The Spiegel Center for Advanced Facial Aesthetics in Newton, Massachusetts 02459
Name: The Spiegel Center for Advanced Facial Aesthetics
Display name: The Spiegel Center for Advanced Facial Aesthetics
Office hours: Mon: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Tue: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Wed: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Thu: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Fri: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Phone: (617) 855-1108
Twilio phone: (617) 855-1108
Address: 335 Boylston St., Newton, Massachusetts, USA, 02459
City: Newton
State: Massachusetts
Country code: US
Postal code: 02459
Phone: +16175663223
Neighborhood: Thompsonville
Country: USA
GPS coordinates on map: 42.3193882,-71.182288

The Spiegel Center for Advanced Facial Aesthetics
RealSelf Info
Profile created: Nov 4, 2016
Profile modified: Nov 1, 2023
Business type: Practice
Review count: 397
Rating: 4.7
Rating time spent: 4
Rating answered questions: 4
Rating bedside manner: 4
Rating after care: 4
Rating payment process: 4
Rating wait times: 4
Rating courtesy: 5
Rating responsiveness: 4
RealSelf’s PRO: Yes
Realself network status: candidate
Special Offers
Start Time / End Time
Nov 20, 2019 /
Nov 29, 2019
BLACK FRIDAY FAT FREEZING & FILLERS- Get 1 filler syringe OR 3 sites of Fat Freezing plus a $100 gift card all for $650. Be the first to call on Friday, November 29th 8am-5pm! 617 566 (FACE)3223. Limited to the first 10 callers
Any treatment
Teachers – 10% Off Aesthetics Treatments
May 8, 2019 /
Aug 31, 2019
Teacher Appreciation! Teachers receive 10% off any aesthetics treatment all summer long! Botox, Xeomin, Juvederm, Radiesse, Restylane, IPL, Tattoo Removal, and Laser Hair Reduction
Specific treatments
10% Off Aesthetic Treatments- Active Duty Military
May 8, 2019 /
May 17, 2033
10% off aesthetics treatments for active duty military.
Any treatment
$50 off your next Xeomin visit!
May 25, 2017 /
Oct 31, 2017
Don’t miss out on this great special. $50 off your next Xeomin visit.
$150 off Restylane!
May 25, 2017 /
Aug 16, 2018
Come in and receive $150 your next Restylane injection!
20% OFF Student Discount!
May 8, 2019 /
May 17, 2033
Jump into summer with fuller more beautiful lips, skin and attitude!
All Students receive 20% off BOTOX and FILLERS.
Specific treatments
Oct 6, 2017 /
Dec 21, 2017
Receive: 2 Microneedling or IPL sessions
2 TNS Recovery Complex, 1 AHA/BHA Exfoliator
(valued at 1,1412) for Only (a $432 savings)
Bring a friend and get a 3rd Microneedling or IPL Sessions free!
Purchase the challenge between October 4th and December 21 2017.
Services must be completed 90 days from date of purchase.
Any treatment
$50 off your next Xeomin visit.
May 25, 2017 /
Oct 31, 2017
Don’t miss out on this special offer! $50 off your next Xeomin treatment!

Jeffrey H. Spiegel, MD
Statement: Dr. Spiegel is a highly regarded board-certified plastic surgeon located in Newton, MA, with a remarkable track record of performing more than 1,200 surgical procedures annually. He is acclaimed as one of the top 5 facial plastic surgeons on the East Coast of the United States and ranks among the 15 most influential plastic surgeons globally.
His educational journey led him to earn a medical degree from the University of Michigan Medical School, followed by the completion of his residency in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at the University of California (San Francisco).
Dr. Spiegel currently serves as the Chief of Facial Plastic Surgery at Boston Medical Center (BMC) and holds the esteemed position of professor in both Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. With over two decades of experience, his practice encompasses a wide range of services, including rhinoplasty (nose job), facelift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), Botox, Juvederm, and various fillers. Dr. Spiegel is particularly renowned for his expertise in gender-confirming facial surgery and facial analysis. He approaches each patient with personalized care, striving to achieve natural-looking results.
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1994
Rating: 4.8

Onir Spiegel, DDS, PhD
Name: Onir Spiegel, DDS, PhD
Statement: • More than 15 years in facial aesthetics.
• Two doctorate degrees.
• Always among the first in New England with
expertise in the newest facial fillers and
• A destination doctor.
• The doctor’s doctor: other medical
professionals choose Dr. Onir for their own
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2001
Rating: 4.9

Jacob Tower, MD
Statement: Dr. Tower is a facial plastic surgeon at The Spiegel Center in Newton, MA. He performs plastic surgery exclusively of the face and neck, with special interests in treatment of the aging face and rhinoplasty.
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2021
Rating: 5.0

Arthur Shektman, MD
Statement: Dr. Shektman is a board-certified plastic surgeon with 25 years of extensive clinical experience. To date, Dr. Shektman has performed over 900 face and neck lifts as well as over 2500 breast augmentations, and many other cosmetic procedures.
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1997
Rating: 4.5

Dr. Onir Spiegel
Name: Dr. Onir Spiegel
Position: Business Owner
Years experience: 18
Biography: More than 18 years in facial aesthetics.
• Two doctorate degrees.
• Always among the first in New England with
expertise in the newest facial fillers and
• A destination doctor.
• The doctor’s doctor: other medical
professionals choose Dr. Onir for their own

Name: Carole
Position: Patient Care Coordinator
Biography: Surgical Patient Care Coordinator
Carole has more than 20 years of experience working in the beauty and fashion world. Carole is best known for her close relationships with each patient and her insights that allow her to create unique plans for each individual. She loves helping people maximize their potential. Carole lives in New Hampshire but drives to our office each day because she couldn?t imagine a better place to work and loves making a difference in people?s lives.

Eleanor Partee
Name: Eleanor Partee
Position: Patient Care Coordinator
Years experience: 18
Biography: Eleanor, a life-long resident of Boston, has been in the beauty and skincare industry for 18 years where she has found her true passion. She graduated from the Elizabeth Grady School of Esthetics and has practiced as a licensed Aesthetician, licensed Aesthetics Instructor and Skincare Consultant. She excels in engaging people to build long lasting relationships and states, “There is nothing more gratifying than being productive and making a difference in people’s lives.” When not at work, Eleanor enjoys spending time with her family and enjoying another passion, cooking!

Uzma Hussain
Name: Uzma Hussain
Position: Patient Care Coordinator
Biography: Uzma has lived in Boston with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and her dog Rusty after moving to the United States from Pakistan almost 20 years ago. She loves reading, trying new foods, going for long walks with her dogs, and snowy weather. Uzma is passionate about restoring beauty. If you feel like you’ve lost some of your youthful glow, she’ll know the right approach to get you loving how you look in no time.
Practice's answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Is my nose bridge too low? Is it weird if I just fix tip & alar?
Nasal Analysis
Dec 4, 2023
Hello, hope you are well. Thank you for posting your photos and questions! The height of your bridge is very nice and if any augmentation is done, it should be conservative. I would favor leaving it alone, or perhaps a small radix graft. I do not think rib cartilage is necessary based on the photos here. Tip-plasty for refinement and alarplasty to narrow the nasal base are very good ideas that could be accomplished without creating an unnatural appearance. Good luck!
Best,Dr. Tower
Some surgeons say septoplasty is a 3 week recovery and some say it can take 6-12 months. Which is it?
Septoplasty Recovery
Dec 4, 2023
Hello, hope you are well. The recovery for most patients is generally measured in weeks, not months. Usually by 4 weeks postop, healing has progressed to the point where patients no longer have an awareness that they are recovering from surgery; they are back to normal activities, their nasal function is noticeably improved, and they are not taking any medications or adhering to any special postop routine (aside from occasional nasal saline sprays or saline gel which is dependent on the...
41, under neck is loose and ugly & getting worse, can I get muscles tightened?
Neck Lift
Dec 4, 2023
Hello, hope you are well. Thank you for submitting your photos and questions. It appears that you have submental fullness which is clearly visible on the A-P and profile views. The most straightforward and reliable way to treat this is with a neck lift via a small incision under the chin. This allows access to deep fat deposits and muscle that can be contoured, and tightening of the superficial muscle layer if needed.
Best,Dr. Tower
Would a lower facelift minimize the appearance of saggy fat deposits at the sides of my mouth?
Lower Cheek Fullness
Dec 4, 2023
Hello, hope you are well! The views in the photos that you submitted are very limited, but based on what can be seen I would consider buccal fat removal as an alternative treatment option. A lower facelift may not be necessary, but it is not possible to give more precise advice without seeing more of your face and neck.
Best,Dr. Tower
How to make my face more beautiful?
Dec 4, 2023
Hello, hope you are well. Thanks for posting your photos and questions! I think a conservative lip lift (with corner lift) is a great option for you, and I would consider enhancing the results with upper lip augmentation.
Best,Dr. Tower
Latest Before And After Photos
32 Year Old Lady Treated With Lip Lift By Dr. The Spiegel Center For Advanced Facial Aesthetics
Dr. The Spiegel Center For Advanced Facial Aesthetics 46 Year Old Female Treated With Lip Fillers
Doctor The Spiegel Center For Advanced Facial Aesthetics 29 Year Old Miss Treated With Lip Lift
Last updated on 12/06/2023