What Is A Microcurrent Facelift?
Facial microcurrent has been marketed as a facelift but is certainly not a facelift. Most ethical knowledgeable plastic surgeons would feel that marketing this as a facelift is false and deceptive.
While there is some data that microcurrent may assist healing of bone and soft tissue, there are no valid scientific studies showing the efficacy of this treatment on facial tissue tightening or skin rejuvenation.
There is no reason that it should interfere with prior Juvederm injections. (Robert Singer, MD, La Jolla Plastic Surgeon)
A facelift is a surgical procedure that involves lifting the skin of the face (cheek) and neck and pulling it backward and upward around the ear and then excising the excess skin. NOTHING other than a facelift can do this.

An Effective Tool Against The Signs Of Skin Aging
There is a place for all of these therapies, one just needs to have a realistic expectation on what the final results will be. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Facial microcurrent is not a facelift
Facial microcurrent is not even close to the results obtained with a surgical facelift. If you want a temporary (maybe a day or two) of a minor lift/skin tightening then you can do a microcurrent facial BUT if you want lasting and more dramatic results then you need to see a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who performs a lot of facelifts.
If you decide on fillers and microcurrent, then I would do the microcurrent first, then fillers a few days or weeks later. (Milind K. Ambe, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

How Does Microcurrent Work
Unfortunately, there has not been any comparative studies with regard to facial microcurrent in comparison to facelifts.
I have had a number of patients who have felt their results were “ok” with microcurrent, but they ultimately chose to have a gold standard procedure for facial rejuvenation (facelift). (James M. Ridgway, MD, FACS, Bellevue Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Although facial microcurrent treatments may sound appealing, device manufacturers have yet to develop a non-surgical procedure that can compete with surgical facelift.
That’s because only facelift surgery allows a plastic surgeon to physically reposition the muscles and other underlying tissues for a deep, thorough result.

Improve Muscle Tone In The Face And Neck
If you’re considering a non-surgical treatment to rejuvenate your face, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon and choose an option that’s been approved by the FDA. (Shim Ching, MD, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)
At present, there is no non-surgical equivalent to facelift surgery, although skin tightening treatments such as microcurrent facelift can yield some results for people with more mild facial aging.
Be sure to do your research before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, and be wary of a procedure or product that claims to offer facelift-quality results without surgery.
Instead, choose a treatment that’s been thoroughly researched, and be sure to undergo it at the office of an experienced plastic surgeon or dermatologist. (Howard Silverman, MD, FRCSC, Ottawa Plastic Surgeon)

Microcurrent Facial Therapy Before And After Photo
It is really more designed to rejuvenate the skin itself. Although there are no studies regarding Juvederm injections and microcurrent facelifts,there should not be any clinically significant interaction between these treatments. (Mark Hamilton, MD, Indianapolis Facial Plastic Surgeon)
A facelift involves re-positioning deep structures of the face, readjusting muscles, and re-draping of skin.
Micro current facial does not re-position anything. A facelift rejuvenates the neck, decreases the jowl, elevates the cheek, and tightens the skin of the face and neck.
Micro current facial is an applied electrical current to the face. A micro current facial may provide a treatment for those who don’t need the rejuvenating effect of a facelift. (Stephan Finical, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Microcurrent Is A Safe And Effective Technology
Micro current facials are short lived
Micro current facials involve the application of electrical current to the face that can stimulate the muscles to contract and does result in some tightening of the muscles and swelling. The tightening that is experienced, however is very temporary and does not offer a long term solution.
Face lifting or facial rejuvenation procedures can be very long lasting and highly effective when performed with expert hands. You can expect a face lift to last often between 10-13 years with very natural results.
Facial mico-recurrent involves placing electrodes in the skin and passing a low voltage current through the skin in an attempt to rejuvenate the skin itself. Further studies are needed to validate results consistent with a face lift.
The face/necklift procedure involves tightening excess facial and neck skin, loose neck and facial muscles, and removal of neck fat. It is acceptable to have a microcurrent procedure at any time after your filler injections. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Microcurrent can help provide a very mild tightening effect that last 3-6 weeks. It does not change the appearance of sagging skin nor does it help restore volume loss.
A facelift repositions tissue to where it was in youth and then it stays there until the person in the mirror you see today returns in 7-10 years depending on the patient skin type, weight, ethnicity, etc.

Microcurrent Results Can Be Dramatic
Juvederm can be performed before or after a microcurrent therapy. (Mike Majmundar, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The principle of a microcurrent is to stimulate the face for tightening the collagen stuctures with cell stimulation. This procedure has not been studied with peer review that I would support. In my past, there have always been non surgical alternatives to facelift surgery.
None of these have been demonstrated to benefit the patient on a long term basis. Fillers do work, and ask your surgeon when you can have them injected. (Thomas A. Narsete, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)

Microcurrent Sends Soft, Gentle Waves Through The Skin, Tissues And Down To The Facial Muscles
Recently it has been applied to loose saggy skin in hopes of tightening that skin. Unfortunately, most of the available scientific data is related to wound healing and not facial aging.
The procedure is not comparable to a facelift. Microcurrent procedures appear to work by causing collagen fibers to contract. This results in minimal changes in skin tightness. Facelift procedures actually remove excess skin and are associated with dramatic results.
There is no data to suggest that microcurrent treatments affect juvederm injections. If your considering microcurrent treatments and juvederm injections it might be reasonable to perform the juvederm injections after the microcurrent treatments have been completed.
If you have significant facial aging and are considering treatment, a facelift is probably your best option. Before you proceed with any type of facial rejuvenation procedure, make sure you consult a board certified plastic surgeon. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Microcurrent Therapy For Wrinkles Before And After
A Face Lift tightens the SMAS muscle layer, eliminates and shapes excess facial fat and finally trims and removes excess skin. The newer, less invasive versions like our “Celebrity Face Lift” use small incisions with a rapid recovery and downtime.
At the end of the day, I do not see these two things as mutually exclusive. Yes, a Face Lift does more but it costs much more and is a surgery. The microcurrent, or similar devices using sound waves are easy, quick and effective at temporarilly tightening loose skin without surgery. (Francis R. Palmer, III, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Microcurrent To Maintain A Healthier, Younger Looking Appearance.
A Plastic Surgeon can assess your need for the proper procedure that would best treat your face.
It may be a facelift and/or necklift with fat grafting to areas of low volume. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Micro-Current Facelift – When to Do It?
Or should you do it at all? I am not a micro-current expert but I doubt that you will find experienced facelift surgeons offering this treatment. And most likely, you will not find conclusive scientific studies about micro-current “facelifts”.

Microcurrent Treatments Are Often Referred To As The 5 Minute Facial-lift
Facial microcurrent has never in a controlled study been shown to reverse the effects of aging. The reason that ones face gets an aged appearance as a person gets older, is due to many factors.
These include genetic predisposition, sun exposure and cigarette smoking to name a few. As one ages the bony skeleton of the face changes, as does the facial volume secondary to decrease in fat volume. The fascia and supporting connective tissue loses some of its elasticity, so exposing the skin to microcurrents would not be expected to reverse any of these issues.

Reduce And Eliminate Fine Lines And Wrinkles
Microcurent not a substitute for facelifting
Remember facial exercises! This anti aging technique was popularized to help maintain youth. The problem was that since the muscles of facial expression insert into the skin, every time the muscles got a work out, the skin creased and eventually developed a wrinkle.
The newer version of trying to maintain muscle tone is to deliver micro current.. The procedure will probably have no effect on the filler. If a person has medical problems that keep them from having a surgical procedure, this technique may be an limited option, as long as they have realistic expectations. (Brian Maloney, MD, FACS, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Don’t expect much from a “Microcurrent” faceliftPeepsey13, I do not believe that there are any studies looking at the time between a “Microcurrent” facelift and a the injection of Juvederm.
However, I would suggest at least 2 weeks to allow the swelling from the injections to settle if they are applying the “Microcurrent” in the same areas that were injected.
Also, don’t expect much from the “Microcurrent” facelift. If you are in need of a facelift, then that is what you should have. In researching this technology, the best I can find is that it says it “preserves youthful appearance.” However, I do not see anything convincing me that it would have an appreciable effect similar to a traditional facelift.
(David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)