The Longevity Of A Facelift Results
The longevity of a facelift results depends largely on the quality of the tissues, the surgical technique used and, to some extent, the behaviour of the patient post-operatively. The ageing process will obviously continue but patients should always look better than if they haven’t had the surgery in the first place.
If, however, patients do not look after their faces by smoking or Sunday thing, then results can deteriorate quickly. (James Murphy, FRCS(Plast), Manchester Plastic Surgeon)
The longevity varies with the procedure, the surgeon, and the patient
The longevity of a facelift depends on many factors as you can see from the other answers.
Primary factors are the skill of the surgeon and the technique used. Of equal importance are factors a patient brings to the table.

A Facelift Is The Only Procedure That Can Help You Regain Your Youthful Appearance
What is longevity of facelift? Depends on genetics, procedure used lifestyle ; please dont drink or SMOKE
This is hard to say due to skin laxity and lifestyle issues such as do you smoke or drink. A facelift where the SMAS procedure is used can last for 10 years, See video below of a “10 year tune up on a 73 year old patient who had a facelift at age 63.
Very remarkable. Skin tone and laxity are a very important issue when it comes to a timeframe for a lasting facelift. Smokers will find it does not last nearly as long. (Guillermo Koelliker, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)
Longevity of face lift
Face lift reposition the structures under the skin to their right position, removs excess skin, repair seperated muscles. The longivity depend on the technique used, and how fast we age. Each one of us ages differently and in different zones of the face.

A Well Performed Facelift Surgery Can Last From 5 To 12 Years
I always explain to my patients that aging is not a steady process when it comes to skin elasticity and facial volume. Onset of menopause, weight swings and skin damage from sun exposure all are factors that can effect the appearance of your face both before and after a facelift affecting the longevity of your improved appearance.
I have found that the majority of my patients who have returned for a secondary facelift come back to my office after 11 years (range 8 to 18 years). That certainly doesn’t mean that their facelift lasted for that long, and perhaps the 7 to 10 year average suggested by others is a more accurate estimate.
It’s my feeling that the quicker the procedure and recovery, the shorter lasting one should expect the result to be. Someone with good genetics and stronger bone structure will probably get a longer lasting outcome, someone with poor elasticity and a round face with poor bony structure (cheeks and jawline) will probably obtain a shorter lasting result. (Jon A. Perlman, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Facelift Results Last For Years
In my opinion a facelift should last 8-10 years on average. There are many factors that affect the longevity of a facelift surgery I beleive that stress is the major contributor of uor aging process.
Depending on the amount of stress that you have in your life, you might have a shorter or longer span of longevity of your facelift. Patients that have a lot of stress tend to age faster (not very good nights of sleep, owners or CEO of big corporations, having to take care of an ill family member).

How Long The Results Of Facelift Surgery Can Last Is Dependent On The Technique Utilized
The longevity of a facelift depend on your tissue quality and the technique of surgery. There are many steps that go into creating an excellent facelift and EACH can affect the long term result.
In general terms it should last 7 to 10 years, you will look better in the long term despite the fact that you are still aging. Some people get longer results with a facelift at a younger age – but this is not the rule. (Trevor M. Born, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift and longevity
Facelift procedure can last for many years, especially when the underlying muscle laxity (SMAS layer) is addressed during the procedure. Further longevity may be achieved if your continue with a strong maintenance program that consists of skin care, sun screen, peels, laser/IPL treatments, etc.

Long-lasting Effects
Most surgeons would agree that the benefits derived from facelift should last between seven and twelve years but the actual longevity is most dependent on lifestyle and genetics. Avoidance of cigarette smoking, excessive sun exposure, and improper diet will undoubtedly lead to much longer lasting results. (F. True Lansden, MD, Key West Plastic Surgeon)
SMAS Facelift lasts 7-10 years in general
Everything is relative and variable. All patients are of course different. On average though, I let my potential patients know that a facelift will last approximately 7-10 years. This is when the SMAS is treated.

The Facelift Is A Powerful Procedure That Can Help Turn Back The Aging Clock
As I am sure you have read, lifestyle is a large factor in healing and in the longevity of such a procedure. Returning to smoking (I insist all my facelift patients have quit smoking for 2-6 months before the procedure) will reduce its longevity.
Sun exposure, as I have stated in other answers, will age you. Extreme losses or gains in weight will affect a facelift. A patient’s age is also a factor. Lastly, I thoroughly believe that a patient’s attitude and spirit affects his or her health and longevity.
I believe it speeds healing as well as how long a procedure lasts. This is impossible to measure of course and is completely subjective, but a persons spirit and well-being do make a real difference. (Amiya Prasad, MD, New York Oculoplastic Surgeon)
Well-executed Facelift benefits for life
Patients who have well executed facelifts will benefit from them for life. This does not mean that the features are frozen in time, just that the aging appearace is ratcheded back a decade or so.
Obviously, the initial magnitude of benefit will be dependent upon the surgeon, the technique, the quality of the patient’s skin, and other variables. Most “lesser” lifts are poor substitutes for a well-executed thorough operation. The vast majority of patients who have facelifts do so only once in their lives.

The Results Of A Rhytidectomy Can Last Several Years
Facial rejuvenation by facelift if one of the most powerful tools we have as plastic surgeons. But there are a lot of factors that first determine the initial result then determine the longevity of the result.
Initially how ptotic and face is, especially the neck, and what the quality of the skin is like plays a significant role in the acute outcome. Often these factors are due to genetics, diet, weight, sun damage and skin care.
So these factors come into play again as you continue to age after the facelift. If you maintain good health and diet as well as a good skin care routine you should not expect to need a revision for 7-10 years. (Christopher L. Hess, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)
I tell my patients that it is difficult to predict how long a facelift will last because there are so many variables ( including: age of the patient, skin quality, technique, smoking and health history), but will most likely give good results for at least 5 -10 years. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
The longevity of the facelift depends upon a number of factors including a patients general overall health, genetics, environmental exposures, and the surgical technique utilized by the surgeon. However, with the right technique most people can expect a 10 year duration of improvement following surgery.

A well-performed facelift can significantly improve the appearance of facial aging. The question of longevity of results is not answered simply – because the results do not expire or wear off. However, the facelift does not stop the natural process of facial aging.
Even many years following a facelift, people look more youthful and rejuvenated than they would have looked had they never underwent a facelift. Certainly, the longevity of a well performed facelift is far greater than any improvement resulting from inject-able or energy-based non-surgical techniques.
That being said, certain factors influence the longevity of results. The most important categories of factors include technique employed by the surgeon, and the patient’s genetics, history, and behaviors. Techniques which incorporate the facial muscle layer are typically more long lasting than those that incorporate the facial skin alone.

Facing The Facts About Facelift Longevity
Typically a well done facelift lasts for 5-15 years, even more. The longevity of a facelift depends on several factors:The PROCEDURE employed to address the problem (full facelift, short scar facelift, MACS lift etc.
)ANCILLARY PROCEDURES supplementing the facelift. Its not just about the “lift”, its all about supplementing “volume” with fat transfers. Blephs, brow lifts, chin implants, tip plasties if required, complete the facial rejuvenationThe QUALITY OF SKIN (sun damage, permanent rhytids) at the time of the facelift.
The EXTENT OF TISSUE LAXITY (skin & SMAS)Your AGE at the time of the surgery associated with any co morbid factors. Last but not the least, the skill of the surgeon. (Sameer Karkhanis, MS, DNB, India Plastic Surgeon)

Keys To The Longevity Of A Facelift
The length of time you can expect your facelift results to last depends on a few different factors, including the condition of your skin and other tissues, the extent of your procedure, and your lifestyle habits after surgery.
For example, someone with severe aging who undergoes a mini facelift and smokes after surgery can anticipate results that are much more short-lived than a nonsmoking patient who undergoes a more traditional facelift. A great facelift can keep you looking younger than your peers for years, but it doesn’t freeze the aging process.
Generally speaking, many of my facelift patients are satisfied with the results for about a decade after surgery.
When the aging process begins to gradually resume, you can choose to prolong your results with injectables or even subsequent surgery.

The Longevity Of Results
Many Factors Determine Longevity
This is a difficult question to answer in a general sense because each patient – and each surgery – is completely unique. Without a specific patient in mind, it’s safe to say that results can last between 8 and 12 years, and possibly more with proper care.
Many factors determine how long facelift results can last. Some include the technique used (a deep-plane facelift will last longer than a mini facelift), any weight gained or lost by the patient after surgery, and the patient’s personal habits including smoking and sun exposure.
To learn more about how long facelift results are likely to last for you, I recommend speaking to a board-certified plastic surgeon in person. (James N. Romanelli, MD, FACS, Long Island Plastic Surgeon)