State: CA
Country: US
Map point: 34.1459,-118.1320038

W. James Henneberg, MD

  • Clitoral Hood Reduction
  • G-Shot
  • Labiaplasty
  • MonaLisa Touch
  • ThermiVa
  • Transgender Metoidioplasty
  • Transgender Vaginoplasty
  • Venus Viva

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 314
Answer count: 19
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Nov 5, 2015
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified OB-GYN
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Sep 18, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Pasadena, CA, US. GPS coordinates: 34.1459,-118.1320038

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Will ThermiVa only last one year even if I dont have sex?
How long does ThermiVa last?
Feb 7, 2019
Wether you have sex or not will not make any difference in how long the benefits will last. If you had it done on your face it will not make any difference how much you smile or don’t smile, it all has to do with your age and the genetics of your individual tissues.
Average is somewhere between 9 and 24 months.
Try it, you will like it.
W. James Henneberg MD
How long do you have to wait to get ThermiVa treatment after c-section?
ThermiVa treatment after C/S.
Feb 3, 2019
It really depends on what your problem is and how ThermiVa can make it better. If it’s vaginal dryness or urinary stress incontinence you are hoping to improve, then I would wait 6 months and see if it gets better over time without any treatment. This is especially true if you are breast feeding. Your hormones are not normal while breast feeding.
If after 6 months you are still having problems with vaginal dryness or urinary symptoms then I would certainly try ThermiVa…
I’m 25 years old and looking for the least invasive option. Labiaplasty or Thermiva?
Labiaplasty or ThermiVa
Jan 28, 2019
Labiaplasty is more expensive and more risky but the results are more dramatic and more permanent. ThermiVa works better for other things like vulvavaginal laxity or urinary stress incontinence. Decreasing the size of the labia minora cannot always be guaranteed with ThermiVa as it works better on some people’s tissue than others.
Am I a candidate for ThermiVa? I am 23 years old, no children.
23 year old and ThermiVa
Jan 11, 2019
Thanks for your question. There is no age limit, 23 or 90. I had a 28 y/o that came to me because she had been having sex for 8 tears and could not achieve orgasms. After one treatment she reported a 50% success rate and after the 2nd treatment she reported a 90% success rate reaching orgasms. I treated her the third time and have not heard back so I suspect she is a happy patient. It seems that ThermiVa not only improves lubrication but also…
If a patient does thermiva three times does she have to do it ever again?
ThermiVa 3 times
Jan 11, 2019
ThermiVa radio frequency treatments restore the elasticity of the collagen but it is not permanent. Nothing is. Just like botox or other anti-aging treatments the body continues to age and therefore most of these treatments involve maintenance. After three treatments with ThermiVa most people will have excellent results that will last anywhere from 9 to 24 months depending on their own tissues and response. Most of my patients come in annually for a “tune up”.
When is a labiaplasty considered medically necessary?
Labial hypertrophy
Jan 11, 2019
You definitely have labial hypertrophy. From your photos it would seem to me that it might be difficult for you to wear a well fitting bathing suit or some tight shorts. Hopefully you are not a “pole dancer”. You need to find a Gynecologist that is willing to take some time with your insurance company and speak directly with the person that OK’s the surgery and that may involve sending pictures. It also will depend on what kind of insurance you have.
Good luck.
Could the suture that is still in the open wound be in the way of it healing back together? (Pho
Will the suture prevent the would from healing?
Dec 31, 2018
The sutures are most likely the kind that dissolve over time. You are doing the right thing. Leave them alone. Over time the swelling will be gone and the sutures will also disappear.

Last updated on 12/22/2023