Vampire Facelift Side Effects
Vampire facelift is a new form of face rejuvenation which seeks to tighten skin and soften wrinkles and skin tones for the patient. Using PRP techniques, doctors are able to fill in the lines and wrinkles on the face of the patients using their own blood, which explains the name Vampire facelift.
In effect, it is not too different from existing facelift techniques such as Juvederm and Restylane. All these non surgical facial rejuvenation treatments are temporary, similar to popular injections such as Botox and the newly approved Xeomin injections.
Vampire face lift is from the the same company that uses blood techniques for cosmetic surgery purpose. The company’s name is called Selphyl which uses the patients own blood to fill in the gaps for a patient’s face.

A Natural Way Of Improving Wrinkles
In other wordss vampire facelift is just a twist on the liquid fillers that have coming to the market at a much faster rate due to advances in technology as well as increase in the consumer’s demand for painfree facial rejuvenation procedures.
The effect of vampire facelift is quite immediate as you see an difference with a slight decrease initially in the next four days or so.
However, the effects will only last for a period between six months to one years so don’t expect the results to be permanent.
Side effects of Vampire facelift
One of the worrying things about new facial rejuvenation techniques is the side effects that might result. It is best to always consult an experience doctor before committing to such a new procedure. If you need to see immediate results, you can always go for juvedern or restylane injections, which have proven to work well.There are side effects to any form of facial cosmetic surgery and vampire facelift is no different. It is important that as consumers, we are aware of what these implications are so that we can carefully assess the risk of the treatment that we are considering.
Given that vampire face lift is so new, there might be some longer term side effects which are not visible at the moment.
Having said that, below are some of the common side effects dealing with any sorts of facial filler injections:
- mild irritation: depends on how sensitive your skin is. This is something that a good doctor will be able to advice on.
edema: this is swelling that is caused by fluids in your body. In this case, the selyphl compound injected into your body might cause certain swelling but this should be minimally as a significant part of the compound is made of the fibrin and platelets that are drawn from your own blood samples.
bruising: this is caused by the reaction of your skin to the physical injection. Again, this should not be a major side effect for vampire facelift.
itching: see above for mild irritation.
The good thing about vampire facelift is that it avoids one of the major side effect of facial filler, which is allergic reactions to animal or synthetic components. As mentioned above, due to the fact that the mixture of the selphyl compound is mostly from the patients blood samples, it reduces the probability of such allergy related side effects.
In fact, this benefit is one of the reason for vampire face-lift is so popular right now.Unfortunately, this treatment is not available in all US states. It is mostly gaining popularity in los angeles areas but if you want to know whether vampire facelift is in your city, simply use google search terms such asvampire facelift miami if you are living in miami etc.
The cost of this new facelift treatment is similar to other non surgical facial lift injections would cost, which is around the range of a few hundred dollars, depending on how many injections do you need.
Another factor that affects the average cost of vampire facelift that you are going to pay is the amount of work that needs to be performed. If you are undergoing just a jowel or lower face facelift rather the entire face, then expect the cost to be much cheaper.
Currently, this new procedure is quite new so it is not available in all the cities in the US. One of the places you can get this new treatment is at vampire facelift san diego. Dr Maurice Sherman at the Del Mar Cosmetic Medical Center is offering this new treatment since october 2010. Other cites might be available but you need to search for it. Here is a search trick that you can use when you are search for clinics in your city that offer vampire facelift.
In the next article, we will gather some real vampire facelift reviews from patients who have been through the entire procedure and have stories to share. Expect some vampire facelift before and after photos as well.