Vampire Facelift Pros And Cons
For a long time, the autogemotherapy technique is quite successfully used, which consists in introducing its venous blood under the patient’s skin. This method stimulates local immunity, creates conditions for successful treatment, which is due to the activation of the internal forces of the human body.
What are the pros and cons of Vampire Facelift, like facial skin care procedures, and we’ll look at our article.
Principle of the method
This autogamimulation technique has found its effective continuation in an even more effective and safe regeneration method, called Vampire Facelift and patented in 2004. For injection, a plasma is applied to the patient’s skin instead of venous blood, which contains a large number of platelets.
The essence of vampire facelift, is the deep introduction of specially treated plasma into the dermis layer, according to the technique of mesotherapy (injection of biologically active substances into the body).

Injecting A Mixture Of Blood Products
The procedure takes place in several stages:
1. Blood sampling from the patient. The required amount depends on the complexity of the problem, because from the number of injections that need to be done. It usually takes from 20 to 100 ml. The resulting blood is poured into specially prepared test tubes and sent to a centrifuge. It should be understood that not all blood is useful for carrying out the procedure of vampire facelift.
2. When the blood rotates in a centrifuge, the blood is divided into 3 components: plasma (blood that is rich in platelets); poor blood and red blood cells. We need a plasma, since platelets are a biological accelerator for the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, which are very important components for the skin condition. With their help, the skin of the face becomes more youthful and elastic.

PRP Procedure Photo
3. Plasma is withdrawn from the total blood, filled into a syringe and using a needle that is designed to perform various cosmetic procedures (including face mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid), is administered in the problem areas of the skin.
Important: when introducing plasma, strictly follow the direction – only taking into account the line of natural stretch marks of the skin.
Safety procedures
Vampire Facelift is a modern injectable method of treating acne, post-acne, which excludes surgical intervention, has a high level of safety and efficacy. The safety of the procedure is due to the fact that the plasma that is used for the procedure is part of the patient’s blood, so there are no foreign components in it, it can not cause side effects, and, therefore, is not rejected by the body.
As a result of subcutaneous injection of plasma, there is a normalization of oxygen supply of tissues, regulation of water balance, activation of collagen production with elastin and intercellular substance. All this activates the skin’s protective system, helps to quickly repair damaged and deformed tissues, and also to their healing.
Indications for use
The use of helps vampire facelift to cope with a large number of cosmetic defects and improve the results of the treatment:
- Acne and postacne;
- elimination of small and facial wrinkles;
- lift facial contours for a total reduction of skin tone;
- rosacea on the face;
- restoration of the skin after a deep peeling (chemical or laser);
- presence of scars and scarring on the face;
- elimination of hyperpigmentation on the face.
The procedure solves the problems of loss of the face oval, improves the skin turgor. After its carrying out signs of photoaging disappear, the skin becomes more young and fresh. Pigmentation after pregnancy is also removed, especially if a woman decides to have a child over the age of 40.
In addition to the numerous positive aspects of Vampire Facelift, there are certain contraindications:

Vampire Beauty
- breast-feeding;
- menstrual cycle, pregnancy, lactation;
- Immune, chronic and infectious diseases;
- blood disorders or blood formation;
- the presence of allergies to components that are added to the blood for its centrifuge separation;
- use of antibiotics less than 2 days before the procedure;
- hepatitis;
- oncological diseases;
- mental disorders.
Techniques for conducting
The specialist, after calculating the problem areas, conducts a subcutaneous injection of plasma. On 2 cm of the skin surface, one injection with the required amount of the drug (approximately 0.5 ml) should be used. After Vampire Facelift, in places of injections, small hematomas can arise, do not worry, they will disappear in 2-3 days. Recovery procedures after Vampire Facelift are not needed.
Pros and Cons of Vampire Facelift
Let’s list first the main advantages from the plasmotherapy:
- Efficacy – smoothing the tone and rejuvenating the facial skin;

Vampire Extreme Facelift Before And After
- application of natural skin regeneration processes, using the patient’s own plasma;
- strengthening immunity and restoring cellular respiration;
- stimulation of metabolic processes in the body;
- slowing of aging;
- increased stem cell growth;
- hypoallergenic procedure;
- a good duration of the effect of the procedure, it is sufficient to do 1 time per year.
Now let’s list the disadvantages of the procedure:
- a high probability of a painful procedure at any stage of the procedure;
- intervention in the body (invasive);
- high price of the procedure;
- the result will not be visible immediately, it will take 1-2 weeks to wait;
- the possibility of awakening the sleeping in the human body infections;
- the possibility of infection with blood sampling.
As you can see, the positive aspects of the procedure outweigh the possible negative aspects from its conduct.

Vampire Face-Lift To Smooth Out Wrinkles
The harm of Vampire Facelift
Vampire Facelift is often referred to as a “miraculous” procedure, but many patients are thinking: is everything as good as they represent? Can a rejuvenating technique harm the body?
As we have already said, Vampire Facelift implies the use of the liquid part of the patient’s blood. The risk of blood poisoning during the procedure is minimal.
By the way, PRP is nothing but an improved, all-known auto-therapy – a treatment in which the patient’s venous blood is injected intramuscularly.
Since the new technique of Vampire Facelift stimulates the work of stem cells, some patients are alarmed: operations with stem cells have not yet been thoroughly studied, and there is no reliable information on how the stem cells behave after interfering with their activity. Some scientists even show some involvement of such cells in the formation and development of malignant neoplasms in the body.

Vampire Facelift Image
Therefore, there is reason to believe that the harm of vampire facelift has a chance to arise in patients predisposed to oncological pathologies, or already having such pathology. Here the situation is natural: if the patient suffers from oncology, the stimulation of stem cell growth may well provoke an increased growth of the neoplasm.
For this reason, those patients who have a hereditary or other predisposition to malignant diseases should pay special attention to the examination before PRP.
Meanwhile, this technique also brings huge benefits: it’s a 100% opportunity to tidy up and update the skin and scalp, which is achieved by the very stimulation of stem cells.
Vampire Facelift or biorevitalization: what to choose?
Before choosing one of the procedures, you should determine the problem that is bothering you.
Biorevitalization is an effective method of rejuvenation. As a result of the procedure, collagen fibers are stimulated, which is responsible for the trumpet, the face becomes more tightened, the skin acquires enlarged pores on the face, the wrinkles, scars, post acne become less noticeable.
If correction of the water-fat balance is necessary, reducing the inflammation on the face without affecting the contours, it is better to choose the procedure of vampire facelift.
What is the recovery period after vampire facelift?
There is no recovery period after the procedure. It is necessary only during the week to protect the skin of the face from UV radiation and water, not to visit the bath, sauna, swimming pool, solarium. Also, massage and beauty treatments for face care are not recommended.
How many procedures are needed?
The number of injections depends on the individual characteristics and type of facial skin. The doctor will evaluate the quality of your skin before the vampire facelift after examination and on the basis of the result of the tests. Most likely, that at your age it will be necessary to make 2-3 procedures.