What Age To Get A Facelift?
There is really no specific age for facial surgery. The younger the patient however, the better the elasticity of the skin, which may promote a longer lasting result. It really comes down to when you are ready to begin facial rejuvenation.
This might be nonsurgical fillers and lasers, minilifts of the neck or cheeks, or a facelift to improve the neck, cheeks, eyes and forehead. Your board certified plastic surgeon is the best to consult with in choosing the right procedure for you.
The damage to the skin, genetics, and lifestyle(ie smoking) all play important roles in choosing the type of facelift. So a minimally invasive facelift in a 40yo is very different than a more aggressive approach to sundamaged skin in a 70 yo patient. (Andrew Turk, MD, Naples Plastic Surgeon)

Age For Lower Face Lift
Age for first facelift
The age to start any type of facial rejuvenation is very personal. It really depends on how you feel about your appearance, what you are willing to undergo, and what you can afford. Perhaps a non-surgical solution is all you need.
I recommend that you consult with a plastic surgeon who offers surgical and non-surgical treatments so you can have a wide range of options presented to you. (Bruce E. Genter, MD, FACS, Abington Plastic Surgeon)
The best age for a facelift
The key to great cosmetic surgery is helping individuals look good at any age. Aging is determined by stress, environment, sun exposure, and genetics. Each of us will follow our own aging curve which will accelerate over time.
Facelift can flatten the aging curve and allow individuals to look well, healthy and vital for longer periods of time. It is true today that patients seek facelift as early as age 45, especially for mini or short scar facelifts to stay looking their best and avoid ‘transitions’ in their daily appearance.

Face Lift Age 45 Photo
Perfect age for a facelift
There is no perfect age for a facelift. Most of my patients are electing to have a mini-lift of the cheek only in their 40’s. This is done with a SMAS plication and lasts a good five years.
A mini-lift every five years is actually a good way to refresh the face without looking overdone. This also depends on your individual genetic make-up and your personal health habits such as smoking and sun(UV) exposure.
When you need a full facelift your aging has advanced and a lot of the work is actually in the neck. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Signs Of Ageing
There are no set rules. Usually, the younger the patient, the more the elasticity of the skin and soft tissue leading to longer lasting results.
I have done Facelift on a 36 year old female with massive weight loss and the oldest patient was 76 who had a previous Facelift done.
Facelift is an art and depending on the indications, you could have a good result. Make sure you are evaluated by an experienced surgeon. (Ali Sajjadian, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
The average age my vary with the community.
Here in Los Angeles, there is a great deal of pressure to stay relevant and visible. In my practice the average age is about 46 with some significant variation around this average. Generally in my practice, facelifts are recommended when there is a visible neck cord that can’t be improved with BOTOX.
Facelift when aging starts to show IF you feel you are ready
As long as the early signs of aging (gravitational descent in the cheeks, jowl formation along the jawline, and laxity in the neck) have begun to appear, and as long as your doctor can show you in a mirror changes that you think are nice, and as long as you want to stay ahead of the aging curve – you are ready for a facelift.

What Age To Get A Facelift Photo
Facelifts are highly surgeon dependent. Techniques vary widely from doctor to doctor as do artistic styles. In our practice newscasters and ladies who want to look their absolute best get their facelift typically in their 40’s.
Their work must be virtually undetectable. These are not typical facelifts nor typical minilifts which do not address volume changes. The results are subtle by necessity. Normally when signs of aging in the face, neck and jawline are present, it is technically time for a lift.
Whether it is psychlogically time, and whether the patient feels ready is a question only the patient can decide. (Brent Moelleken, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Age That Will Be Best For Long-lasting Results
What is the best age to perform a facelift?
This clearly depends on the anatomy of the individual patient. Some could benefit from a lift in their mid forties and others are extremely lucky and not require any intervention until much later. Provided you are healthy and have no major chronic diseases, 60 is still young and could be a safe time to undergo a facelift.
Normally, your primary care physician would help to evaluate your safety to undergo a surgery.
While this may not prevent problems from occurring, the vast majority of plastic surgeons would prefer their patients to be seen by their primary MD prior to a major operation As for the optimal time for a first facelift, it seems that the younger one is, the more likely your chances to improve your appearance would become.

Ideal Image Facelift
There is not a particular age that is best as we all age at different rates and we all age in different ways. In my opinion, I would rather operate on someone who doesn’t have a huge degree of aging as opposed to someone who has massive facial laxity. (Jonathan Pontell, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon)
This is a very individualized decision. Some people age more quickly than others. At the same time for some people this is more important at different times in their life. I recommend seeing a surgeon who does a lot of lifts.

The Signs Of Ageing Starting
So this is a tough one – every face ages at a different pace and there are many variables for this including skin thickness, facial structure, smoking, sun exposure, etc.
But, all said, most people begin to discuss options for facial rejuvenation in their 50s.
Once fillers and volume enhancements are no longer satisfactory, for loose skin and jowls in the face and neck facelifting will always be the best answer for most patients. (Kapil Saigal, MD, FACS, Winter Park Facial Plastic Surgeon)
What is the right age for a facelift?
The right age to undergo a facelift procedure varies from patient to patient. Genetics, lifestyle, health status, and skeletal support all influence age related changes in our face. On average, most patients are in their 50s-60s but some women in their late 40s with noticeable jowling and skin laxity are candidates for the procedure.
Therefore, it is important to have discussion with your surgeon in order to identify the goals of treatment and appropriate options. (Jacob Boeckmann, MD, San Clemente Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Timing is Everything!
It is better to start battling the aging process before significant changes are seen. For that reason I recommend Botox and fillers to my patients in their 30’s and early 40’s.

Facelift Surgery Age
Be sure to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Robert M. Tornambe, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Plastic surgery is customized to the individual patient and their needs. For some, plastic surgery can be good maintenance. Some patients come in in their early 40’s for a facelift and some patients don’t see the need until later in life.
Everyone ages differently and skin elasticity varies from person to person. If you are not a candidate right now for a face lift there are other options like liposuction of the neck, and fat transfer to the face to help give your face a rejuvenated appearance. (Brett E. Stompro, MD, Bay Area Plastic Surgeon)

It Is Difficult To Pinpoint A Best Age For Having A Facelift
Best Age for a Facelift
Obviously each patient is different both in terms of the severity and timeline for the facial aging process to take effect. Over the last twenty years, the average age of facelift patients has increased from around 50 to around 60.
This is a result of alternative options for facial rejuvenation including Botox, fillers, fat transfer to the face, facial volumizers; Sculptra, Voluma, non-invasive treatments, etc.. The result of this increase in options is that patients are choosing these options earlier and waiting till later to pursue facelift procedures.
Consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to determine when is the best time for you. (Robert J .Paresi Jr., MD, MPH, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Remember that every person ages differently. A facelift doesn’t prevent aging, it only “sets the clock back.” Most full facelifts should set that clock back around 8-10 years. Some patients have typically facial aging problems much earlier than others (for example, a 50-year-old may have developed jowls and deep nasolabial folds).

Specific AGE Range Might Be Best For You
Interestingly enough, there was a recent article/study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery which suggested that the sooner that one had their facelift the longer the result would last.
Punch line – the youngest facelift patient I have ever treated was 32 years old and the oldest was 81. Truthfully the specific number is less important than your particular concerns and aesthetic issues. it ism never too soon or late to visit your board certified plastic surgeon! (Christopher J. Davidson, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Although there is not an ideal age for facial rejuvenation surgery such as a facelift, I do recommend that patients consider a surgical solution at an earlier age if problems such as wrinkles, jowling, and laxity along the jawline and neck have progressed beyond mild levels.

The Perfect Age For Getting A Rhytidectomy
Ultimately it is for you to decide if you are ready to have surgery once you are educated about your options. (Steven M. Daines, MD, Newport Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The best age for the first facelift is not a number ,but simp,y when you feel that you have issues that need to be addressed. These days ,patients are starting at a younger age which benefits them long-term.
The best age is when you want to do it whether it’s 40,50,60,70,80 or whatever . I highly recommend a consultation with a Board certified plastic surgeon. (Michael H. Wojtanowski, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)

WHEN You Might Get A BETTER Result From A Face Lift
When your appearance does not match your chronological age, you seek options & cosmetic surgery has quite a few to offer at every stage of life. Irrespective of age, structural change requires surgery. Facial cosmetic surgery is always customised.
Therefore one might opt for surgical facial rejuvenation in their 40’s, 50’s or 60’s. (Sameer Karkhanis, MS, DNB, India Plastic Surgeon)
Facial aging changes start to become noticeable in the late 30’s for most people.
In the process of aging the skin folds and loss of facial volume cause deep furrows and facial lines. By the age of 55 -60 years they are permanent changes already, that are difficult to correct with a facelift alone.

Face Lift At Age 60
Besides, younger patients normally have better skin elasticity, which may promote a longer lasting result.
They are more healthy than people over 60, and recover more easily. (Ercan Karacaoglu, MD, Turkey Plastic Surgeon)
Because each person ages at a different rate, it is difficult to give a proper estimate as to when is the “best” age to get a facelift. Rather, the indications for a facelift include noticeable skin elasticity and facial sagging, loss of sharp jaw line and saggy neck.
In my experience, patients between the ages of 40-60 are the most common candidates for an initial facelift surgery, but, of course, there are always exceptions to this rule. As long as there is sufficient need for skin rejuvenation, a facelift may be a viable solution. (Julian De Silva, MD, London Oculoplastic Surgeon)