Vampire Facelift. How Long Does It Last?
There have been many promotional programs about the advantages that a vampire facelift has vs traditional facelifts. However, for something that is so good, there must be some downsides to it. As we all know that nothing in this world is perfect.
To trade off being one of the most non invasive facelift surgeries, it will only last for anywhere between 9 to 12 month before the patients will need another set of reinforcement Selphyl injections in order to keep the shape up and firm. On the other hand, the effects of each injection can be prolonged if the patient keeps a healthy life style and takes care of his or her own skin properly. Having said that, the longest a vampire facelift can last is not going to be more than a year and a half even if the patient does takes good care of her face.

Dracula (vampire) Face Lift Before And After
Vampire facelift is being loved by many busy white collar professionals in their 30s and 40s. And most of them choose vampire facelift because of its zero healing time and free from any incisions like many traditional facelifts.
So if you are looking for something that is going to last for more than 3 years, vampire facelift is not something that you should go for. Try a mini facelift instead.
Is Vampire Facelift Better Than Traditional Facelift Surgery?
Vampire facelift is definitely better than traditional facelift surgeries. Being a non invasive cosmetic plastic surgery, vampire facelift make use of patients own blood mixed with selphyl to promote collagen growth underneath the skin and make patients face less saggy and wrinkles free.
On the other hand, traditional facelift surgery make use of men made liquid fillers that is totally alien to the human body to achieve similar results as vampire facelift.It not only exposes patients to many after surgery complications but also cause a lot of inconvenience due to the long healing time (usually 7 to 10 weeks).

Image Of Vampire Facelift
The great thing about vampire facelift is that the procedure only involves needle injections to the desired areas of patients face and require virtually no healing time and also reduce possible side effects to minimum.
Hence I strongly recommend people who are considering going for a cosmetic facelift surgery to give vampire facelift a try!
Can I go to Work Immediately After Vampire Facelift?
Isnt that a good news to all of you out there? Vampire facelift is a non invasive cosmetic surgery which operate by injection only and leaves no scare on a patients face.Moreover the whole vampire facelift procedure usually takes about 30 to 40 min and patients can go home or go to work immediately after the operation.
The patients will usually feel the immediate effects of vampire facelift after its done and during the next few weeks the collagen will start to grow and generate more and more healthy cells underneath the skin. That is when the patients will experience the optimum results of the vampire facelift.
As vampire facelift procedure involves injecting a mixture of patients blood mixed with a selphyl liquid back to the patients own body, hence the possibility of having side effects and allergy after the operation are greatly reduced.
The main aim for vampire facelift is to promote collagen growth underneath the patients skin which means it is a more active approach towards cosmetic surgery vs. the traditional facelift procedures.