Small Incision Facelift
Most facelift incisions are truly the same, being placed strategically in normal skin creases. If the neck and jowl areas are of major concern, expect that you will have a nice result with a well concealed incision along the front of the ear and behind the ear.
The final result really depends on multiple factors. (Burr von Maur, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift With Small Scars
Small incisions means small surgery. The reality is that well placed incisions can be almost imperceptible if done properly.
Poor incisions usually result from too much tension being placed on the skin. This is due to the surgeon trying to get a lot of skin tightening.
This is exactly the wrong way a facelift should be done. To correct jowls work has to be done on the deeper layer of the face called the SMAS. Some surgeons lift this tissue and suture it to itself higher up.

A Short Scar Facelift
Smallest Scar with Biggest Results.
The key here is what are your expectations, and what operation do you need? The scars usually heal well when placed appropriately. Make sure you see the Plastic Surgeon’s photos. Sometimes liposuction can be used as an adjunct. It really depends on what you need and what to expect. Beware the practitioner that promises great movement of lots of tissue without appropriate scars. (Jeffrey J. Roth, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Small Scar Facelift Is Primarily For The Lower Face, And Jowls
Limited Scarring = limited results
Essentially facelift with limited scarring tend to have more limited results where is facelift with more scarring produce more long term reliable results. The smallest type of facelift are Hollywood facelift which has an incision just in the ear line followed by short scar facelifts such as the MACS Lift.
It might be worth researching this online fully as well informed as possible prior to deciding which procedure you feel appropriate for you. (Adrian Richards, MD, London Plastic Surgeon)
Some limited laser assisted lifts avoid major incisions.
Over the past three years we have developed proprietary methods (“Smartlifting”) which involves a very small incsion for isolated jowl lifts. When we combine this with laser lipolysis of the jowl itself the results can be excellent with very little down time. (Richard D. Gentile, MD, Youngstown Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift: Smallest Scar with the Best Possible Results
The best, longest-lasting result of a lift occurs when a full release of the face/neck soft tissue is performed to remove the “memory” of the soft tissue. With incisional scars, it’s all about location.By placing incisions in natural creases, beveling them at hairlines (to allow hair to camouflage them), and placing no tension on the skin closure, no one will see your incisions even when you wear your hair up! (Anand D. Patel, MD, Brookfield Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift with small scar
All facelift techniques that really elevate the jowls leave a scar in front of the ear. How the surgeon closes the incision and the amount of tension placed on the incision determine how that scar looks.
A facelift like the MACS Lift places all the tension on the tissues under the skin. Therefore, there is no tension on the incision. Thus, the scar is usually excellent. Also, in someone with minimal excess neck laxity, the MACS Lift generally has no scar behind the ear where the scar is frequently poor in many techniques. (Robert T. Buchanan, MD, Highlands Plastic Surgeon)

Small Scar Facelift Can Also Be Used To Create Smoothing Of Loose Skin Around The Neck
Minimal scar facelifts may work in selective patients but not for everyone
I do the MACS (minimal access cranial suspension) lift and have extensive experience in also the ContourThreads and Looplift techniques. As with all minimally invasive and other minimal surgical techniques, the results can be very impressive at first, but the results may not last as long as the surgical standards.
Because of this, I have been combining the best of both techniques to achieve nice results with lower risks and long lasting effects of 7 to 10 years. I can perform only the MACS if requested, but we should have a good face to face (pun intended), heart to heart discussion if this is what you really want and if you will be satisfied with this alone.
I understand the need for quick recovery, but anything worth doing in my book is worth doing well and does require the proper investment in time to recover. Most of my combined surgical/MACS patients can be up and functioning in a few weeks as the bruises and swelling clear.
Two weeks is pushing your luck for any surgery of this type, but the MACS can work this way… I just don’t want to have any disappointments if the sutures start to cut through and tissues start to fall again. (Randy Wong, MD, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift with the smallest incisions

The Short-scar Facelift Candidate
The best result is a procedure matched to the goals of the lift. Facelift incisions have withstood the test of time and are well concealed for most. Think more about the goal of your procedure. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Face lift incisions depend on what needs to be done. They may be in front of the ear. Or they may extend to behind the ear. If the surgeon understands wound healing and there is not a complication, face lift incisions are rarely noticeable within a few months.
Poor technique and removing too much skin are the common causes of poor incisions. All incisions soon after surgery are ‘scary’ but quickly improve. If you have a little loose skin, jowls and some fat in your neck, a short incision face lift with neck liposuction and muscle tightening may be a good combination for you.
See a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for an face-to-face opinion. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)