Plastic Surgeon Dr Alexander George, MCh 695029

Name: Alexander George, MCh
Last name: George
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1994
Years experience: 29
Primary Specialty: Plastic Surgeon
Business: Dr Alexander G
State: Kerala
Zip Code: 695029
Country: IN
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • KIMS Hospital (Cochin, Kerala)
  • Medical: MS, General Surgery, Grant Medical College, 1989
  • Graduate: MCh, Plastic Surgery, Grant Medical College, 1993
GPS coordinates on map: 22.356607,78.931991

Primary location
Location name: India
Country: IN
Map point: 22.356607,78.931991
Google plus:

Alexander George, MCh

  • Botox
  • Brazilian Butt Lift Revision
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Reconstruction
  • Ear Surgery
  • Facelift
  • Genioplasty
  • Gynecomastia Surgery
  • Jaw Reduction
  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Liposuction
  • Scar Removal
  • Tummy Tuck

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 346
Answer count: 39
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Aug 26, 2016
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Aug 31, 2016
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • India, IN. GPS coordinates: 22.356607,78.931991

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
I have gone through gynecomastia procedure a couple of weeks ago – hematoma?
Gynecomastia surgery, liposuction, hematoma
Feb 27, 2017
Thank you for your query. Some swelling and bruising is expected after liposuction. However collection of blood will have to be clinically surmised by the surgeon after his examination. In case hematoma is suspected and confirmed there are two options. Minor one may be left untouched while major ones may need some evacuation. It is therefore imperative that you discuss this with you are surgeon+
Still swollen 6 mo after lipo, should I wear compression garment?
Swelling after liposuction, back, tummy, pressure garments
Feb 27, 2017
Thank you for your query. It is unusual to find swelling that persist 6 months after liposuction. Use of compression garments therefore will not be very helpful 6 month after liposuction. You could try alternate non invasive methods for skin tightening as I don’t feel that surgical options are warranted.
Swelling around hip region 5 wks after abdominal liposuction?
Liposuction, swelling, hips, lower abdomen
Feb 25, 2017
Thank you very much for your query. Some swelling can be expected after liposuction. However in your case we need to make sure if this is actually a weight gain by comparing pre surgery weight and present weight. A second possibility is that since the other areas…upper half body.. have been reduced in size the lower half …buttocks and hips have started to look comparatively bigger. It will be nice to discuss with your surgeon.
Should I repair or replace Jaw Implants?
face implants, jaw pain, asymmetry implant, post-op discomfort
Oct 11, 2016
Thank you for the query. If asymmetry is the issue and if pain and discomfort is being caused by improper positioning, then you need to be reevaluated by your surgeon after all the swelling has settled and seriously discuss if a revision surgery needs to be done. This can be decided only between you and your surgeon depending on the goals and results achieved as compared to your pre op status.

best wishes+

is this normal? My surgery was done in the dominican republic, so I have no doctor to ask, should
Liposuction, fat over stomach area or tummy, swelling, lumps and bumps
Oct 10, 2016
Thanks for the query. Some swelling is expected post operatively as a lot of internal activity goes on that is not seen on the skin surface during liposuction which is done through a keyhole incision. Usually 3 months should be a good time to evaluate though some even take up to 6 months to settle down, Do have reviews with your surgeon or else you could see a local doc for a consultation and explain to him your concerns.

Best wishes+

Liposuction/software tissue.
Liposuction, swelling, fluid collection, seroma, mass like, ct scan
Oct 9, 2016
Thank you for the query. After liposuction sometimes collection of fluid (seroma), blood (hematoma), infection, contour abnormalities or soft tissue swelling at sites may present as lumps and bumps. A ct scan has been done in your case and did not show anything to be unduly worried about. However you need to be seen and followed up by you surgeon to rule out any problems developing.

Best wishes+

Is 3.5 liters significant ?
Liposuction, quantity of fat removed, fat over stomach area or tummy, back and thighs
Oct 9, 2016
Thank you for the query. Any amount of fat removed is significant since it will result in some changes in the site from which it has been removed. Very small amounts of fat removed in the wrong places can result in severe contour deformities. I am sure your surgeon must have planned his liposuction after reviewing you clinically. It is always nice to compare the pre-op and post-op pictures as this gives you a better idea of what has been done and the results achieved. Wait for 3-6 months to…

Last updated on 12/07/2023