Physician Dr. Stephanie Hanratty, MBChB in Tralee,

Name: Stephanie Hanratty, MBChB
Last name: Hanratty
Gender: female
Primary Specialty: Physician
Address: Rattoo Medical Center
Address suite: Ballyduff
City: Tralee
Country: IE
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • Westfalenklinik Dortmund, OP-Zentrum Vest
GPS coordinates on map: 52.446104,-9.66872

Primary location
Location name: Tralee
State: 11
Country: IE
Map point: 52.2667,-9.7167
  • Botox
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Lip Fillers

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 39
Answer count: 8
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Jan 2, 2020
Profile modified: Jan 2, 2020
Profile photo modified: Jan 1, 1970
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Physician
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Jan 3, 2020
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Tralee, 11, IE. GPS coordinates: 52.2667,-9.7167

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
What is this bulge in between my eyebrows? It stays here even with Botox. How can I get rid o
Bulge between eyebrows
Jan 9, 2020
Difficult with just a static photo but it looks like what you are calling a bulge is a prominent Procerus muscle, Repeated Botox injections should cause the muscle to atrophy and become less prominent. You should discuss this with your physician the next time you are having upper face Botox You may need a few extra units into this muscle but I would expect it to help. It could also help to give a little less to the corrugaters as it may be a relative thing.
I would expect a good…
Burning Sensation from Epiduo Gel
Burning from Epiduo Gel
Jan 8, 2020
Hi some redness and worsening acne is common in the first 2 weeks after starting Epiduo but it should have settled if it is 2 weeks. I find it a really good product and will often prescribe it along with the combined pill in suitable female patients to get faster results (but not every woman suitable for COCP)
I would wonder wha else you are using on the skin as both constituents Adapaline (a retinoids) and Benyl peroxide cause redness and dryness so you shouldn’t be using a…
What Are Hard White Bumps on my Face? White Heads?
Sounds like Milia
Jan 8, 2020
Hi what you are describing sounds like milia. Nothing serious but in those prone to them an almighty nuisance! They are trapped Sebacous or Keratin like materiel in the skin and we usually tell clients they are due to sun damage, over moisturization , hormones etc. In my experience there seems to be a strong familial predisposition.
As regards treatment, if there are only a few then simple extraction (your beauty therapist can sow you how to do this but be careful re washing,…
What are these mysterious depressions in my skin and is there any way they can be treated and
Post acne scarring
Jan 8, 2020
Hi, the good news is that there are a lot of treatments that will improve the appearance of the uneven skin texture and depressions following what was moderate to severe acne,
Treatments all aim to resurface your affected skin. At the extreme end C02 laser resurfacing but I would suggest a more gradual approach with a serious of medical micro-needling with FDA approved device like SKINPEN, alternated with skin peels of gradual increasing strength . You would get the maximum benefit from…
How do I fix a disgustingly unusual protruding philtrum/upper lip?
Lips are Fine
Jan 3, 2020
Hi, thank you for the photos. Sending the profile makes it easy to see that your lips are fine but the problem is your chin which is small in proportion to the rest of your face. The good news is that you will be amazed at the results of chin augmentation either as a formal surgical procedure by a maxillary surgeon or with filler. I suspect you will need surgery but you really need to get an expert opinion. Your dental surgeon might be able to recommend a maxillary surgeon who…
What can I do to fix my sunken face?
Loss of facial volume
Jan 3, 2020
Hi, it is difficult from the photos above to fully access the volume loss you are concerned about. I think you need to see a qualified and experienced physician for one to one assessment of any life style changes that might be aggravating your problem. Only a face to face consult can access skin tone, texture, uneven pigment, facial symmetry and volume loss. There are lots of really successful treatments with fillers for both cheek filling and jawline…
Does performing facial fillers using ultrasound technology increase the safety profile of fac
Jan 3, 2020
I am not familiar with this technology. Safe injection of dermal filler whether with a needle or cannula is aimed at avoiding vascular occlusion and in the rare and unlikely event of recognizing and correcting immediately with Hyaluronidase.

Last updated on 12/22/2023