Dr The Lanfranchi Center For Facial Plastic Surgery & Rejuvenation – Las Vegas 60- Year Old Man Treated With Facelift Operation Candidate

This active male presented with the concerns of significant loss of his profile due to a "turkey neck". He also wished to improve his jawline with better definition and skin tone. He stated that he was quite consistent with his skin care routine (including retin-a), but the sagging skin continued to worsen over time.
We agree together to perform a lower facelift and necklift under local anesthesia in our Center. He was administered oral valium prior to his procedure in order to alleviate his anxiety. The procedure time was slightly more than 2 hours and most of his sutures were removed after one week. He was able to return to physical activity at two weeks.
His results demonstrate improved profile and jawline definition while maintaining a natural "non-operated" look. (Apr 21, 2020)