Traditional Facelift Cost
The cost of a “Traditional Facelift” varies drastically from doctor to doctor and where you have it done. To give you a starting point, though, the average surgeon’s fee in the US for a facelift was $7503 in 2016, according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
You would need to add the costs of the surgery center, anesthesia, and possible overnight care to that number for a total cost amount.
That being said, you may need to have more or less done than a traditional facelift, depending on what you want improved and what your surgeon thinks is needed.
That would also affect the cost. (George Sanders, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

A Facelift Can Produce Remarkable Results
Cost should not be the main factor you look at when searching for a plastic surgeon to perform a facelift. Make sure you see a large number of before and after photos, and that the Board Certified Plastic Surgeon performs a high volume of facelifts a year. (Milind K. Ambe, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
Facelift costs vary by the region, the type of lift, and the surgeon
The cost of facelifts varies depending on the particular region that you are in. A traditional facelift will cost more because it takes more time and there are more risks involved with them.
A mini lift, which entails skin elevation and sutures to pull up the underlying muscle, is easier to do and takes a lot less time ranges between 3-6 thousand.

A Traditional Face Lift Surgery
A more complete lift, which entails lifting up the muscle in a deeper plane and other ancillary procedures, can range from 5-10 or more thousand dollars. Researching the doctor can help your cause. You want to go to a surgeon that has done a lot of these procedures.
Experience does count for a lot. I have done over 1200 facelifts and I have employed all different types of facelift procedures. You definitely want to go to someone who cares about what you want as well.
This can mean a world of difference. Consulting a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon would be something that I recommend. We specialize in the face and are highly qualified to help you with this. (Philip Young, MD, Bellevue Facial Plastic Surgeon)

A Traditional Facelift Incision Often Begins In The Hairline At The Temples
Complex Costs for Plastic Surgery
The short answer is that the average cost of a facelift in the US is anywhere from $6,600 to $7,300 according to two reputable, nationwide organizations: the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
But here’s the long answer: the cost of a facelift (or any other cosmetic surgery, for that matter) will vary significantly depending on your local economy, the experience level of your surgeon, the fees charged by the hospital to use their operating room, the anesthesia fees, and simply the extensiveness of your unique procedure.
To get a more accurate estimate, you should visit some of the plastic surgeons in your area for a pre-surgical consultation, during which they can evaluate your facial anatomy and specific needs and explain the approach they would take and the costs you can expect.

Neck Lifts Are Often Combined With Facelifts
Some patients may need a full facelift, a brow lift, and a neck lift to truly achieve the results they want, while others may only need a mini facelift and nothing else. Price should never be your top criteria when you’re choosing a plastic surgeon or a procedure, but it’s certainly a good idea to ensure that you can afford your surgery ahead of time.
If you are in the earlier stages of aging, you may actually be able to achieve the results you want with a mini facelift instead, which can cost as little as half the price of a traditional facelift. (John L. LeRoy, MD, FACS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Looking for the best price for a facelift
Price should not be the top consideration when shopping for a facelift. The top priority should be — what procedure or combination of treatments will actually achieve the effect that I want? A traditional facelift may not be the answer, as pulled skin and the resulting facial distortion is a permanent change.

Rhytidectomy Can Produce Incredible Age-defying Results.
Traditional facelifts range in cost in Colorado from about $5000 for a mini-lift to close to $20,000 if a full rejuvenation package, including laser, face and necklift and fat transfer, is performed. Skilled surgeons generally charge a bit more than less experienced physicians.
I would recommend choosing the right surgeon first, then adjusting the procedure list if your budget is a consideration. (Diane I. Duncan, MD, FACS, Fort Collins Plastic Surgeon)
The cost of a facelift varies based on the surgical facility, time under anesthesia, supplies, professional fees for the doctor, and geographic variation.
A “traditional” facelift can mean different things to different people, and may not be what is best for you anyway to achieve your goals.
I recommend consulting with several local/regional plastic surgeons to discuss what procedures are best for you, and to get an idea of the costs. (Michael A. Epstein, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Stem Cell Facelift Is Another Alternative Treatmen
Facelift procedure costs in Central Ohio
The costs associated with a full traditional Facelift, including outpatient ambulatory surgery center and anesthesia fees, (and with no other additional procedures performed) runs approximately $12,200.00 – $15,000.00 in the Central Ohio market. My best advice for you is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who will carefully evaluate your individual facial structure needs and aesthetic goals. (Susan D. Vasko, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
Cost of a facelift-make sure you have the terminology right first!
First you need to get the terminology correct. What really IS a “facelift”? Generally, to most surgeons, this means a neck and jowl lift. We also perform forehead lifts (browlifts), blepharoplasty on upper and/or lower lids, and a midface lifts as part of aging face surgery.

The Facelift Procedure Photo Before And After
These surgeries are usually NOT considered part of a traditional facelift. So, when you consult with your surgeon, ask specifically what procedures are being done in the “facelift” surgery. Facelifts also can range from minimal incision, quick lifts and more extensive SMAS and deep plane lifts.
Pricing varies with the type of surgery performed. Also, the geographic location of your procedure makes a difference as well. You will pay a lot more in New York and Beverly Hills, for sure. Don’t forget that you will also be paying a separate fee for the surgeon, for the anesthesiologist and for the facility.
In my neighborhood, the total cost in about $10,000. (Theda C. Kontis, MD, Baltimore Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The cost of a facelift will depend on a variety of factors that include:Your geographical location Surgeon’s experience Surgeon’s expertise Anesthesiologist’s fee Facility fee Surgery details Where you live will be a key factor that determines how much your facelift will cost.

Traditional Facelift Surgery
The price will generally run higher in major metropolitan areas due to the increased cost of overhead in these areas. Surgeons with more experience and higher expertise may charge more due their specialized training. The most important criteria to consider are the surgeon’s qualifications, board status, and experience.
It is not uncommon for other procedures to be performed in conjunction with a facelift such as eyelid surgery, laser treatments, fillers, or fat injections. Also, some surgeons offer a mini-facelift instead of a traditional face lift.
This is a lesser procedure that does not produce results as drastic as the traditional facelift but requires less downtime and a smaller price tag. Generally, facelifts typically cost between $10,000 and $20,000 depending on a variety of factors.
However, these are only rough estimates and will vary in different regions of the country. (Scott Chapin, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)

An Alternative To A Traditional Facelift Uses Shorter Incisions At The Temples, Continuing Around The Ear
The cost of a face lift varies because of several factors
- the definition of a face lift; a traditional face lift should include surgical maneuvers that improve the neck, jawline, mid-face and cheeks
- hospital costs, anesthesia costs and location of surgery.
In my experience, the range of a traditional face lift is between $10,000 – 20,000, all inclusive.
However, I believe that one should not select facial plastic surgery by price; one should take into account experience, safety, and longevity of the result as part of the “cost of surgery.(Louis P. Bucky, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)
I charge $8000 surgical fee for a traditional facelift. There would be an additional fee for the surgicenter and anesthesia which is about $2000. I do many mini-facelifts in my office which cost about $7000 total.(Jonathan Pontell, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The Difference Between Traditional And Non-surgical Facelift Procedures
You should run from anyone offering you a “traditional facelift”!
Having someone do a “Traditional Facelift” on you is like buying a Model T car. You will lose all the possible advances made during the past 15 years that make lifts more natural, durable, and safer.
Also, just like the car, the final cost is dependent on the options you will need. The options make the difference, and that is why the generic lifts like “Mini-Lifts, Weekend lifts, String lifts ” are seldom chosen by knowledgeable consumers.
See a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or several and only make up your mind r.e. cost when you understand what you are really buying. (Nathan Mayl, MD (retired), Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgeon)
Identifying the financial cost of a facelift procedure is a very common starting point when considering facial aesthetic rejuvenation. Of course, this is only one of many important questions you should consider to become an informed consumer before undergoing surgery.

Acelift Include Facial Injectables And Fillers
The average cost of a facelift reported by RealSelf users is just over $11,000, but you will find that quoted fees range dramatically from $5,000 to $50,000. The variables that impact a “traditional” facelift cost include; the scope of the facelift procedure, adjunctive procedures, type of surgical facility used, anesthesia, region of the country, and experience of the surgeon.
I recommend that you seek consultation with several board certified plastic surgeons(American Board of Plastic Surgery) to identify the specific procedure or procedures that may be appropriate for you. Following consultation, you should receive a cost quote that will include itemized detail of the surgeon’s fees for procedures discussed, facility fees, and anesthesia fees.
Finally, as has been often stated in this forum, please do not let finances be the driving force behind your decision making. You only have one face. The skill and reputation of your surgeon is important.
Take the time necessary to confirm that he/or she is reputable, performs the procedure frequently, safely, and with beautiful results.(Scott D. Holley, MD, FACS, Portage Plastic Surgeon)
As noted by other surgeons who have answered this question, the cost of a traditional facelift differs based on several variables associated with the procedure. I would suggest the best course of action to understanding all of the costs associated with a plastic surgery procedure is to schedule a consultation with a qualified board certified surgeon.(Ross A. Clevens, MD, Melbourne Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The Price of a Facelift: It’s Important to Understand all Cost Variables
The cost of a facelift varies significantly and is dependent upon a multitude of variables. It’s important to understand these variables and how they contribute to any fee quote that you may receive. For instance, does the fee quote include the surgeon’s fee, facility fee, and anesthesia charges, or just the surgeon’s fee? It’s also important to understand the surgeon’s revisional surgery policy.
In other words, if additional surgery is necessary, who pays for it? Another area of confusion is how the term ‘facelift’ is defined. Typically, the term ‘facelift’ refers to the correction of loose skin effecting the cheeks, neck, and jaw line.
Some fee quotes may also include elevation of the eyebrows (brow lift) and removal of excess upper and lower eyelid skin (Blepharoplasty). The large variety of facelift techniques with varying degrees of complexity further complicates this discussion.
Add to this the price variations based on the region of the country where the procedure is performed and the situation becomes even more confusing. In the Midwestern United States, where we practice the fees for a traditional facelift, with anesthesia and facility fees included, typically ranges between $6,000 and $10,000.
When performed in combination with brow lift and upper and lower Blepharoplasty, the fees typically range between $10,000 and $15,000. It’s very important that the patient has a thorough understanding of these issues. If you have questions, make sure you get them answered.
Most surgeons are happy to have these discussions.(Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)